Sensory Tracts

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Sensory tracts

Ascending tracts / sensory tracts:

4 groups: Dorsal column medial leminiscal system / Dorsal column tract / Dorsal white column. Antero-lateral System: includes mainly spino-thalamic tract (lateral & anterior). Spino-cerebellar tracts: (Dorsal / posterior, Ventral / anterior spino-cerebellar tracts) Miscellaneous group / tracts: (Spino-tectal, Spinoreticular, Spino-olivary, Visceral Sensory pathways).

Comparison between DCMLS & STT:

DCMLS: Rapidly conducting fibers. (120 M/s) Sensations carried require accurate localization. (spatial orientation of nerve fibers in this tract) Involve perception of fine grades of intensity. Crossing occurs in medulla. Fibers from upper parts of body are added on lateral aspect of tract, above the spinal cord origin, before crossing over. Receptors are Meissners & Pacinian corpuscles. Sensations carried are: fine touch, fine pressure, proprioception, vibration, 2 point tactile discrimination.

STT: Slowly conducting fibers. (40 M/s) Do not require accurate localization. Do not involve fine perception. Crossing occurs below the level of medulla. Fibers from upper parts of body are added on medial aspect of tract, after crossing over. Receptors are free nerve endings mainly. Sensations carried are: crude touch, tickle & itch, temperature, pain & pressure sensation.

Dorsal column medial leminiscal system / Dorsal column tract.

Grey matter of spinal cord is divided into 9 laminae. There are certain groups of neurons in grey matter of spinal cord: Substantia gelatinosa & Clarks column. Important features of this tract have been discussed in comparison.

C = cervical segment. S = Sacral segment. VPL = Ventral posterolateral nucleus. SI = Primary somatosensory cortex. VM = Ventromedial prefrontal cortex. MD = medial dorsal thalamic nucleus. IL = Intralaminar nucleus. VPM = Ventral posteromedial nucleus. Main V = Main trigeminal nucleus. Spinal V = Spinal trigeminal nucleus.

st 1

order nerve fibers:

Carrying impulses enter the spinal cord through posterior nerve root. They are located in posterior root ganglion. These pass to posterior white column on the same side without any synapse dorsal column medial leminiscal system. The tract is formed in the lower part of spinal cord. As tract ascends fibers from upper parts of body are added on lateral aspect of tract.

At the level of T6, a septum appears divides it into 2 parts medial = fasiculus gracilus (contains fibers from lower parts of body), lateral = fasiculus cuneatus (contains fibers from upper parts of body). These enter Medulla & synapse into 2 nuclei: medially with nucleus gracilus & laterally with nucleus cuneatus, both located in lower part of medulla.

nd 2

order nerve fibers:

From nucleus gracilus & nucleus cuneatus in medulla, 2nd order nerve fibers (internal arcuate fibers) arise decussate in medulla Sensory decussation. After crossing over / decussation, these fibers form medial leminiscus on each side. There in no crossing over in spinal cord but crossing occurs in medulla. This leminiscus is joined by fibers carrying impulses of same sensations from head region. These fibers come from 5th / Trigeminal nerve. Medial leminiscus synapse onto 3rd order neurons.

rd 3

order nerve fibers:

These are located in Ventro basal complex of thalamic nuclei. This complex consists of VPL (Ventralposterolateral) & VPM (Ventral-posteromedial) nucleus. In thalamus there is ventral posterior nucleus, which has 2 parts: lateral part & medial part. Lateral part is called VPL & Medial part is called VPM. FIBERS FROM MEDIAL LEMINISCUS MAINLY SYNAPSE IN VPL BUT FIBERS FROM HEAD & FACE AREA SYNAPSE IN VPM.

From ventro-basal complex, 3rd order nerve fibers arise, which pass through internal capsule to terminate in S1 (in post central gyrus). Some fibers from cuneate nucleus cerebellum (cuneo-cerebellar fibers / posterior external arcuate fibers). These fibers supply sensory (proprioceptive) information to cerebellum from the muscles & joints.

If disease of spinal cord sensory loss is on the same side (no crossing in spinal cord). If lesion of medulla sensory loss on opposite side (due to crossing in medulla).

Antero-lateral system

Mainly Spino-thalamic tract. Some include Spino-tectal. Important features have been discussed in comparison. Divided into: ventral / anterior & lateral spinothalamic tracts. Sensations carried by anterior spino-thalamic tract: crude touch, tickle & itch, pressure & sexual sensations. Sensations carried by lateral spino-thalamic tract: pain & temperature mainly.

Ventral spino-thalamic tract: 1st order nerve fibers

Carrying impulses enter spinal cord through posterior nerve root & synapse into laminae V & VI in grey matter of spinal cord.

nd 2

order nerve fibers:

They arise from laminae V & VI cross over to opposite side through anterior commissure anterior white column of opposite side. Tract is formed in lower part of spinal cord. As tract ascends, fibers from upper part of body are added on medial aspect (after crossing over). Tract enters medulla, where it joins the spinal leminiscus.

Spinal leminiscus:
It consists of 3 tracts: Ventral spino-thalamic tract Lateral spino-thalamic tract Spino-tectal tract Spinal leminiscus ascends synapse into ventro basal complex of thalamic nuclei. Fibers carrying impulses of same sensations from head & face area join spinal leminiscus in brain stem. These fibers come from the 5th / Trigeminal nerve.

3rd order neurons / Ventro-basal complex:

From 3rd order neurons fibers arise internal capsule terminate in S1 in post central gyrus.

Lesion of tract:

If lesion is in spinal cord opposite side is effected. (crossing occurs in spinal cord).

Lateral spino-thalamic tract: 1st order nerve fibers

Carries pain & temperature sensations. 1st order nerve fibers carrying impulses arise from posterior root ganglion of spinal cord. These synapse with 2nd order neurons in laminae I, II, III. (including substantia gelatinosa).

nd 2

order nerve fibers

These arise from laminae I, II, III, which also include substantia gelatinosa. They cross over obliquely to opposite side lateral white column of opposite side of spinal cord. New fibers are added on medial side of tract from upper part of body. Tract ascends & enters medulla, where it joins spinal leminiscus. Fibers carrying fast pain & temperature ventro-basal complex of thalamic nuclei.

rd 3

order nerve fibers:

These arise from ventro-basal complex of thalamus. They terminate in S1. Fibers carrying slow pain impulses do not go to ventro-basal complex of thalamus, but go to other areas nuclei of reticular formation, tectum of midbrain, peri-aqueductal grey matter fibers arise from here & go to intralaminar & midline nuclei of thalamus from here fibers also go to sensory cortex.

Pathway of fast pain / Neo-spino-thalamic tract:

Fast pain is carried by A delta fibers. Neuro-transmitter is Glutamate. Main fibers go to ventro-basal complex of thalamus & then to sensory cortex.

Pathway of slow pain / Paleo-spino-thalamic tract:

Slow pain impulses are carried by C fibers. Neuro-transmitter is substance P. Most fibers go to nuclei of reticular formation, tectum of midbrain, peri-aqueductal grey matter fibers arise from here & go to intralaminar & midline nuclei of thalamus (instead of ventrobasal complex) from here fibers also go to sensory cortex.

Thalamus as sub-cortical centre of pain:

If lesion of sensory cortex pain sensation is least effected.

Spino-cerebellar tract:

Consist of rapidly conducting nerve fibers & velocity of conduction = 120 M/ s. 2 Components: Dorsal / Posterior Ventral / Anterior

Dorsal spino-cerebellar tract: 1st order neurons:

Enter spinal cord through posterior nerve root synapse with neurons in Clarks column / nucleus dorsalis. Clarks column is present in grey matter of spinal cord in segments T1 L3 or L4.

nd 2

order neurons:

Arise at Clarks column enter lateral white column on same side tract ascends medulla inferior cerebellar peduncle terminate into vermis & intermediate zone of cerebellum on same side. Tract carries impulses from proprioceptors & cutaneous receptors help cerebellum to coordinate movement of limbs & maintenance of posture. So impulses from lower limb & trunk cerebellum but impulses from upper limb do not go to cerebellum

Ventral spino-cerebellar tract: 1st order neurons:

Enter spinal cord through posterior nerve root synapse with neurons located near the Clarks column in grey matter of spinal cord. These neurons are present in all segments of spinal cord.

nd 2

order neurons:

Arise from here. Most fibers cross to opposite side ascend in lateral white column as ventral spinothalamic tract tract enters medulla, pons & midbrain oasses through superior cerebellar peduncle fibers terminate into vermis & intermediate zone of cerebellum on both sides. Fibers of tract which cross in spinal cord cross back in cerebellum before termination.

Functions of spino-cerebellar tract:

Impulses from proprioceptors cerebellum coordination of movements & posture maintenance. Information to cerebellum about motor impulses, which have reached the ventral horn motor neurons along the cortico-spinal & rubrospinal tracts.

Miscellaneous ascending tracts: Spino-tectal tract:

1st order neurons: Enter spinal cord through posterior nerve root synapse with neurons in the grey matter of spinal cord. 2nd order neurons: Arise from here cross over to opposite side antero-lateral white column tract ascends medulla joins spinal leminiscus terminate into superior colliculus in tectum of midbrain. Function: Afferent pathway for spino-visual reflexes control movement of head & eyes towards source of stimulation.

Miscellaneous ascending tracts: Spino-reticular tract:

1st order neurons: Enter spinal cord through posterior nerve root synapse with neurons in grey matter of spinal cord. 2nd order neurons: Arise from here lateral white column on same side (no crossing over) ascends as spino-reticular tract terminates in reticular formation of medulla, pons & midbrain. Function: Important in control of level of consciousness / alertness.

Miscellaneous ascending tracts: Spino-olivary tract:

1st order neurons: Enter the spinal cord through posterior nerve root synapse with neurons in grey matter of spinal cord. 2nd order neurons: Arise from here cross over to opposite side lateral white column ascends medulla synapse with neurons in inferior olivary nucleus. 3rd order neurons: Arise here cross to opposite side inferior peduncle terminate in cerebellum. Function: Carries proprioceptive impulses.

Miscellaneous ascending tracts: Visceral sensory pathway:

Sensory impulses from pain & stretch receptos in viscera of thorax & abdomen are carried by nerve fibers, which join spino-thalamic tract. These impulses VPL of thalamus sensory cortex in posterior central gyrus. Impulses about fullness of bladder & rectum just before micturition & defecation go along dorsal column tract.

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