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Metro sexual as an attractive target population for segmentation strategies. Metro sexual is a term used to describe a guy who is straight but cares a lot about his appearance. They focus more on their looks and wants to convey right body image. Role model-David Beckham, Brad Pitt, Christiano Ronaldo. New consumer segment There is an increase in the growth of cosmetics used by metro sexual.


Lancome made Clive Owen as spokesperson for its new anti ageing skin care products. Nivea has come up with many ads in US to appeal metro sexual. Various research firm in UK have reported that markets for mens grooming products has reached from 800 million to 900 million and should break trough 1 billion by 2012. In UK, Boots introduced male grooming zones in its stores to attract growing metro sexual customer.

1.Discuss The Metro Sexual In Terms Of The Various Segmentation.

Demography Gender young man Age mostly under 40s Income higher income and spending power

Psychographic Lifestyle Appearance Behavior Usage rate Owns several products Loyalty level Move on latest trend

Is The Skin Care Product Appeal To Metro sexual ? Why or Why Not

The first concerns women. As the presence of women has increased in men's social and working lives - as their rights were belatedly recognised - men have changed the way they act. Straight men, some marketers believe, are changing because women demand their partners take greater effort with their appearance. As women have pushed for equal rights, "the success of that push has fundamentally altered the way men and women interact within the workplace. Appearance and grooming are really important. The workplace itself has changed for many men, too. As the proportion of whitecollar workers grows, so does the need to look good. To compete in today's work environment, you must dress well, have your hair cut neatly and take care of your body. "The workplace has become far more competitive, It has become incumbent on the individual to look his best. as the world becomes increasingly globalised, men are starting to see that men in other countries - particularly in Europe - proudly take care of themselves. Physical attractiveness can have a significant effect on different spheres of our activity. It exerts an influence on how people are judged, in terms of employment or social opportunities, friendship, sexual behaviour, and marriage.

Other Aspects.....

It's a generational thing. Gen Y and millennial guys view all the creams and grooming preparations out there as OK and perfectly natural for them to use, rather than girly, "The guys in these generations get their bodies waxed, work out, style their hair, go to tanning salons, etc., more than their predecessors. Possibly because they were raised on MTV, the Internet and reality shows, every minute of their lives is a photo-op, they always want to look like they're ready for their 15 minutes of fame, and don't think there's anything feminine about that. One unchanging attribute in the psychographic definition is that they care about themselves, a lot. They do not have dependent financial responsibilities (in the traditional sense) like a wife and kids. The metro cares about personal appearance and will spend a lot of time and money to achieve the right look. The rise in disposable income and the influence of celebrities are the key reasons for the sudden explosion in the men's grooming segment Moreover metro sexuality has become more widely accepted by the masses

Some Facts......

This surge in the urge to look good has seen the men's grooming section in India increase to Rs 1,700 crore with an annual growth of over 25 per cent. Nilanjan Mukherjee, Head of Marketing, Personal Care Products Business, ITC, says, The segment shows immense promise and is growing faster than the overall personal care market, which is pegged at about Rs 40,000 crore. most of the new product launches are flying off the shelves, deodorants are showing the highest growth rate of about 50 per cent and the fairness cream market is growing at a rate of 35-40 percent. The global male preening market, which includes brands such as Lynx and L'Oreal Men Expert, is worth 16 billion each year.

What Market Research Would Be Necessary To Gather To Determine The Validity Of This Product ?

How would you target this kind of metro sexual ?

Self image and consumption. Celebrity endorsement and consumption. Perception. clear masculine vocabulary so men do not get threatened . E.g. Garnier for men

Would Perceptual Maps Be Helpful To Marketers Of This Kind Of Product ?


3 line products to our positioning.

Consumer product: For teenagers and Young women. Professional products: For hair salon and hairstylist. Luxury products: For men and women with high quality products.

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