Tes Urin Untuk Kehamilan

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Rahdanur Rizal Kurniawan Rudi Adityo Gunawan Sherly Prastiti Septiadi


Urine Definition

is the leftover liquid excreted by the kidneys, which then expelled from the body through urination process.


filtered in the kidneys

dumped out of the body through the urethra.

carried through the ureter to the bladder

Kind of urine sample

1. Urine sewaktu
The urine is released at one time that not determined by a special time.

2. Morning urine
Morning urine is the urine that is first issued on the morning after waking.

3. Postprandial urine
Urine sample is useful for examination of glucosuria, which is the urine was first issued 1.5 3 hours after meal.

4. 24 Hours urine
Urine that collect during 24 hours

Routine test

for routine urine examination and complete. urine examination is an examination of the macroscopic, microscopic and chemical examination of urine, including protein and glucose.

Routine examination usually consists of: 1. Macroscopic examination

a. Urine volume

Measure the amount of urine is useful for determining the existence of kidney function disorders, abnormalities in body fluid balance, etc. The average volume of urine in tropics within 24 hours between 800 - 1300 ml for adults.

Some factor that affect urine volume : age, weight, sex, food and beverage, body temperature, climate and activities of the person concerned.

b. Protein

Most routine way to express the protein in the urine based on the occurrence of turbidity. Because the density or turbidity ballpark will become one measure for the amount of protein available, the use of clear urine very well become an important requirement in the tests against the protein.
c. Specific gravity

Examination of urine specific gravity associated with renal concentrating function, can be done in various ways, namely by using the falling drop, gravimetry, using piknometer, refractometer and reagens 'ribbon. Urine specific gravity while in normal people between 1.003 to 1.030.
d. Glucose

Checking for the presence of glucose in urine, including examination of the filters. Declare the existence of glucose can be done by a different principle.

e. pH
Does not mean much in the examination of the filters. But in the determination of acid-base balance disorders that

can give an impression about the state of the body, especially if accompanied by determination of the amount of acid that is excreted within a certain time, the number of ions, NH4, etc. Normal urine pH ranges between 4.5 to 8.0. In addition, determination of pH on urinary tract infection can give clues to the etiology.

f. The smell of urine

must be distinguished from the original scent is the smell that

occurs in the urine that is left with no preservatives. To assess the urine smell of fresh urine is used, which take into account is an abnormal smell. The smell of urine is normally caused by volatile organic acids.

g. Colour

Attention to the color of urine is useful because

sometimes acquired abnormalities that mean for the clinic. Tested on a thick layer of 7-10 cm with a translucent light. Actions that can be done by filling the tube up to 3 / 4 full and reviewed in oblique attitude. Urine color can be expressed as: colorless yellow, yellow, dark yellow, red mixed with yellow, red mixed with yellow, red, yellow brown mixed green, white like milk, etc.

2. Microscopic examination Important to know the existence of abnormalities in the kidneys and urinary tract and the severity of the disease. Typically the elements of sediment was divided into two groups, namely the organic elements and not organic.
a. Urine clarity The clarity test of urine same as the urine color test. Not all kinds of turbidity is abnormal b. Examination of bilirubin urine based on the reaction between the diazonium salt with bilirubin in an atmosphere of acid, which cause blue or purple. The presence of bilirubin from 0.05 to 1 mg /dL urine will give a positive result and this situation shows the liver or biliary tract disorders.

c. Examination urobilinogen Under normal circumstances urobilinogen levels ranged from 0.1 to 1.0 Ehrlich unit per dl of urine. Increased urinary excretion of urobilinogen may be caused by abnormalities of the liver, bile duct or excessive hemolisa processes in the body. Normal circumstances there is no blood in the urine

d. Sediment

Element comes from something organic tissue or organ while the unorganic elements are not derived from anything the network. Usually more meaningful than an organic element of unorganic elements.
Organic elements: 1. Leukocytes 2. erythrocytes 3. Cylinder 4. Epithelium Cell 5. oval fat bodies 6. Mucus threads 7. Silindroid 8. spermatozoa. 9. pieces of tissue 10. Parasite Unorganic elements : 1. Crystals 2. Amorphous material

Detection Limit

The detection limit of a test is that concentration, at which the test starts to turn from negative to positive.

Urine tests during pregnancy

Several tests were conducted to see if you or your baby at risk for other problems. The other tests were conducted based on risk factors, family and ethnic background, or from the results of previous tests. In addition, the test was also conducted to determine kidney function pregnant women, the presence or absence of protein in the urine, and also knowing blood sugar levels

Laboratory examination in pregnancy should be done at:

antenatal care during pregnancy between 4-6 months of age. Examination of pregnancy when the pregnancy reaches 32 weeks last antenatal and performed at the age between 32-36 weeks gestation.

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