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Presented by: Aparajita Bhattacharya

A brand is a name ,term, sign ,symbol , design or a combination of these which is intended to identify the goods or services of one seller and to differentiate them from those of competitors. Brands are valuable intangible assets that need to be managed


When a brand name or brand mark is registered and legalized

it becomes a trade mark.

Components of a Brand
Brand Name
Logo Design: Slogan

Brand Promises

Classification of Brands
On the basis of ownership: 1. Manufacturers brand
2. 1.

Middlemens brand

On the basis of Market Area: Local brands 2. Regional brands 3. National Brands 4. International brands

On the basis of number of products: 1. Family brands

Individual brands 3. Product-line brands


Branding is the marketing process by which a product is assigned a brand. It is a general term covering the various activities such as giving a brand name to a product, designing a brand mark and establishing and popularizing it.
Branding is endowing products and services with the power of a brand. Its all about creating differences between products

Utility/Functions of Branding
Helps in Product Identification.

Helps in Advertising and packaging activities.

Ensures legal right on the product and helps in eliminating imitation products.

Helps in creating and sustaining brand loyalty.

Increases consumer awareness. Indirectly denotes the quality or standard of a product.

Advantages of Branding

Brands make shopping easier .The customer has to spend less time and energy in buying as brands make product identification easier.

The brand name indirectly assures certain quality by identifying the manufacturer behind the product.
Purchasing a socially visible brand gives psychological satisfaction to the buyer.

Advantages of Branding ( Cont.)


Major competitive advantage. Greater bargaining power to the manufacturer.

It widens the market for products.

Brands create goodwill for the product.

Arguments against Branding

It leads to Brand Monopoly.
Brand names do not always assure good quality. Manufacturers

sometimes place inferior goods in the market under a glamorous brand name.
The cost of establishing a brand in the initial stages is very high and tends to raise the prices of goods and services.

Branding Decisions

V. VI.

Brand Name Selection Brand Positioning Brand Sponsorship Brand Development Creating Brand Equity Rebranding

Brand Name Selection

A name can add greatly to the success of a brand.
While deciding the brands name the benefits of the product, the

target market and the marketing strategies of the firm should be considered.

Characteristic of a good brand name

It should suggest the characteristics and benefits of the product. E.g. Boost etc It should be catchy i.e. easy to pronounce ,recognize and remember. E.g. Tide ,Rin ,etc. It should be extendable i.e. it should allow expansion into other categories. It should be distinctive .e.g. Lexus ,Kodak ,Oracle ,etc. It should be capable of registration and legal protection.

Brand Positioning
Brand Positioning can be defined as an activity of creating a brand offer

in such a manner that it occupies a distinctive place and value in the target customers mind. A product can be positioned at any of the three levels: Attributes Benefits Beliefs and Values

Brand Sponsorship
Brand sponsorship decisions involves the decision of using the brand manufacturers name or retailers name The decision depends on who has more power in the value network.
Producers Brand or Manufacturers brand Private Brands or Dealers Brand Licensing: Some companies license names or symbols previously created by

other manufacturers.

Co branding: It is the practice of using the established brand names of two

different companies on the same product.

Brand Development
A plan to improve the performance of a particular product or service.

For example, as part of brand development a firm may initiate a new advertising campaign that includes free samples.

Line Extensions: It means extending brand names to new forms, sizes and flavours of an existing product category. Brand Extensions: It refers to extending existing brand names to new product categories. Multi brands: It implies introduction of new brand names in the same product category. New brands: It means using new brand names in new product categories.

Creating Brand Equity

Brand Equity is the added value endowed on products and services.
It may be reflected in the way consumers think, feel, and act with

respect to the brand, as well as in the prices, market share, and profitability the brand commands for the firm.

Rebranding is the creation of a new name, term, symbol, design, or

combination thereof for an established brand with the intention of developing a new, differentiated identity in the minds of consumers, investors and competitors

To conclude ,it can be said that brand name is only an ancillary thing and the consumer is really influenced by the quality and performance of the product . It must be remembered that quality builds brands and it is not the other way round.

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