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Httpool is the leading Central and Eastern European full service online & mobile advertising provider with

international reach & focus on emerging markets

Strategic partnership with leading and major local networks & publishers Wide range of media buying models (CPM, CPC, CPA) Individual solutions (awareness, brand-building, ROI-driven activities, CRM campaigns, strategies creations, media planning and buying, concept development, creative production and placement, ad-serving to campaign optimization) Huge range of target-groups utilization Httpools ultramodern online advertising products & services Direct access to leading global technology solutions

Operates 17 local offices (UK, Germany, Austria, Czech republic, Ukraine, Slovenia, Bosnia, Serbia, Macedonia, Bulgaria, Romania, Moldova, Argentina, India, Hong Kong & Singapore.

CPM (cost per mile) price for 1000 impressions; CPC (cost per click) price for banner click; CPA (cost per action) price for action, which was made by user.




Mobile ad campaigns allows to reach the most wealthy and premium auditory Iphone, Ipad, Blackberry and Android smartphone users.
Range of solutions from traditional to most innovative custom mobile advertising products designed to run interactive marketing campaigns on mobile applications and mobile web sites.



Vodafone AdPlus Professional Mobile Advertising services

Mobile Advertising Services

Mobile advertising makes the dream of one-toone marketing come true.

It comes as the mass medium To complete the communication mix To reinvent the direct communication To increase the ROI
Radio Cinema Recording Print


Internet TV

Mobile Advertising Services

Vodafone - Mobile Advertising is already a true story throughout the world

18 countries in the world International campaigns opportunity

Spending budgets increased in 2010

More than 10 different channels based on messaging & mobile internet

Mobile Advertising Services

In Romania, mobile penetration exceeded 135% of the total population, meaning that whoever you want to target you can find on Mobile

60% TV cable penetration 34% Internet penetration 11% Broadband penetration

Mobile Advertising Services

Some of our partners in 2009 & 2010

Plaza Romania City Mall

Vega Hotel

Advertising portfolio
3 categories:

Mobile Channels
Mobile Advertising Services

Online Channels

Complementary Channels

SMS Push
Talk to your customers through the short messages service. Experience the dialogue
What is SMS Push Classic SMS received by customers based on their profile; The receivers DB is built based on their acceptance of receiving advertising messages; They can answer either by SMS reply or click2browse Multiple instances: Awareness, Promotions, Surveys
160 characters 4.9 mil opt-in customers

-numeric sender Short number

10 targeting criteria + Geo-location

De la: Medsana Medsana Bucharest Medical Center, una dintre cele mai renumite clinici medicale private din Romania, a deschis vineri 01 august 2008, un nou centru medical in Ploiesti, in str Gh Grigore Cantacuzino, nr. 193. Te asteptam!

180,000 SMS per hour Interactivity / 6 messages

Piraeus Insurance Reinsurance Broker a cobranded campaign with Vodafone

Campaign: Piraeus Broker te asigura, Vodafone te informeaza
Period: 13 July 12 August 2011 Mechanism: send a free reply to 2528 and someone will get back to you with more details regarding the mandatory house insurance. Automatically you will participate to a contest where you can win 4 Ipads 1 and 4 internet mobile subscriptions of 4 Gb, free for 3 months Sender: 2528 (a short nr ) SMS text: Incheie asigurarea obligatorie a casei la Piraeus si poti castiga unul din cele 4 IPAD + NET de la Vodafone! Raspunde gratuit cu DA! Detalii: Nr. of sms: 255,000 sms Response rate: over 1% Target: customers from some specific cities

Mobile Advertising Services

SMS Insert
Strategically place your ad in the bonus notifications messages
What is SMS Insert Its a text notification received by prepaid customers inside the bonus message; Messages are positive ones, confirming a bonus received from Vodafone Similar benefits as push SMS campaigns. Targeting criteria available
100 characters > 3 mil unique customers per month sender Vodafone 8 targeting criteria 150,000 per day Interactivity / High quality
De la: Vodafone Ai incarcat 3EUR. Credit total: 4.5EUR Incepand cu luna iulie 2010, in fiecare zi de luni, Centrul Medical Medsana Cotroceni iti ofera 5% discount la fiecare consult oftalmoogic.m.medana. ro

SMS Survey: Case study

Customers Survey: Asked Cartela Vodafone Users opinion about current promotion SMS Survey on new Cartela Vodafone Customers: 30,000 new Cartela Vodafone customers were targeted with a SMS Survey in December 2009 Interactive campaign with 6 questions for prepaid customers Response rate: 12:%

Script: Date:

VF Prepaid Fall Promo Survey NO PRIZE 17-Nov-09 Romanian Ai fost ales pt un studiu despre Cartela Vodafone! Raspunde gratuit la urmatoarele 5 intrebari. Esti interesat? Raspunde cu DA sau NU go to message 2 Multumim pentru atentia acordata! end dialogue

Message 1

Reply possibilities DA NU other

Message 2

De ce nu te-ai combinat cu prietenii tai la *147#? Raspunde cu 1 = Nu stiam de oferta, 2 = Nam avut cu cine sa creez grupul sau 3 = Nu ma intereseaza grupul De ce n-ai activat optiunea 700min+700SMS in retea +70min nationale cu 4euro? Raspunde cu 1=Nu stiam de ea, 2=Nu am credit, 3=Nu stiu cum sa fac, 4=Nu am nevoie Mai utilizezi in acest moment servicii de telefonie mobila pe alte cartele SIM? Raspunde cu 1=Nu, 2=de la Vodafone, 3=Orange, 4=Cosmote, 5=Orange+Cosmote Inainte de a-ti lua aceasta Cartela Vodafone,utilizai servicii de telefonie mobila de la alti operatori? Raspunde cu 1=de la Vodafone, 2=Orange, 3=Cosmote, 4=Nu Ultima intrebare se refera la varsta ta. Raspunde cu cifra care reprezinta varsta ta in ani impliniti. Multumim pentru participarea la acest studiu! Vodafone

Message 3

Message 4

Message 5

Message 6

Message 7

MMS Push
Send your commercial message the multimedia way
What is MMS Push Based on their profile, customers will receive advertisements through MMS; Only clients which can receive MMS are targeted. Waste is 0. Answer possibilities: Click2Browse, via MMS, via email
Text up to 1,000 characters
-numeric sender Short number E-mail

15,000 SMS per hour

>1,5 mil customers with active MMS

10 targeting criteria + Geo-location

interactivity / sound, image, text

Case study
MMS with response The launch of the new BMW X5 Period: Oct 2010; Target: postpaid customers; male between 30-57 years old; very high income; category: stylish techies and super users; Volume: Almost 12.900 MMS acquired 186 collected answers Response rate : 1,5:%

Bill Insert
Benefit from all the customer information in the Vodafone data base What is Bill Insert For your business its another important tool to efficiently connect with your customer In case you need a direct marketing solution Vodafone has a good offering bill inserts; You can insert flyers in the envelope which containing the Vodafone invoice.
high quality the easiest way to expose your brand 1,2 mil consumers

MEDSANA a deschis un nou centru medical in Ploiesti

9 bill cycles per month

no expedition cost
Medsana, a deschis vineri 01 aug 2008, un nou centru medical in Ploiesti, in str Gh Grigore Cantacuzino. Medsana Poiesti este cel de-al treilea centru deschis in Romania, dupa Clinica Cotroceni, inaugurata in 1996 si Clinica Primaverii, inaugurata in 2005, de Athens Medical Group, lider pe piata medicala din Europa.

200k business

geographic flexibility

Case study
Playful background branding to encourage playing
Combined campaign between Bill Insert and SMS to maximize ROI 18,000 targeted inserts SMS reminder after 2 weeks Response rate: 5%

De la: Renault Doar pana pe 4 mai poti castiga Noul Megane sau o excursie. Vino cu talonul in showroom-urile Renault. Detalii pe E timpul pentru schimbare!

Banners in Vodafone Live!

Make your commercial message go live!

What is Vodafone Live! advertising Its an infotainment portal on your phone mobile; Banners are placed in Vodafone live! portal, one per each page. Specific categories can be targeted By clicking on the banners, customers can be directed to a micro site or can call directly to a phone number.
your personal portal over 600 k customers unlimited creative solutions quality and educated target

unlimited creative solutions

interactivity with the target

Case study- VDF Live!

14 times more efficient than average internet campaign

Excellent CTR vs. average web campaigns Banners on: homepage, mobile TV, sport, communities, games, news etc; Average CTR: 1.35%; No. of impressions: 262,987; No. of participants at the contest: 3,537 people; Prizes: 10invitations and 990 bundles of 100 minutes in VDF.
Almost 1 million people you can promote to What are Vodafones website benefits All common formats accepted on pages No clutter only one banner per page Monthly unique visitors: over 750K Page Views: 12 Mil Page views/visit: 7.8 (SATI reports) Categories: business, consumer, youth & promo hunters
> 750 unique visitors per month
good potential reach

4 distinct categories to target geographic flexibility

no clutter

high quality

Young people live mostly online What is YouthSMS Young users (16-26 y.o.) can send 10 free SMS per day from web page; In the process of sending the SMS, customers will be exposed to advertising banners; Most common formats accepted on pages Excellent branding capabilities

a fresh version of MyX over 50 k customers

creative possibilities of advertising

targeting criteria: age & gender

no clutter

interactivity with the youngsters

Case study
Totally rebranded website to suit advertisers need 3 weeks campaign in November 2009

Full site branding and banners 72,000 visits; 21,121 absolute unique visitors 427, 577 page views

Mobi sites Professional Mobile Advertising services

Mobi sites benefits

All common formats for mobisites accepted Monthly unique visitors: over 400K Page Views: aprox. 3 mil Categories: entertainment, news

Mobile Advertising Services

Targeting criteria
- Status Client - Active - Opt-in required- Positive - Client type(postpaid, prepaid) - Age (postpaid + partially prepaid) - Gender (postpaid + partially prepaid) - Residential address - Location based services - Geo lifestyle (postpaid + prepaid / analyzed based on network traffic) - Potential monthly income/Subscriber value (postpaid + prepaid) (SAI - Postpaid Six Average Invoices; PCV - Prepaid Customer Value - 6m average ) - 450 RON + - 1400 RON+ - ( 125+ ) - ( 400+ ) (SAI 15+ / PVC 6+) (SAI 25 + / PVC 12 +) 30% 40% 25% 25% 15% 40% Default Default 0% 20% 20% 20% 30% 25%

- Behavioral segmentation(postpaid + prepaid) - Type of services used(postpaid + prepaid) - Type of handset used (postpaid + prepaid) - Client solvency (postpaid)
Mobile Advertising Services

Rate Cards
No. Mobile Channels
Rate Card (000) Channels Inventory/ month Coverage Audience

SMS Insert Text advertising campaigns MMS campaigns Bill Insert Vodafone live! bannere branding business consumer youth eShop

40 EUR


3,5 mil (avg)

7 mil (max)


3 4 5

100 EUR
200 EUR 100 EUR 100 RON 60 RON 2000EUR 95 RON 70 RON 60 RON 70 RON

MMS Flyer web

4 mil
2 mil 2,2 mil 1,7 mil

2 mil
1 mil 2,2 mil 490K

Yes Yes Yes






8,2 mil



Mobile Advertising Services

Appendix Other Case Studies

Case study: Serbarile Timisoreana

In 2009: 8 campaigns between 25th of Jun and 13th of Aug Concept: 3 centruies of history, leveraged through periods: 17th centruy, interbelique, and modern times (80 ties); Wished-for target: man between 25 and 45 years old, postpaid Desired cities: Constanta, Craiova, Resita, Timisoara, Satu Mare, Iasi, Bacau, Buzau Volume: 58,000 SMS Presence: a real success 585,000 people In Aug 2010: 54,000 sms 10 cities targeted: Bacau, Braila, Tg. Jiu, Timisoara, Resita, Oradea, Targoviste, Ploiesti, Buzau, Constanta A real success also!

Mobile Advertising Services

Case study:
Period: August 2010 Target:They targeted by geo life- style customers that have been near Unicredit branches with ATM; Volume: 52.000 sms How did they measure? a 20% increase rate in terms of transactions (ATM actions); 8% success rate in terms of new customers SMS Text: Banca noastra e mereu deschisa. Depuneri, retrageri, plati facturi, schimburi valutare. La orice ora, la aparatul Nonstop Banking. Vino sa vezi cat e de simplu!

Mobile Advertising Services

26 February 2013

Case study:
Period: November 2010 Target: They targeted active users with positive opt- in from Vodafone network: age: between 25-55 y.o.; cities with over 100k residents; medium and high income. Response rate: over 0.8% SMS Text: Ia-ti un card de credit de la Bancpost si primesti CADOU 10% din valoarea cumparaturilor din prima luna, pana la 150 lei.Raspunde cu numele tau si te sunam noi.

Mobile Advertising Services

26 February 2013

Case study
3-5 times more efficient than direct mailing

SMS & MMS with response Un plin la fiecare 15 minute Period: September 2009 Target: postpaid customers who used their mobile phone in close proximity of Petroms stations Split between SMS and MMS compatible phones Response rate for SMS: 3.70:% Response rate for MMS: 5.08:%

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