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Thomas Jefferson

Our President Thomas

 Are #3 president Mr. Jefferson has a great
history. He was famous for his face carved in
Mt. Rushmore. He was are president that died
on July 4, 1826, the same day that former
president, John Adams died. July 4th is now a
holiday that includes fireworks. He was
Democratic-Republican. He was 6 feet 2 ½
inches tall. He also wrote the document, the
Declaration of Independence and you will
hear more about it in this Power point.
The Birth Of Thomas Jefferson
 Thomas Jefferson was born on April
13, 1743 in Virginia. His father
Peter Jefferson had built a wooden
farm house where his family could
live. He name the house Shadwell
after the danger and perishing in
London and his wife Jane Jefferson
got christened. He owned more then
a 1,000 Acers of land. Tom had 2
sisters and 1 brother.
Tom’s Education
 For Tom’s school, his
dad sent him to a private
school with a private
tutor. After that he was
sent to a school in
Norway. He lived there
for 5 years and only
came back on the
holidays. He learned how
to speak Latin French
and Greek.
A Sad Day
When Tom was 14 , his father died
at a age of 50. For Toms inheritance
He got 5 parcels of land, 50 horses,
21 slaves, education, and a well-worn
book of
A New School For Tom
 For School He went to
Reverend James Maury . The
Reverend taught 5 students. 1 of
them was Dabney Carr. They
immediately became friends, but
then Tom asked himself what to
do with his life so he went to
college. After that hen
graduated. While he was in
college, he drew his plans for
his dream mansion Monticello.
The Government
A few years later Tom was
working with the government.
He also met Mary Skelton and
got married. The Congress was
working on the document they
called the Declaration of
Independence and they chose
Tom to write it. So he wrote it in
17 days. When He grew ranks.
He became vice president.
Finally Monticello,
the mansion was done
being built. This
would be Tom’s new
home. He also heard
that his sister got
married to his friend
Dabney Carr.
The Declaration Of
The Congress was working on a
document called the Declaration
of Independence. They
recognized Tom as a excellent
writer. So he wrote in 17 days and
when he turned it he grew ranks,
he turned into vice president to
John Adams The Declaration of
Independence is now one of the
most famous documents in the
United States. It holds the
government together
Vice President -President
 When Tom was
vice president
there was almost
going to be a
election, plus
there was a threat
of war on France.
Tom won the
election and also
designed the
Lewis and Clark
Passing Away

Tom was growing old and was going

to die soon. It was also almost the
anniversary of the Declaration of
Independence. So the exact thing
happened. Tom died on July 4th
1826. That was the life of Thomas

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