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Je Me Souviens

And other things we forget about

February 10th, 1763 - Treaty of Paris is Signed and the Seven Years War Ends. Also the Royal Proclamation (read about it pgs. 177-182 Question 2 on pg. 182) The Following people were there: ________ . And the following were notably not: _____________ First two English Governors of France end up being two wild and crazy guys (google Steve Martin in order to get that) General James Murray and then Brigadier General Guy Carlton

1764: Murray told the Board of Trade in London that the French Canadians were: the bravest and best race upon the the face of the globe. Some Acadians were invited back home... well New Brunswick. Cause their fertile lands were too good for New Englanders not to settle in. I mean what I waste that would have been. 1774: Carlton argued in the Quebec Act that if people were indulged with a few privileges which the laws of England deny to Roman Catholics at home, they would soon, ___________ Quebec Act is Passed. Good for Catholics and Upper Class. Ticks off everyone else in New England and New France. 1775: America goes all Rogue.

American Revolution is all interesting and stuff. Worth the read on pgs 194 - 198 and questions 2 - 3 on pg. 198 Aftermath: Loyalists move from New England into Nova Scotia and Upper Canada modern day Ottawa 1783 - Northwest Company of Montreal is formed to compete with the Hudsons Bay Company

1791 - Constitutional Act divides Canada official b/w ______ and _______.

1811- David Thompson of the NWC

reaches Pacific Coast and claims much of present-day British Columbia interior for the Company.

1812 - United States declares war on

Britain. But thats a story for another day. Or today. Who knows?

1814- Treaty of Ghent is signed, ending

the War of 1812... but nobody tells the troops in New Orleans.

1837 - Louis Papineau leads the

______ in rebellion in Lower Canada

Same year, William Lyon MacKenzie

leads rebellion in Upper Canada. In both cases they cause quite a ruckus.

1839 - Lord Durham issues report to

British government in order to quell unrest. Oh so popular with the French. Just ask them...

1841 - Act of Union Unites Upper and

1848 - Baldwin and LaFontaine form Stale Mate 1850s - Macdonald - Cartier Coalition is
the first responsible government in the combined Colony
Lower Canada

1860s - States going through that little

1864 - Charlottetown Conference 1867 - Queen Victoria signs the British
North American Act. Woop woop. thing called a Civil War.


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