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Integrated Introspective Reflective contextualized Experiential Collaborative Cooperative

A teaching strategy that is in keeping with the principle that is learning is an active process. No one can learn for you. You can learn only for yourself. - for maximum and optimum learning, the student must, therefore, be actively engaged in the learning activity. He/she himself/herself, must do, go through, and experience directly the learning activity to make the learning truly experimental.

Modes of Interaction
- the use of cooperative and collaborative learning gives your students opportunity to interact with one another. The most important resource for learning is the student himself/herself.

by your skillful questioning and reacting techniques, as you were taught in your first coarse of Principles of Teaching, you will be able stimulate your students to ask questions and respond to your questions. It goes without saying, that your personality is a big factor in making student-teacher interaction happen.

- your students can also react to your instructional materials. - These instructional materials are described more and make yourself presentable, attractive all the time and to get your students attention.


for the student also means interacting with himself/herself. Every person is a reservoir of experiences.

the word integrative comes from the word integer which means to make a whole.

includes all learners with multiple intelligences and varied learning styles.

Intelligence Verbal linguistic Logical-mathematical Spatial Bodily-kinesthetic Musical Interpersonal Intrapersonal Naturalist

Examples of Classroom Activities

Examples from my Classroom

Intelligence Mastery Exercise-practice

Examples of Classroom activities Direct instruction Drill and repetition Demonstration Competitions Team games, learning circles, role playing, group investigation, peer tutoring, personal sharing Inquiry, concept formation, debate, problem solving, independent study, essays, logic problems Divergent thinking, metaphors, creative art act., imagining, openended discussion, imagery

Examples from my Classroom

Interpersonal Exercisepersonalize Understanding Explain-prove

Self-expressive Explain-produce


Research for Education and Learning (McREL)- analyzed more than one hundred studies of instructional strategies, spanning thirty (30) years. Through its meta-analysis, McREL researchers identified nine categories of instructional strategies that proved to be exceptionally in increasing student performance.

Setting objectives and providing feedback Nonlinguistic representations Cues, questions and advance organizers Cooperative learning Summarizing and note taking Homework and practice Reinforcing effort and providing recognition Generating and testing hypotheses Identifying similarities and differences

Assessment is an integral part of the teaching process. Teaching cannot be whole and complete without your assessing learning and you doing after you have assessed students learning.

the use of traditional paper and pencil test is not adequate to measure the many types of learning. an authentic assessment consists in looking directly into the performance that we value. assessment is formative and summative. self-assessment is a pedagogically sound practice.

some effective assessment strategies:

Reflect and revise give students a chance to reflect on and revise previously completed work will help ensure that they do, ultimately, master content objectives. Reflection is a key part of this process. Use rubrics students can use the same tool to self-and-peer-assess assignments

that teachers employ to assess their work. The exit slip give the students a chance to assess the teacher, too. Teachers can give students a form to fill out and turn in at the end of the class.

The End
Thank you!!;)


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