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Basic concepts of income tax

Assessee sec 2(7): assessee means a person by whom any tax or any other sum of money is payable under this act .

Assessment year sec 2(9)

It means the period of twelve months commencing from 1st April to 31st of march the next year. Previous year sec 3: it is the immediately preceding twelve months period to the relevent assessment year.

Person sec 2(31)

The term person includes 1 an individual 2. Hindu undivided family 3. A company 4. A firm 5. An association of persons 6. A local authorities 7. Every artificial judicial persons

Income sec 2(24)

Income under the provisions of the act includes the following: 1. Profits and gains 2. Dividends 3. Any volentary contributions received 4. The value of any oerquisite 5. Profits in lieu of salary 6. Allowences

Gross total income sec 14

GTI means the aggregate of the incomes computed under the heads 1. Income under the head salary 2. Income under the head House property 3. Income under the head Profits and gains of business and profession 4. Income the head Capital gains 5. Income under the head other sources.

Total income sec 2(45)

Gross total income (-) allowable deductions = total income

Residential status
Tax is levied on the total income of the assessee. Under the provisions of the act assessee is categorized into: 1. Ordinary resident 2. Resident but not ordinary resident 3. Non resident

Residential status of individual

Resident sec 6(1) To determine the residential status of an individual sec 6(1) prescribes two tests. Any individual satisfies any of the two test is called as the resident Basic conditions 1. If he is in India during the relevant previous year for a period amounting in all to 182 days or more. 2. He is in India for 365 days during four preceding previous years and he is in India for a period of 60 days in the previous year.

Additional conditions
1. He must be a resident of India by fulfilling at least one of the above conditions in 2 out of 10 previous years preceding the relevant previous years. 2. He must stayed In India for 730 days or more druing 7 previous preceding the relevant previous year.

if the individual satisfies both the additional conditions then he will be treated as resident and ordinary resident other wise he will be treated as resident but not ordinary resident. If he does not satisfy any of the conditions then he is treated as non resident

Residential status of HUF

To determine the residential status of HUF there are two sets of conditions: 1. Basic conditions 2. additional conditions BASIC CONDITIONS: AHUF is said to be resident if control and management of its affairs is wholly or partially situated in India other wise HUF is treated as non resident.

Additional conditions of HUF

The karta or the manager of the HUF has been in India for preceeding the current previous year. He has been present in India for a period of 730 days or more during 7 years preceeding to the current previous year.

Residential status of the firm

A firm may be resident or non resident. A partner ship firm is said to be resident in India if the control and management is wholly or patially with in India during the previous year. If the control and management of its affairs are situated out side India then the firm will be treated as non resident.

Residential status of company

A company which is incorporated under the Indian companies Act 1956 is known as Indian company. From the residential point view, a company may be resident or non resident . A company is considered as resident if it an Indian company if the control and management of its affairs is wholly situated in India other wise it is treated as non resident.

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