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IDT/AT Preparation

CW2 Brent Jensen


34th Infantry Division’s Web Page

Under AT/IDT
Click “Automated Drill Tasks”
• Identify major areas of emphasis for supply
sergeants for IDT and AT training

• Establish guidelines for assisting supply

sergeants to prepare, anticipate and execute
supply functions during unit training
General Concepts
• Your success will be dependent on three
general concepts:

– Preparation

– Anticipation

– Execution

• Logistics in general, is geared towards

identifying the supply implications of future
actions and preparing yourself to support
those actions.

• Preparation is VITAL to mission success

• Look ahead at future training and “predict”
or anticipate what requirements you will
need to provide.
– Initiative-Don’t wait to be told what to do

• Leaders may not have the experience or

knowledge about logistical support and they
will be looking to you for that expertise
• Execution will be a success if you have
performed the prior steps correctly

• Product of preparation and anticipation

IDT Planning
4 Areas
•Supply Functions
•Has a ration request been forwarded to
the RBP?
–DA Form 3294-R submitted 30 days prior
•Is there sufficient cooling and storage for
•Have rations been received and stored
–Usually delivered the Friday before drill
• Has any feeding changes been forward to
the Food Service Sergeant?
– Changes in feeding times
– Changes in feeding locations
• Have you provided the FSS with the
appropriate paperwork?
• Are any vehicles required for soldiers?
– Dispatching coordinated with maint. section
– Fueled
– Is motor pool set-up so PMCSs can be
• Can soldiers access the necessary vehicles?
– Any additional transportation assets needed?
(bus/van support)
• http://wwwi/omsvehicles/request_list.asp

• Has section chiefs been given a list of

equipment requiring scheduled services?
– Coordination with supporting OMS may be
Supply Functions

• List to 1SG of individuals that have

equipment/clothing ready for issue
– Update 1SG throughout drill
• Are unit hand receipts, cyclic and sensitive
items inventory lists on hand for inventories?
• Is unit Armorer aware of weapons services
and cleanings required to be performed?
• Is supply sergeant ready to discuss
issues/concerns at training meeting?
– Be proactive
• Are keys ready for section rooms, storage
areas, etc?
• Are all training aids required for training on
hand and ready for issue?
• Automated Drill Tasks
• http://wwwi/dpt/RTI/Automation/tools.htm
• Has unit newsletter been sent out? (1 week
• Has 1SG/CDR been contacted prior to
MUTA with any last minute details?
• Has FTS met to discuss details of MUTA
• Is TACC clean and classrooms ready for
• Has coordination for any local training
areas been done?
• Has attendance rosters been prepared and
ready for section chiefs?
• Has unit phone/alert roster up to date?
– calling AWOL soldiers
• What is the back-up plan in case of
inclement weather?
• Any assistance required from BN?
– request for medics, etc
Prior to Dismissal

• Did FSS turn-in all food service forms?

Were they signed?
– DA Form 5913-R
• Dining Area/Kitchen
– Leftover rations disposed of?
– Dining area/kitchen cleaned and equipment
stored properly?
• Vehicles turned-in after drill?
– Properly secured?
• Vehicles refueled after use?
– POL credit cards and receipts turned back into
• Documentation turned in for services
– DA Form 2404

• Motor Pool secured?

• Outside lights on and in working order?
• Buses/vans refueled and turned in?
• Did all soldiers receive/turn-in equipment
and clothing as directed?
– Carry forward any actions not completed to
next MUTA
• Were inventories completed, and paperwork
forwarded to supply?
– Section Hand Receipts, sensitive items report,
cyclic inventories, weapons inventories
– Did the Commander sign?
• Did all training aids get turned back in?
• Are all Temporary Hand Receipts cleared?
• Were all keys turned in?
– Motor Pool
– Arms Room
– Vehicles
– Section Rooms
– Classrooms
• Any miscellaneous supply tasks not
• TACC cleaned and equipment stored
– Garbage disposed of?
• Does alert roster need updating?
• Attendance rosters available for payroll?
• AAR’s submitted to HQs for training
• Planning for future MUTA’s annotated
from training meeting.
Annual Training Planning
Areas Covered
• Classes of Supply
• Billeting
• Transportation
• Supply and Services Division
• Signature Cards
• Information Management
• Miscellaneous

• Annual Training Circular

– Administrative information

– Service and Support Section
Class I
• Submit headcount data to higher HQ’s
– Submitted NLT 120 days out
• What are the Food Service equipment
– Provide section hand receipt if needed
• Coordinate schedule for ration issue
• Will unit need to provide personnel for
advance party?
Class II

• Has an equipment/clothing list been

– Include personal items
– If time permits, a pre-AT showdown inspection
• Has all clothing/equipment been issued
prior to AT?
Class III (POL)

• Coordinate fueling schedule prior to


• Obtain fueling schedule and location from

HQ during AT
Class IV (Barrier Material)
• Submit requests to higher HQ
– Commander should provide specifics
• Equipment needed to support Class IV
– Material Handling Gloves, goggles, etc.
– Pioneer tools
– Forklift/crane
– Transportation of material
• Date/time of pick-up and turn-in
Class V (Ammunition)

• Drivers HAZMAT certified?

• Submit ammo request
– If supported by higher HQ’s, this will be done
for you
• Dunnage procedures
– What needs to be turned in?
• Schedule of issue and turn-in
Class VII
• Submit MATES request-NLT 90 days out
– Request only what you are authorized
• Loan equipment from other organizations
– Request from other MSC’s
• Coordinate date/time for issue and turn-in
– Personnel on hand to PMCS equipment during issue and
– Vehicles clean, refueled and PMCS conducted prior to
– Be on Time!
– Coordinate BII issue and turn-in
Class VIII (Medical)

• Submit requests to DOL Warehouse

– Foot powder, sunscreen
– 90 days out
Class IX

• Coordinate with BN maintenance technician

• Obtain schedule from BN maintenance

section on issue and turn-in
• Most of these areas will be coordinated with higher HQ’s,
but if not, these areas will need to be considered
• Request using ATS-23
– http://wwwi/CRC/Ops/ATS%2023.doc
• Submit request for billeting (Minimum 90 days out, earlier
is better)
• Consider:
– T-Buildings or Tin Huts
– HQ’s building
– Motor Pool Requirements
– Maintenance Building
– BOQ’s
– Kitchen Requirements
– Latrine Requirements
– Classroom/Rec Center requirements
– Weapons Cleaning Facility
• Post locations and hours for:
– Alternative Center, clubs, Px, snack bar, and
church services
• Coordinate date/time of issue and turn-in of
• Most of these areas will be coordinated with
higher HQ’s, but if not, these areas will
need to be considered
• Convoy Request submitted? (120 days out)
• Additional transportation requirements
– DISCOM Support Request
• Heavy transportation
• Bus/van
• Commercial bus
• Convoys-should include:
– Safety briefing
– Rest stops
– Travel meal (if needed)
– Enroute refueling sites
– TACC’s and OMS’ located near planned route
– Convoy Cdr., maintenance support, weapons
security, and communications
Signature Cards
• Updated cards been forwarded? (expires 31 Dec)
– Range Control
– Ammunitions Office
– Billeting
– Supply and Services Division
– DOL Warehouse
– Ration Break Point
Information Management
• Newsletter sent to unit personal-Include:
– Packing list (clothing, equipment, personal
– Date/Time of departure and return
– Emergency phone number and notification
– Building number
– POV report time/place
– Key training events
Information Management-con’t

• OIC’s/NCOIC’s of ranges, training events,


• Family Support Group POC

• Ensure you have the necessary equipment
and supplies to support the unit
– Sections are responsible to bring equipment on
their hand receipt to perform their missions.
• Plan on going on the advance detachment (3
days prior to AT)
• Communicate with other supply sergeants
and with BN S-4 NCO for changes and
updates affecting you.
Post Annual Training Tasks
Class I

• Has all Food Service paperwork been

submitted to supporting Class I

• Has extra rations been turned in? Including

Class II

• Coordinate Show down Inspections for

OCIE and personal clothing

• Has unit cleared the DOL Warehouse?

Class III, IV, and V
• Has unit vehicles been refueled and
prepared for convoy to Home Station?
• Did all Class IV get turned in and cleared
from supporting unit?
• Did all live ammunition and dunnage get
turned-in and cleared from support unit?
Class VII

• Were all vehicles and equipment drawn

from MATES turned-in and cleared?

• Was BII turned-in?

• Did equipment drawn from Supply and
Services get turned-in?
• Does unit armorer need additional
assistance with care and maintenance?
• Has a clearance time been set to turn-in
• Start planning EARLY!
• Your busiest time will be at the beginning
and end of Annual Training
• Hand receipt for equipment issued
• Develop a system to stay organized
• Communicate with leadership on changes
• Identify major areas of emphasis for supply
sergeants for IDT and AT training

• Establish guidelines for assisting supply

sergeants to prepare, anticipate, and execute
during unit training periods.

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