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Organization a social unit of people, systematically structured and managed to meet a need Structure formation or pattern of arrangement
Hierarchy a group of persons arranged by rank or class Authority power to command Subordinate - a person under the authority or control of another within an organization

Staff advisory/service oriented in nature

What is an Organizational Structure?

Organizational structure determines the manner and extent to which roles, power, and responsibilities are delegated, controlled, coordinated, and how information flows .

A way to organize employees into some kind of structure to meet goal:

1. Minimizes confusion
2. Coordinates activities by clearly identifying which individuals are responsible for which tasks.

2 Basic types of Organization Structure:

1. Formal Organization

Usually hierarchical, the formal structure follows job

titles and job descriptions. Organizations have a formal structure which is the way that the organization is organized by those with responsibility for managing the organization. They create the formal structures that enable the organization to meet its stated objectives. Often these formal structures will be set out on paper in the form of organizational charts.

2. Informal Structure Comprises personal and social relationships that do not appear on the organizational chart. This may be a group that takes break together, works together on a particular unit or a class together. It

provides social control or behavior, has its own channel of

communication, more broadly and rapidly than the formal communication system. Informal structures develop because: people find new ways of doing things which they find easier and save them time patterns of interaction are shaped by friendship groups and other relationships it is easier to work with informal structures.

Types of Formal Organizational Structures:

1. Line Structure
2. Line and Staff Structure 3. Functional Structure 4. Matrix Structure

Line Structure
The line type organizational structure is characterized by the superior-subordinate authority relationship. If a superior exercises direct command over a subordinate, such relationship is known as line authority. The subordinate reports to his superior for orders,

instructions, help, and approval.

Figure 1. Line Organization







Line and Staff Structure

When a line officers job expands beyond the limits of his capacity, or when his activities become so varied that he must perform

functions that are not related, he will need a

help of specialists to assist him in his work (STAFF OFFICERS).

Who are the Staff Officers?

Staff officers are persons trained to provide specialized services to the line or operating officials. They help the line officials by giving them advice and guidance. They operated in terms of the objectives of the company as a whole. The larger the firm, the greater the number of staff

specialists needed to render services to the


Figure 2. Line and Staff Structure

Director of Nursing Service S T A F F O F F I C E R S

Assistant Director Nursing Service

Assistant Director Quality Assurance Assistant Director Policies and Procedures Assistant Director In-service & Continuing Education

Division Director Obstet. - Ped. Nursing

Division Director Med. Surg. Nursing

Division Director Emergency Outpatient Nursing

Supervisor Medical Nursing

Supervisor Surgical Nursing

Assistant Director Nursing Research Head Nurse Surgical Ward Head Nurse Surgical Ward

Head Nurse Operating Room

Head Nurse Recovery Room

Head Nurse Surg. Intensive Care

Staff Nurse

Practical Nurse

Nursing Aide

Functionalized line and staff Structure

A third type of formal organization structure is

the functionalized line and staff organization. In this

structure, staff officers are no longer purely advisory but have some command authority . Classifies people according to the function they perform in their professional life or according to the functions performed by them in the organization. Employees within the functional structure are differentiated to perform a specialized set of tasks.

Figure 3. Functional Organizational Structure BOARD ADMINISTRATION

Admissions Billing & Collection Health Education Medical Records Information Systems Human Resources

Physical Therapy Occupational Therapy Speech/Language Pathology Respiratory Therapy Medical Psychology Social Services Pharmacy Dietary Sports Medicine Nursing

Medical Laboratory Imaging Emergency Medicine Cardiology Neurology


Central Supply Biomedical Technology Housekeeping Maintenance Transportation

Matrix Structure
Matrix organizational structures are characterized by teams built directly into the organizational structure. In this type of organization, the company uses teams to complete tasks. These teams are coordinated both vertically within the hierarchy and horizontally among the

groups involved.

SUMMARY Nurse managers, their superiors, and their subordinates are enmeshed in two networks. Formal organization structure and informal organization structure. Formal organization structure defines responsibility, authority and formal reporting relationships among employees. Informal organization structure provides affectional, support and communication links between individuals to compensate for inadequacies in the formal structure. In order to derive maximum support and cooperation from co workers and minimize role confusion annd role conflict,the nurse manager must be able to diagram and interpret command, communication and consulting relationships between employees. To facilitate group enterprise the manager must learn how to assemble workable committees and lead committee members in productive group efforts. Personnel and human resources management 6th edition by pefecto sison Nursing management 2nd edition by Dee Ann Gillies

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