Evaluating The Treaty of Versailles

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Aftermath of WWI

And the Validity of the Treaty of Versailles

Allied Powers
Nation Great Britain What it wanted What it got
Keep #1 status Prevent Germany from being a world power Revenge from 1870 Prevent Germany from being a world power Reunite Russia Prevent Germany from being a world power Nothing Keep Britain from falling apart

Heavy losses


Victory Suffered the most Fear of another war Heavy losses Russian Revolution End of Empire; beginning of Soviet Union Nothing Learned not to get involved without rewards



Central Powers
Nation Germany What it wanted What it got
Wanted to be world power Knock out British (build navy) Unite themselves Get blamed, forced to pay $ Angered Bad loss Broke up into new countries Bad loss Cut up into other countries

AustriaHungary Ottoman Empire Italy

Unite themselves

Dominate Switched sides in Mediterranean 1915 Unite the new country Didnt lose much

A world at war

Allies(someenteredthewaror droppedoutlater) CentralPowers NeutralCountries


Images of France After the War


1. What level of destruction do these images indicate? 2. What emotions are evoked, how must the French have felt? 3. How long do you think it would take to rebuild? 4. How much money do you think it would cost?

Based on this information

How might Frances post war settlement goals differ from the United States? What might France Fear? Would Frances desires in relation to Germany be justified? Why might the U.S. been able to take a more idealistic perspective?

Germanys response to the Treaty of Versailles

What objections does Germany Raise to the treaty? Are these objections valid? Should the allies have modified the treaty in any way to address these points?

Hitlers speech before WWII

FYI: the German Kaiser abdicated at the close of World War I, to be succeeded by a democratic republic known as the Weimar Republic. It was representatives of the Weimar Republic who signed the Versailles Treaty
1. Why is Hitler so bitter concerning the Weimar Republic? 2. What does he blame the Weimar for? 3. What imagery does he use? 4. What actions is he alluding to at the end? 5. How might this speech appeal to the listener? 6. Consider how the treaty may have contributed to the rise of Nazism, and by extension, World War II. Would Hitler have been able to give such a powerful speech or to find a receptive audience if the treaty had been different?

In your opinion did the Treaty of Versailles lead to WWII? Were the allied powers justified in their harsh punishment of Germany in the Treaty of Versailles?

Treaty of Versailles Political Cartoons.

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