Physiology of Hearing Otolaryngology

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Physiology of Auditory


Dr.Sherif Bugnah
ENT Resident
Components of the Hearing Mechanism (by function)

 Outer Ear : Capture; Amplify frequencies

Middle Ear: Protection(by stapedius reflex) & Impedance
match of large amplitude vibration in air into a small
amplitude vibration
Inner Ear &CNS : Frequency analysis Transduction
Structures of the Outer Ear
Auricle (Pinna)
▫ Collects sound
▫ Helps in sound
▫ Most efficient in directing
high frequency sounds to
▫ Gathers sound waves
▫ Helps in localization
▫ Amplifies sound approx.
5-6 dB
External Auditory Canal
• Approximately 1¼ inch in length
• “S” shaped
• Lined with cerumen glands
(moisten skin)
• Outer 1/3rd cartilage; inner
2/3rds mastoid bone
• Allows air to warm before
reaching TM
• Isolates TM from physical damage
• Increases sound pressure at the
tympanic membrane by as much
as 5-6 dB (due to acoustic

Mastoid Process
• Bony ridge behind the
• protects cochlea and
vestibular system
• Provides support to the
external ear and
posterior wall of the
middle ear cavity
• Contains air cavities
which can be reservoir
for infection

Tympanic Membrane

• Thin membrane
• Forms boundary
between outer and
middle ear
• Vibrates in
response to sound
• Changes acoustical
energy into
mechanical energy

The Ossicular Chain

A: Malleus (TM attaches at Umbo)

B: Incus (Connector function)
C: Stapes
Smallest bone in the body
Footplate inserted in oval
window on medial wall
Focus/amplify vibration of
TM to smaller area, enables
vibration of cochlear fluids

Eustachian Tube
• Mucous-lined, connects middle
ear cavity to nasopharynx
• “Equalizes” air pressure in
middle ear
• Normally closed, opens under
certain conditions(swallowing)
• Pathway for infection
• Children “grow out of” most
middle ear problems as this
tube lengthens and becomes
more vertical
• Not a part of the hearing


Stapedius Muscle

• Attaches to stapes
• Contracts in response to loud sounds;
(the Acoustic Reflex)
• Changes stapes mode of vibration;
makes it less efficient and reduce
loudness perceived
• Absent acoustic reflex could signal
conductive loss or marked
sensorineural loss
■ Oval Window – located at
the footplate of the stapes;
when the footplate vibrates,
the cochlear fluid is set into
motion (vibrations in the
oval window are 20X larger
than those in the eardrum)

■ Round Window – functions

as the pressure relief port
for the fluid set into motion
initially by the movement of
the stapes in the oval

Three-chambered tube: Two chambers are

separated by the basilar membrane, on which sits the
organ of Corti. The arch in the middle of the organ of
Corti separates the inner from the outer hair cells
Organ of Corti

The end organ of

hearing Contains:
. Stereocilia &
receptor hair cells
. 3 rows OHC
. 1 row IHC
. Tectorial and
Basilar Membranes
. Cochlear fluids

On top of the hair cells sits the tectorial membrane which is
attached only along its inner edge. The stereocilia (hairs) of the
outer hair cells are embedded in the tectorial membrane, but
those of the inner hair cells are moved by movement of the fluid
in the space between the hair cells and the tectorial membrane.
Cochlea cross-section

Organ of Corti

When the pressure across the basilar membrane changes

(through activity of the stapes), the membrane bends and
fluid flows in this space, causing the inner hair cell
.stereocilia to move
Hair Cells

•When the hairs are bent towards the tallest stereocilium

,the cell's voltage is increased, more neurotransmitter is
released and auditory nerves connected to the hair cell
increase their activity.
•When the hairs are bent away from the tallest stereocilium
,the cell's voltage is decreased. Less neurotransmitter is
released and auditory nerves connected to the hair cell
decrease their rate.
Hair Cells
Hair Cells
 Inner hair cells are responsible for turning mechanical
movement of the basilar membrane into neural signal
of the auditory nerve.
 Frequency-specific
 High pitch sounds = base of cochlea
 Low pitch sounds = apex of cochlea
 Opens ion channels, allows K+ to enter =
 AP wave travels length of basilar membrane
 Auditory nerves send AP to brain for analysis

Inner vs Outer Hair Cells

Inner Hair Cells Outer Hair Cells

Sensory Motor
Afferent nerves Efferent nerves
Single row 3 rows
Vestibular System

• Consists of three semi-

circular canals
• Monitors the position of
the head in space
• Controls balance
• Shares fluid with the
• No part in hearing


Central Auditory System

• VIIIth Cranial Nerve or “Auditory Nerve”

▫ Bundle of nerve fibers (25-30K)
▫ Travels from cochlea through internal auditory meatus to
skull cavity and brain stem
▫ Carry signals from cochlea to primary auditory cortex,
with continuous processing along the way
• Auditory Cortex
▫ Wernicke’s Area within Temporal Lobe of the brain
▫ Sounds interpreted based on experience/association
Auditory nerve Innervation

IHC )1) )OHC )2

Physiology of Auditory

The End

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