Ant Colony Optimization

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A Seminar Presentation On ANT COLONY OPTIMIZATION Submitted in partial fulfilment for the award of the degree of BACHELOR OF TECHNOLOGY


Submitted To: to edit Master subtitle style Click Submitted by: Mr. Himanshu Arora Ankit Pareek (Head of Department 09EAYCS012 CS & IT) B.Tech. IV Yr. VIII Sem COMPUTER SCIENCE ARYA COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING & RESEARCH CENTRE SP-40, RIICO INDUSTRIAL AREA, KUKAS, JAIPUR, RAJASTHAN 2/24/13

Ant Colony Optimization: Introduction

Ant System was developed by Marco Dorigo (Italy) in his PhD thesis in 1992. Ant Colony was developed by Gambardella Dorigo in 1997


What is Ant Colony Optimization

Probabilistic technique. Searching for optimal path in the graph based on behaviour of ants seeking a path between their colony and source of food. it constitutes somemetaheuristicoptimizations


Ants navigate from nest to food source. Ants are blind! Shortest path is discovered via pheromone trails. Each ant moves at random


Meta heuristic

Heuristic method for solving a very general class of computational problems by combining user-given heuristics in the hope of obtaining a more efcient procedure. ACO is meta-heuristic

Pheromone Trails

Species lay pheromone trails traveling from nest, to nest or possibly in both directions. Pheromones evaporate. Pheromones accumulate with multiple ants using path. Food
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Traveling Salesperson Problem

Famous NP-Hard Optimization Problem Given a fully connected, symmetric G(V,E) with known edge costs, find the minimum cost tour. Artificial ants move from vertex to vertex to order to find the minimum cost tour using only pheromone mediated trails.

The three main ideas that this ant colony algorithm has adopted from real ant colonies are:

The ants have a probabilistic preference for paths with high pheromone value Shorter paths tend to have a higher rate of growth in pheromone value It uses an indirect communication system through pheromone in edges


Application of ACO

Routing in telecommunication networks Traveling Salesman Graph Coloring Scheduling 2/24/13

Advantage of ACO

Inherent parallelism Positive Feedback accounts for rapid discovery of good solutions Efcient for Traveling Salesman Problem and similar

Thank You


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