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Content Management System (CMS) - An overview

Project Organisation
Project Sponsor Alan McMeekin

Reference Group

Technical Group

Metadata Group

Training Group

CMS Overview
To implement a content management infrastructure that captures, manages, leverages and distributes content in a collaborative fashion that minimizes the need for web authors to have significant technical skills in web design, implementation and publishing Content Management System Project Charter Version No. 0.4

CMS Objectives
Devolve content creation throughout the institution regardless of contributors skills Provide security, governance and approval processes over content published on the web Enable the creation, management, and usage of standardised metadata Continue to support a diverse array of existing technology platforms Consolidate the current technology environment wherever possible Improve the quality of Monash web sites through the implementation of standards across presentation, metadata, governance, discovery, and navigation

Context Diagram
Web Surfers Students, Staff Interested Parties Directory and Security Services Web Content Web Pages Web Authors Intranet Servers

Content Management System


Template Designers

Approved Page


Services Provided : Ease of editing Collaborative Authoring Standard templates Backup and Archiving Routing and Approval processes Version Control Metadata Management

Extranet Servers

Technical Architecture
Web Masters

TCP/IP TCP/IP Network Network

LDAP Directory and Security Services

Web Surfers Students, Staff Interested Parties Intranet Servers

Web Authors Template Designers

HTML XML Pages Future 2nd Production Machine Sun Fire V480 Server : 900 Mhz 2 CPU (moving to 4) 4Gb Memory 2 * 73 Gb drives Future Development Machine

Extranet Servers


Storage Area Network

Oracle Metadata Store

A workflow with Metadata

Author Creates Content CMS applies Metadata Approver checks Work

Not Approved


Available on the web

Metadata sent to the Search Engine

CMS publishes to the web servers

Content Creation
Aim: Simplify the processes of placing content on the web and obtaining approval to do so Use templates to capture the content and to present it Use workflow to simplify the upload, approve and publish processes Embed Teamsite buttons in standard Microsoft applications if required

Aim: Implement approval workflows and enable security such that only approved persons can publish to sites that are of importance to Monash

Aims: Implement automated gathering of metadata with the ability of the authors and editors to correct if necessary Appropriately store and manage metadata Provide metadata to the search engine

Continue to support a diverse array of existing technology platforms Consolidate the current technology environment wherever possible
Aims: Implement processes that automate the capture of content from a variety of editing tools and simplify the presentation of that content Enable the embedding of sophisticated content on web pages without requiring sophisticated web presentation skills from the author

Aim: Improve the quality of Monash web sites
The implementation of standards across presentation, metadata, governance, and navigation will enhance quality Ease of use will remove some of the barriers to quality The dimensions of quality in this instance are accuracy, availability, discoverability, relevance, and timeliness of information

Quality - Actions
Accuracy: Enable an approval process to confirm the accuracy of the information Availability: Ensure that the information is published, backed up, versioned, and restorable through automated Teamsite processes Discoverability: Ensure that the information can be located through effective use of metadata driven searches Relevance: Enable a process to ensure relevance through the use of approval processes Timeliness of information: Simplify and automate the publication of web site information and enable removal of information through the use of automated sunset processes.

Implementation of TeamSite
Methods of content authoring
Use of standard content entry templates for html pages known as data capture templates Use of web authoring applications for nontemplated html pages Use of Front-Office and TeamSite Briefcase for non-html pages

Front-Office and TeamSite briefcase

Front-Office is a TeamSite add-in to Microsoft Office that enables .doc, .ppt and .xls to be uploaded to the website directly from the desktop TeamSite Briefcase is a TeamSite add-in to Windows Explorer enabling any file type to uploaded to the website directly from the desktop

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