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2001 Standardization Symposium

A Model for Government Industry Standardization Synergy

The EIA-836 Project

Alan E. Lager, MLR Associates


2801 Park Center Drive, #A1612, Alexandria, VA 22302,

703 567 3280; 703 624 8857(Cell) Fax: 703 5673279 E-Mail: MLR Associates
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Agend a

The EIA-836 Project

A Model for Government Industry Standardization Synergy

EIA-836 CM Data Exchange and Interoperability EIA-836 Background/Objectives Industry-Government Partnership The Leveraging Effect Current Status MLR Associates
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EIA-STD-836 CM Data Exchange and Interoperability

A web-based voluntary industry consensus standard
Configuration Management Business Objects CM Data Element and Attribute definitions XML Reference Schema graphically illustrating data element relationships Enable CM data exchange, sharing, and access within electronic business (e-business) environments MLR Associates Satisfy industry and government
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EIA-836 Background
DoD Mandated Standards
MIL-STD-973 and MIL-STD-2549

Industry Practices Based on Sound Principles Evolution of CM Standards

ANSI/EIA-649 and EIA-836

Broaden applicability to include the commercial sector

Leverage the latest information technologies and systems, e.g., XML

MLR Associates
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Harmonize with related programs, e.g, EDI, STEP, PDM, IDE,etc.

GEIA EIA-836 Objectives

Industry-Government Partnership
Replace MIL Support STD-2549 with Acquisition Industry Reform Standard Provide Leverage Modernized Industry Capability Practices Broaden Scope Standardize to include all and Streamline Industry DoD Data Domains Interfaces Government/ Contractor Trading Partners
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The Leveraging Effect

Minimum DoD Investment Maximum Industry
Approved Standards Process

ITI G-33 EIA-836 CM/DM GEIA G-47 SE/SW Working Group Committee GEIA Member Company Funded Core Group Representatives DoD ManTech Other Associations WVA NDIA, ACDM, SOLE, LMI INCOSE, AIA-ECWG Interfaces/Harmonization MLR SAIC PLCS, STEP, DEBPO/PDML, EXOSTAR
MLR Associates
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Participation and Exposure AIA, LM 836 Oversight Boeing, Raytheon Committee SSTC

EIA-836 Current Status

Requirements Analysis Data Dictionary & Schema Development

A Work-in-Process

Integration and Packaging

EIA-836 Draft 0.1 Review

Additional Schemas and Text Additional Business Object Development

EIA-836 Draft 0.3 Review Draft 0.4, 0.5.

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EIA/ANSI Ballot, Approval, Deployment and Maintenance

Lessons Learned Keys To Success

Believe in the Value-Added Nature of the Project Work at Building Team Trust and Confidence
Find others who agree (some of them may even have funding!) Find common ground and build on it Be Open, Honest and Supportive Value the expertise and experience of all participants Build support early through coordination with others Endure the slings and arrows of outrageous review MLR Associates meetings 9/22/00 8

Work to Consensus

Back-up Slides

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EIA-836 Table of Contents

Foreword Introduction 1. Scope 2. Normative References 3. Definitions 4. Symbols & Abbreviations 5. CM Business Objects 5.1 CM Planning & Management 5.2 Configuration Identification 5.3 Configuration Change Management 5.4 Configuration Status Accounting 5.5 Configuration Verification & Audit 5.6 Data-Document Management 5.7 General Business Objects

6. CM Data Dictionary

7. CM Reference Schemas
7.1 Core Components 7.2 Business Relationships 7.3 Product Detail 7.4 Product Configuration 7.5 Document 7.6 CM Actions 8. Application Notes

A EIA-836 User Guidance B Data Element Alias Cross-Ref C EIA-836 to EIA-649 Principles Cross-Ref D

Data Element UDEF Cross-Ref.

MLR Associates

Multi-View Project, Trident Systems
Common Systems Info Schema will use 836 Consistent data element definitions Leverage 836 CM Business Objects Harmonize Data Element Overlaps EDI/STEP/PLCS/836

PLCS CM Working Group Collaboration AIA EC Working Group

DoD Systems Engineering Namespace DEBPO

PDML Demo using EIA-836 Business Objects
MLR Associates
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