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Nursing Assessment

Vs taken on January 28, 2013 T- 36.5 C P- 98 cpm R- 27 bpm BP Weight- 37 kg Height- 117 cm

FUNCTIONAL HEALTH PATTERN Health Perception/Health Management

Client's perceived pattern of health and well-being and how health is managed.

As we assessed the patient, we observed that she was aware about her condition, she knew all about the tests and diagnostic exams that she underwent. She showed compliance in her medication regimen. She talked about her present and expresses her concerns about it. She expressed desire to recover from her illness as soon as possible.


Pattern of food and fluid consumption relative to metabolic need and pattern; indicators of local nutrient supply.

Patient eats 3 times a day. Before her present illness was diagnosed, her diet include of rice, fish vegetables and salt as condiments and her appetizer. Patient drinks 4-5 glasses of water every day. In her present condition, her eating pattern was not altered BMI is 27.02 (overweight) because of the excess peritoneal fluid


Patterns of excretory The patient had maximum function (bowel, bladder, output of 900-1000cc in and skin).Includes 24 hrs. She did not client's perception experience difficulty of ofnormal" function. urinating and was able to defecate once a day.

Activity - Exercise

Patterns of Patient verbalized that exercise,activity, leisure, she usually play games and recreation. outdoor bare footed . Before the present hospitalization, the patient is usually active


Sensory-perceptual and cognitivepatterns.

Patient appeared to be oriented in time, place and date. She was cooperative during our interview. The patient and her mother answered every question we asked of them. She also verbalized her concerns about her hospitalization


Patterns of sleep, rest, and relaxation.

Before hospitalization, patient P sleeps usually from 10 pm and awakens at 8 am During hospitalization she verbalized that her sleep pattern is ok, she didnt experience disturbances when she sleeps.

Self-Perception/Self Concept

Erik-Erikson developmental theory School Age: 6 to 12 Client's self-concept Years pattern andperceptions . During this stage, often of self. called the Latency, we are capable of learning, creating and accomplishing numerous new skills and knowledge, thus developing a sense of industry. This is also a very social stage of development and if we experience unresolved feelings of inadequacy and inferiority among our peers, we can have serious problems in terms of competence and self-esteem. -Our patient is the youngest among her siblings. Shes on her 3rd grade in primary school. Her parents especially her father is the breadwinner of the family and the one paying her hospitalization bills, her mother is a housewife so patients mom is the one tending to the patients need


Client's pattern of role engagements and relationships.

Patient is the youngest among the 4 siblings patient said shes on her 3rd grade in primary school. Shes living with her family and patient said she has a good relationship with her siblings and classmates in school


Patterns of satisfaction and dissatisfaction with sexualitypattern; reproductive pattern.

Patient is 9 y/o and not sexually active yet

Coping / Stress Tolerance

General coping pattern With the current andeffective of the pattern hospitalization the patient in terms of stress tolerance. expressed her concern about her family where to get money to financially sustain her hospitalization is the biggest stressor in her life. Then the client also expressed her concern about her schooling because of her big number of absences. Patient said her mothers presence prevents her from getting extremely anxious Patient verbalized she gets afraid and anxious when her mom is not beside her

Value - Belief

Patterns of values, beliefs Client is a Roman Catholic (including spiritual), and who goes to church every goals that guide client's Sunday together with her choices or decisions. family. She believed that God will cure her illness.

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