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208 Report Analysis

Company Confidential
1 2005 Nokia V1-Filename.ppt / yyyy-mm-dd / Initials

Case1: Jumper from TRX 4 to combiner loose (check connectors at both ends)

Case2: Jumper from Duplexer to TRX 4

(check connectors at both ends)

Case3: Check common feederline from Top of cabinet to Antenna port ( loose
connectors at either end or High VSWR problem, TRX 2&4 in this case use the same feeder)
In this case, the Path imbalance (DL-UL) varies between +1.6 to -4dB which doesnt tell much BUT DL pathloss variations between TRXs is from 112.8 to 136dB & UL pathloss variations between TRXs is from 111.2 to 140dB

Company Confidential
2 2005 Nokia V1-Filename.ppt / yyyy-mm-dd / Initials


Use OSS Data to identify & pinpoint HW faults faster

Sector A
80.00 70.00 60.00 50.00 40.00 30.00 20.00 10.00 0.00 >70dBm 70-80dBm 80-90 90-100dBm <100dBm Downlink Signal Stre ngth TRX3 TRX4 TRX5 TRX6

Path Balance Reports help understand any imbalance between UL and DL Whereas Eg.Pathloss comparisons between TRXs of same sector can help identify loose cables or hardware faults, taking other TRXs as reference case

Eg. In Sector A:TRX 3 &4 have only 20% of DL SS samples <100dBm whereas TRX 5 & 6 have 70% of their DL SS samples <-100dBm. Prob:1 Combiner Faulty

Sector B
120.00 100.00 80.00 TRX3 60.00 40.00 20.00 0.00 >70dBm 70-80dBm 80-90 90-100dBm <100dBm Uplink Signal Stre ngth TRX4 TRX5

In Sector B TRX 5 clearly had a difference in signal strength only in Uplink. Prob: Rx cable found to be loose

The same faults can also be seen using Rxlevel statistics from OSS shown in this slide, but 208 is faster for analysis!

Company Confidential
3 2005 Nokia V1-Filename.ppt / yyyy-mm-dd / Initials

How to identify the worst cells in your network?

Import DL & UL pathlosses for all TRXs of all cells into separate columns Use a pivot table to get Min and Max values of dL and Ul pathlosses in a cell Identify all cells with DL TRX pathloss variatons >10dB(for a NW with huge TI quality issues , sstart with 15dB) The same can be done for UL also A combined analyses for DL& UL with >10dB diff gave a list of 58 cells for UP(West) attached below. Go back to 208 report for detailed analysis

Company Confidential
4 2005 Nokia V1-Filename.ppt / yyyy-mm-dd / Initials

Alarms need to be checked at the time of integration 1. 7745-Channel failure rate above defined threshold 2. 7743- Mean holding time below defined threshold 3. 7607,7604- Trx operation degraded, BTS operation degraded-RSSI detected RX signal difference exceeding threshold 4. Min threshold value for VSWR setting at the time of commissioning should be 1.5 and it should be checked for entire band ( for UL and DL both) 5. 7738- BTS with no transaction. 6. 7616-DAC value shifting or clock unit may be faulty,oven oscillator adjustment function interrupted 7601- Difference b/w PCM and base station frequency reference. 7. At the time BTS commissioning check the RSSI value Trx antenna port-1 and antenna port-2, value must be within the range of -90 to -97max. 8. 7607,7604- 2nd branch LNA in dual variable gain duplex unit is faulty. Or no connection to dual variable gain duplex unit means duplexer faulty or problem in connection.

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5 2005 Nokia V1-Filename.ppt / yyyy-mm-dd / Initials

Company Confidential
6 2005 Nokia V1-Filename.ppt / yyyy-mm-dd / Initials

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