Solar System Project: The Sun: By, Matthew Huncke

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Solar System Project: THE SUN

By, Matthew Huncke

Who Discovered the Sun?

Galileo Galilei, in 1620 Sided with Heliocentric Theory Theory proposed by Copernicus Trialed for heresy by church

Origin of the Name:

Comes from Anglo Saxons (sunne) Sunne came from Germany (Sunno) German came from Indo-European (sawen, means to shine)

Size of the Sun

In diameter: 1,392,648 km 109x the Earth Mass: 2 x 10^30th 330,000x the Earth

Density of the Sun

1.410 g/cm^3

In the middle of all planets

Including moons

Most Dense: Earth 5.515 g/cm^3

Interior Composition:
91.2% hydrogen 8.7% helium 0.078% oxygen 0.043% carbon 0.0088% nitrogen 0.0045% silicon 0.0038% magnesium 0.0035% neon 0.0030% iron 0.0015% sulfur

Internal Layering:
Inner Core: 0.3 Solar Radii,

15x10^6 K, Region of energy

generation Radiative Zone: 0.3-0.6 Solar Radii, 6x10^6 K, Where energy transport is by radiation flow Convection Zone: 0.6-1.0

Solar Radii, 1x10^6 K, Where

energy transport is by convection shells

Photoshpere: 100 km, 6,000 K, surface where

photons are emitted

Chromosphere: 2,000 km, 30,000K, middle of atmosphere Corona: 10^6 km, 1x10^6 K, where solar wind orginoinates, extends

much farther into space

Magnetic Fields:
Has a very strong magnetic field Causes all the planets to orbit it Magnetic rings form in corona Magnetic field several times the size of Earths magnetic field

Rotation and Revolution:

The Sun does not revolve
Planets revolve aorund sun Does rotate every 25 days Proof: Sun spots, show side and cycle of sun

Evidence of Water and Fluids

Yes Located in Sunspots Sunspots can be 4,760 F Water forms and evaporates Forms water vapor (consists of Oxygen + Hydrogen)

Space Missions
2017 we will

NASA will send two probes

Will sit 70 million miles from sun to not melt

Challenger would have observed suns longitude and latitude

Evidence of Life

Plate Tectonics:
No plate tectonics

The Sun does not have a Solid surface

Does have a core

Interesting Facts:
The suns layers go from cooler to hotter
The sun accounts for 99.8% of our solar systems mass

The sun has gone through half its life

If it exploded, the explosion would contain all the energy it produced throughout its life (another big bang) The sun is large but very small (a dwarf star) In 1 billion years the sun will be too hot for life on earth Each layer rotates at a different speed

References: Answers, n.d. Web. 24 Feb. 2013. <>.

SMH.COM." SMH.COM. N.p., 22 Nov. 2010. Web. 24 Feb. 2013. <http://www.smh.comnews/Big-Questions/Does-the-sun-revolve-on-an-axis or-is-it-stationary-in-the-middleof-the-solar-system/2005/06/10/ 1118347582434.html>. "Universe Today." Universe Today RSS. N.p., 5 May 2011. Web. 24 Feb. 2013. <http://www.universetoday.com17982/10-interesting-facts-about-the-sun/>.
"Welcome to Mac OS X Server." Mac OS X Server. N.p., 13 Oct. 2009. Web. 24 Feb. 2013. <>.

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