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In case of bed sheets mostly women ,wife If at all men did do shopping they came with specifications ,one husband called her wife. In case of towels men would prefer choosing their specific color In case of computers men usually came with their peers,friends ,relatives,family. Mens choice was influential in decision making.

IN case of bed sheets at Crawford market the purpose was clearly personal as the bed sheets were at reasonable prices. At big bazaar the purpose was for gifts Even at Crawford market towel sets were made into gift sets. In case of computers the purpose was mainly personal for office purpose or desktop at home or ultrabook laptop. IN Computers the purpose was also to gain information.

The shopping for pillow covers was impulsive At crawford market the amount of time in coming to decision suggested that the shopping was planned but at big bazaar the purchase was definitely impulsive. Customers with specifications had a planned shopping objecive In computers the purchase was mostly planned though we did come to some exceptions where the purchase was made after some thinking .This was the instance when customer had pre decided that he would buy the computer./laptop. Towels for men was impulsive as they purchased a few other things too.

In pillow covers there were no identifiable brands as such works by local artisans purchased. In towels various brands like Bombay dyeing, maishaa were being purchased or evn Chinese manufactured towels were purchased. Very few brands in towels In bed sheets Bombay dyeing ,portico greens, maspaa, maishaa, home essentials ,ddecor etc. Customers scanned through various brands ,designs, price ranges before coming to decision. IN computers though the brand specifications were clear,people wanted dell or Samsung and they even made a purchase for the same.

In towels its water soaking capacity, design, touch and feel, design and color, and most important is it perfect fit to waist. One gentlemen actually tried a towel by tying it around his waist. In pillow covers the matching design to their furniture, the feel, the design, the color pattern, the work done ,the fluffiness o the pillow was carefully looked . In bed sheets most women would want to open the bed sheet see the whole design ,and the print,touch and feel of the material, also its stain resisting ,strength ,should not fade ,fabric must have fast color, size of the bedsheet ,cartoon bed sheet like chota bheem. In computer it varied from the type of processor ,to ssd i.e. cache memory ,Is IT A 4 GB RAM,does ti have a graphic card inbuilt,size o the screen ,feel of the mouse drag on laptop,is the mouse wireless or wired , lustre of the surface, the audio player, the warranty and after service and are they extendable, the weight of the laptop, the expandable memory .

In case of impulsive purchase no consultation was done if the product features matched specification then it was purchased. At big bazaar one lady came to a quick purchase decision of 5 bed sheets of different brands. First the design specification and color specification should match ,then the customer called or more variety so that can get a range in prices. Various brand prices like bombay dyeing were exaggerated. One male called up his wife regarding the purchase, In case of pillow covers to the purchase decision was not thought over ,since the customer got the product at low ranges and hence more and more designs were scanned by the customer itself and more were purchased. In case of towels too the purchase decision was quick if the customer felt satisfied. In case of computers the consultation was a routine .Consulting with peers, or calling up someone may be an expert advice, calling sales person again and again, family decision ,listening to every members point of view. Customers weighed the brands not only on prices but various features like graphic, audio, RAM ,cache memory etc. Even before settling with a brand the customers were fickle minded. Also some customers made a mental decision then if they wished to negotiate price they talked with the manger if manager did not budge would go to computers with cheaper price tags purposely.

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towels about 5-10 minutes . pillow covers 3-4 minutes. bed sheets 15-25 minutes computers/laptops 20-35 minutes

IN pillow covers the sales agent allowed the customer to themselves see the variety which would facilitate more sales. In bed sheets the sales person had to be efficient. In Crawford market one man was costantly displaying varieties, though with towels it was not strenuous. In computers/ laptops efficient sales staff was able to covert sales into purchases . Using technical jargon, asking the customer specification, using knowledge ,ability ,skills, manipulation, being customer friendly, ensuring the customer that he is making right choice ,luring the customer to buy high priced products.

Appearance of the shopper? Usually formal in males, females into traditional clothes or salwar kammeez How did they arrive? At Crawford market by taxi and if car then dropped the customer and went as no parking. At big bazaar by cars. Mode of payment? Cash for pillows, towels, bed sheets. Cheques for computers ,down payment, and instalments too. Credit cards very rare.

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