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is a Greek word, meaning divinely inspired gift It is quality of leader whose certain traits differentiate him from others. The followers must attribute the charismatic qualities to the leader.


of beliefs Affection and affiliation Identification with the leader Trust Unquestioning acceptance of the leader Utmost obedience Emotional involvement Heightened desire to pursue goals the leader has set Mission driven

Referent Power: Ability to influence others that stems from leaders desirable traits and characteristics. Expert Power: Ability to influence others because of ones specialized knowledge, skills and abilities.
Job Involvement: The last three effects are perceptions related to the task or mission or job involvement. This is related to encourage followers or group members to be job involved.


Charismatic leadership Personalized Charismatic leadership Office holder charismatic leadership Personal charismatic leadership Divine charismatic leadership

Masterful communication skills Ability to inspire the followers Ability to make group members feel capable Emotional expressiveness and warmth Using unconventional strategies Self promoting personality Minimum internal conflict Candid but not insensitive

Metaphors and analogies Gearing language to different audience Use of anecdote Confident and eloquent


take heinous decisions. May take advantage of the followers trust. Followers might be oblivious to the true intentions of the leader.

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