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Basics Of Internet

Internet is the worlds largest computer network, the network of networks, scattered all over the world.

It was created 25 years ago as a project for the U.S Department of Defense. Its goal was to create a method for widely separated computers to transfer data efficiently.

From 1960`s till today the internet has grown and is connecting millions of users today. Through internet one can communicate, send data, files & another information. Internet covers the globe and includes large, as well as smaller regions.

What's Special About Information ?

Get Information :
You could get information about
People Products Organizations Research Data etc.

Providing Information :
Internet is the best & most inexpensive way to let people know who you are, what are you doing / have done and how. For an organisation setting up a website is a good way to let the world know what its products & services are.

Compiling Information From The Internet :
It is possible to get specialized information from the web. Example : If you want to poll the readership for a magazine the web provides you with the ideal platform and opportunity. Using forms & e-mail you can conduct surveys, get opinion of people across the world. There are hundreds of websites which have discussion groups where one can post a question and get it answered by hundreds of people who participate in the discussion.

Internet Basics
Most people who are new to the internet, first experience to them is quite overwhelming. Faced with the wide range of features, options and the scope along with the information and other resources, newbies spend lot of time simply finding new things.
However as one gets the feel of the internet, it becomes clear that Internet is similar to any other medium of information & communication

Once you know the information that you want to find, how to find, where to find and how to access it, the internet becomes an powerful resource. Once you know how to send & receive electronic mail, join & participate in discussion groups & Internet chats your power to communicate increases. The beauty of Internet is that all these power & resources are available at very minimal cost.

What Can I Do ?
List of activities that you could do with the internet :
Visit web sites Send & receive mails Read & post articles Download files to your P.C Play games on-line Chat with others online Access online multimedia like radio & video Join contests Do on-line shopping Post your resumes Search jobs Create own website etc

Web browser
A web browser is a software application for retrieving, presenting, and transferring information through the internet. The first web browser was invented in 1990 by Sir Tim Berners-Lee It was called WorldWideWeb (no spaces) and was later renamed Nexus. In 1993, browser software was further innovated by Marc Andreessen with the release of Mosaic (later Netscape), "the world's first popular browser. Microsoft responded with its Internet Explorer in 1995, initiating the industry's first browser war. Internet Explorer gained dominance in the web browser market; Internet Explorer usage share peaked at over 95% by 2002


Function Of A Browser
The primary purpose of a web browser is to bring information resources to the user, allow them to view the information and then access other information. This process begins when the user inputs a Uniform Resource Locator (URL).

List of web browsers

In order of release:

WorldWideWeb, February 26, 1991 Mosaic, April 22, 1993 Netscape Navigator and Netscape Communicator, October 13, 1994 Internet Explorer, August 16, 1995 Opera, 1996, Mozilla Navigator, June 5, 2002 Safari, January 7, 2003 Mozilla Firefox, November 9, 2004 Google Chrome, September 2, 2008

Market share of web browsers

Search engines
Search engines are programs that search documents for specified keywords and shows a list of the documents where the keywords were found.

- The world's most popular search engine. : The 2nd largest search engine on the web (as defined by a September 2007 Nielsen Netratings report).

was one of the early Internet search engines (since 1996) launched by Wired Magazine.

Market share
Search engine
Google Yahoo!

Market share in May 2011

82.80% 6.42%

Market share in December 2010

84.65% 6.69%

Bing Yandex Ask

3.91% 1.7% 0.52%

3.29% 1.3% 0.56%




Source : Wikipedia

Extraa Gyann.

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