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Getting Started with SQL Server 2008


Describe the data platform vision. Describe the new features in SQL Server 2008. Explain the dynamic development in SQL Server 2008. Describe the pervasive insight feature in SQL Server 2008. Describe Analysis Services of SQL Server 2008. Describe Integration Services of SQL Server 2008.

New Features of SQL Server 2008 / Session 1


Describe Reporting Services of SQL Server 2008. Explain IntelliSense in SQL Server 2008. Explain Multi-Server query feature. Explain the concept of Query Editor regions. State the new features of Object Explorer. Describe Activity Monitor.

New Features of SQL Server 2008 / Session 1


Data platform vision in SQL Server 2008 will help organizations to create next generation data driven applications. Key areas supporting the data platform vision:

Mission-critical enterprise data platform Dynamic development Relational data Business intelligence

Enhancements in SQL Server Management Studio improve performance and help to develop applications faster.
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Data Platform Vision 1-3

Data platform is:

Secure Manageable Reliable for creating critical applications

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Data Platform Vision 2-3

Data Platform Vision

New Features of SQL Server 2008 / Session 1

Data Platform Vision 3-3

SQL Server 2008 targets four major areas:

Enterprise Data Platform Dynamic Development

Pervasive Business Insight

Beyond Relational Data

New Features of SQL Server 2008 / Session 1

Location Intelligence

Spatial data capabilities help in building locationaware applications, such as applications for Global Positioning System (GPS) devices.

New Features of SQL Server 2008 / Session 1

Spatial Data Types

SQL Server 2008 introduces spatial data types, using which developers can easily develop location-aware applications in SQL.

Used to create objects representing a flat plane with x and y coordinates for points traced on edges of polygons, lines, and so forth

Uses latitude and longitude angles to find the points on the earth

New Features of SQL Server 2008 / Session 1

Support for any type of data 1-3

SQL Server 2008 is capable of handling and storing data from diverse sources
Data Source 1

XML ADO.NET Files Collections Spatial Data SQL Server 2008 ...

Data Source 3

Data Source 2

Data Source 4
New Features of SQL Server 2008 / Session 1 10

Support for any type of data 2-3


Used for storing Binary Large Objects (BLOBs) in the form of files

Integrated Full-Text Search

Helps in faster searching of documents and textual data Provides advantages over alternatives such as LIKE predicate with wildcards or custom-built solutions

New Features of SQL Server 2008 / Session 1


Support for any type of data 3-3

Large User-Defined Types (UDTs)

Used for storing spatial data like geometry and geography objects If SqlUserDefinedTypeAttribute.MaxByteS ize is set to -1, the UDT can store data upto 2 GB, otherwise cannot exceed the size specified in MaxByteSize property.

New Features of SQL Server 2008 / Session 1


Occasionally Connected Systems

SQL Server and .NET Framework 3.5 help to develop cache-based and notification-based applications. Databases are accessible in mobile applications and then synchronized seamlessly with the server whenever reconnected.

New Features of SQL Server 2008 / Session 1


Pervasive Insight

Enhancements to SQL Server Analysis Services, Integration Services, Reporting Services, and data warehousing. SQL Server 2008 has driven business intelligence (BI) in organizations by providing enhancements in data warehousing such as:

Improvements in SQL Server Integration Services (SSIS) Block Computations Scalable Reporting Internet Report Deployment Manage the Reporting Infrastructure
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Analysis Services

Improved multidimensional query performance Enhancements contribute to improved data analysis, Online Analytical Processing (OLAP) Multidimensional expression queries - used to query multidimensional objects and return multidimensional cellsets Enhancements in SQL Server Analysis Services:

Attribute Relationship Design MOLAP Write back Block Computation Star Join Query Optimization
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Integration Services

Plays an important role in Extract, Transform, and Load (ETL) operations Consists of 28 control flow tasks and 11 maintenance plans in SQL Server 2008 Some of these tasks are:

Container Tasks Data Preparation Tasks SQL Tasks Maintenance Tasks

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Reporting Services

Enhancements to improve visualization and delivery of data, simplify deployment and configuration of reports Some enhanced features are:

Managed Reporting Ad-Hoc Reporting Report Designer Report Builder Compelling Reports

New Features of SQL Server 2008 / Session 1


Enhancements in Management Studio

The new IntelliSense feature of SQL Server 2008 is comprised of following characteristics:

Speeds up application development by providing syntax and online references in the code Monitors code typed in the code editor region and prompts with the syntax help Saves time for the developer because it provides syntax help, word completion, and so forth Can be activated or deactivated from the menu by selecting Query -> IntelliSense option

New Features of SQL Server 2008 / Session 1


Multi-Server Query

Enables to query multiple servers from one query window Procedure:

Each server must be registered in the SQL Server Management Studio local servers group After all servers are registered, right-click on the group and choose new query option When multiple servers are connected, the confirmation is displayed at the bottom of window

There can be a mixture of SQL Server 2000, SQL Server 2005, and SQL Server 2008 within a local servers group

New Features of SQL Server 2008 / Session 1


Query Editor Regions

Help to simplify working with large amount of Transact-SQL code Is applicable only to multi-line statements Is new in SQL Server Management Studio Can be collapsed as well as expanded by clicking the - or + sign besides them Regions defined by following hierarchy:

From first GO command to next GO command Statements between BEGIN END, BEGIN TRY END TRY, BEGIN CATCH END CATCH Multi-line statements

New Features of SQL Server 2008 / Session 1


Advanced Object Explorer

Object Explorer Details option:

Enables to view several details about database and server objects Presents information about all the objects in the server in a tabular format Sorting, filtering can be done on the columns

New Features of SQL Server 2008 / Session 1


Search Feature

New feature introduced in Object Explorer Details window

Enables you to search server and database objects

Can search for different types of objects, such as tables, stored procedures, and so forth The searched result is displayed in the same window as Object Explorer Details Everything displayed in the Object Explorer details screen can be copied and pasted to Excel without any formatting issue
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Activity Monitor

Feature that gives information about SQL Server processes Many changes implemented in Activity Monitor of SQL Server 2008 Represented as a tabbed structure

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Is the first tab in the Activity Monitor Is expanded by default Comprises of a pane showing the graphical display of instance information such as processor time, waiting tasks, database I/O, and batch requests

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Displays information for active user connections Information displayed can be rearranged, sorted, or filtered

New Features of SQL Server 2008 / Session 1


Resource Waits

Displays information about waits for resources for the SQL Server instance, including wait time and wait category

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Data File I/O

Displays I/O activity for relational database files within the Database Engine Includes both the system and user databases

New Features of SQL Server 2008 / Session 1


Resource Expensive Query

Shows information about the most expensive queries over the last 30 seconds

New Features of SQL Server 2008 / Session 1



SQL Server 2008 includes several new features and architectural enhancements. Enterprise data platform, support for beyond relational data, and changes in SQL Server Analysis Services are some of the new features and architectural enhancements. Enhancements have also been made to SQL Server Integration Services and SQL Server Reporting Services. The enhancements in SQL Server 2008 Management Studio include IntelliSense support, Query Editor regions, Multi-Server query, Object Explorer Details, and Activity Monitor.
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