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A public relations proposal style Click to edit Master subtitlefor Share Our Strength West 8th


West 8th
You may not know us, but we know you We are a boutique strategic communications firm dedicated to creating and maintaining positive exposure for Share Our Strength.

Share Our Strength Mission Statement

Share Our Strength, a national nonprofit, is ending childhood hunger in 2/24/13 America by connecting children with the

Key Publics

Boomer Foodies

Gen X Parents

Culinary Industry




Core Problem
Share Our Strength has not ensured sufficient outreach efforts to secure a large enough volunteer and donor base to sustain the mission of eliminating childhood hunger in America.


Who you could be

Share Our Strength will be a top-ofmind organization eliminating childhood hunger in the US via all 50 states.

Share Our Strength will reach a larger public, allowing for increased 2/24/13

2012 Share Our Strength Goals

Create a dynamic communications program to:

Increase volunteer enlistment, event involvement, and donor support Promote Share Our Strengths mission internally Increase donations significantly

Create new state sponsorships, 2/24/13 increasing the opportunity to feed more

2012 Objectives

Increase volunteer registration by 50% within one year. Increase internal advocacy to 85% employee volunteer involvement in quarterly events.

Increase annual donations by $1 million. Achieve state sponsorship within 30


Strategy 1


Reach out to the 15 neediest states in the US

Increase event promotion within the four largest cities within these states Create local Facebook, Twitter groups to promote efforts

Create a LinkedIn group to promoted interstate bonds with food industry professionals 2/24/13

We want the tan states


Tactic 1 Budget
Volunteer Training (1 per state). $15,000 SOS Social Media Handbook $500 Event donations$0 Social Media.......$0 _______________________________________

Strategy 2


Revamp spokesperson involvement

Incorporate Paula Deen in the spokesperson program to give a sincere, home-town feel for Share Our Strength Provide web-based and in-person opportunities for Paula to promote Share Our Strength efforts in both supported and targeted states


Paula Deen

Video streaming of shopping trips and cooking segments with families Event appearances in under-served states to bring awareness Travel map with pop-up facts for each state


Tactic 2 Budget
Paula Deen endorsement fee.. $100,000 Travel costs. $30,000 Production costs. $5,000 5 family shopping trips.... $750 _______________________________________ 2/24/13

Strategy 3


Intensive web-based publicity campaign

Facebook fan pages for each sponsored and targeted state Twitter presence continues for increased communication LinkedIn groups for professional involvement Share Our Strength blog press releases to targeted

2/24/13 Internet

Its a web-based world


Tactic 3 Budget
Facebook Fan pages $0 Twitter Presence.. $0 LinkedIn Groups.$0 Press Release writing labor costs.... ..$1000 _______________________________________
2/24/13 Total

Strategy 4


Internal communications & advocacy program

Internal communications audit Organization intranet system Traditional communication methods Advocacy program to promote internal support of the cause externally


Internal Communication Initiatives

Empowering employees with strong communication systems and supporting visible commitment will enable Share Our Strength to keep morale high and display corporate pride in the cause.


Share Your Strength


Share Your Strength will be the internal volunteer initiative where internal communications and encouragement will promote internal efforts to support the cause to end childhood hunger in the US.

Tactic 4 Budget
Internal communication audit.... $2,000 Intranet system.. $80,000 Traditional communication.... $5,000 Advocacy materials.... $3,000 Advocacy costs (payment, trip).. 2/24/13

Total Budget
Tactic 1..$15,500 Tactic 2.......$135,750 Tactic 3..$1,000 Tactic 4..$120,000

Evaluate Results

What we have now want

300,000 volunteers volunteers 35% internal advocacy advocacy $4,703,901 donations 2/24/13 donations

What we
450,000 85% internal $5,704,000

Getting Stronger
Share Our Strength is a highly relevant organization that has introduced a very real need to the US. With a more concentrated and intensive communication program, SOS will be well on the way to attaining its goal of ending childhood hunger within all 50 states by 2015.

It has been our pleasure

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