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Dharma is the path of righteousness and living one's life according to the codes of conduct as described by the Hindu

scriptures Moral Law of the World Hinduism describes dharma as the natural universal laws whose observance enables humans to be contented and happy, and to save himself from degradation and suffering. Dharma is the moral law combined with spiritual discipline that guides one's life. Hindus consider dharma the very foundation of life. It means "that which holds" the people of this world and the whole creation. Dharma is the "law of being" without which things cannot exist.

Human life is the most sacred in the entire creation of God. God incarnates in the form of a human being. Humanness is pure, unsullied. Such a sacred human life is being polluted with evil desires, and thus man is defiling human birth itself. Human birth is the rarest among all living beings. God created everything in the universe, then, why did he give utmost importance to human life alone? Because only man possesses certain capabilities which no other living being possesses.

Why has God created man? One should delve into the inner experience of this. Man's life will find fulfillment only when he understands the purpose of human birth. Human body is given to serve God, not to meet selfish needs. Human body is the first means to perform Dharma (right conduct). God has given human body to man to server his fellow men, but he has forgotten his primary duty of service to others. For whose sake are you living? Understand this and you will know the purpose of life. Why does God incarnate? He incarnates to lead man to the right path. Man at the time of birth is absolutely pure and sacred, but as he grows up, he loses his human values due to his excessive desires and association with worldly relations.

Body is meant for practicing Dharma. But man forgets Dharma and indulges in selfish acts. None can escape the consequences of his actions. You reap what you sow, at the time of birth, you are born with an invisible garland made up of the consequences of your past actions be they good or bad. You will be wasting your life if you do not dedicate yourselves to the service of mankind. Body is given to serve the Creator and the creation. Service to man is service to God. Render service to the society with the feeling that God is present in one and all. Your education will be useless if it is not utilized for the service of the society

Hinduism accepts the concept of reincarnation, and what determines the state of an individual in the next existence is karma which refers to the actions undertaken by the body and the mind. In order to achieve good karma it is important to live life according to dharma, what is right. This involves doing what is right for the individual, the family, the class or caste and also for the universe itself. Dharma is like a cosmic norm and if one goes against the norm it can result in bad karma. So, dharma affects the future according to the karma accumulated.

The 10 Rules of Dharma

10 essential rules for the observance of dharma:
Patience Forgiveness Self control Honesty Sanctity Control of senses Reason Knowledge or Learning Truthfulness Absence of Anger

Our values are our principles, our guides. Values are our codes of internal conduct, the principles upon which we run our lives and make our decisions. Our first values are given to us by our parents, and these are added to by those values given to us by our peers, our teachers, the wider community. Our moral values are often sourced from our faith systems. It is from these that we select the principles which rule our lives and our behaviours. Our values often include universal principles such as Truthfulness, Honesty, Fairness, Justice, Honor


Human Values
Human Values are those universal concepts, drivers of action which are found in all cultures, all societies, all times and in all places where human beings make out their lives. The five human values, which can be found in all cultures, all societies and in all religions, are Truth, Right Conduct, Love, Peace and NonViolence. These values are eternal; they are eternal essences, which elevate human life to its highest expression, its highest capacity

Human Values

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