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Special issues in the Atmosphere

Ozone in the Stratosphere

CFCs among other things chew up the ozone. They are inert at ground level but fall apart at high energy conditions in the stratosphere.

CF2Cl2 + UV light ----> CF2Cl

Cl + O3 ----> ClO + O2

+ Cl

ClO + O ----> Cl + O2

The ozone layer is thinning at a rate of .5% per year since late 70s

Research Council predicts a 2-5% increase in skin cancer for each 1% depletion of ozone

Nobel Prize 1995

(despite black balling by DuPont)

Where do we find CFCs?

We use CFCs for foaming agents (Styrofoam), computer and stereo cleaners, athletic instant freeze sprays and propellants and refrigerants. NOx from jet exhaust in the stratosphere and agriculture also contribute to thinning.

Some success!
Because of the Montreal protocol, CFCs have been phased out around the world despite protests and foot dragging from US mostly in response to protestations from DuPont. They have been replaced by HCFCs and pother compounds, which are also harmful but possibly to a lesser degree Ozone loss will persist until 2045 (best estimate).

The Greenhouse Effect

Contributions to greenhouse effect

This graph shows the seasonal changes in CO2 concentrations

Post-industrial revolution
Humans add 25 billion tons of CO2 to atmosphere per year. USA produces 23.66 tons of CO2 per year per person (population 290 billion)

22 billion tons comes from fossil fuels 15 billion tons are removed by plants, soil and the ocean leaving a surfeit of 10 billion tons. Average tree absorbs about 26 - 40 pound per year. Calculate how many new trees we need to plant.

Personal responsibility
44 trees per year cancels your carbon dioxide fuel debt. Global Releaf costs 1$ per tree Tree People 818 753-4600 Go to

Kyoto Conference in 1997 tried to reduce CO2 emissions. Clinton signed but Senate wouldnt ratify. Bush refused. Obama disappointed his environmental constituency by not signing it either. We have 4% of worlds population but emit 30% of the CO2

Cows fart and release methane. Eat beef and die warm. Methane is 20-30 times better at heat retention CFCs are 20,000 times better.

Guilt-free Holiday Tree!

Growing trees absorb CO2 at a higher rate than mature trees Tree farms reduce CO2 Enjoy them!

Temperature Predictions
Scientists predict a temperature rise of 3 degrees C by 2100. Politicians dispute this Who do you want to listen to about sciencea scientist or a politician?

These are all reputable scientific organizations that have come to similar conclusions

Consequences ??
Oceans rise 3 mm per year now If polar ice caps melt, oceans may rise between 20 cm and 14 meters! What happens to Fuji? Philippines? Jamaica? LA? Holland? New York? Formentera?

Is there evidence? Yes!

Coastline loss: Poland 55% Cyprus 37.8% Latvia 32.8% Greece 28.6% Belgium 25.5% Italy 23%

Why are we still arguing about data that the world scientific community agrees on? NOAA, UCS, NASA, Nature, Stratigraphy

The list is VERY long. Only a handful of scientists oppose the ideas that we are experiencing climate change. Why are they given equal weight? Since when do politicians interpret science data? Dont be suckered.

Commission of the Geological Society of London, EPA, ACIA, Caltech, MIT, Woods Hole, National Academy of Science, Nobel Laureates..

More ice bergs are calved

Polar bears are at risk as are many habitats

More and more odd things.

wasps in Canadian Arctic potatoes in Greenland mussels off Norway grass in the Antarctic glaciers visibly melting ocean visibly rising Melting snows of Kilamanjaro

A New Ice Age Because of Global Warming? Huh?

Yes, some scientists like those at Woods Hole are concerned that large amounts of melted fresh water will disrupt the currents in the Atlantic that keep the north warm (especially Europe)

Just Like Day After Tomorrow?

The key is the thermohaline circulation. The salt densities drive the circulation. Melted ice could disrupt this.

If the circulation stops, the temperature drops

One possible method for stabilizing the amount of carbon dioxide (CO2) in the atmosphere is to inject it into the deep ocean, either from shore stations or from tankers at sea. The consequences of doing this are unknown.

Personal solutions
Energy conservation Set your thermostat at a reasonable temperature or better yet, dont use air conditioning at all Drive less, use a bike, walk, car pool Oppose deforestation and slash and burn Covert to solar, wind, tidal and geothermal energies Buy and use less stuff! Reduce, reuse, recycle

Dont sink your own boat! Do your part!

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