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Motivation: The Problem

illah nourbakhsh | CMU Robotics Institute | SysEng

Motivation: The Problem

I dont understand why it doesnt work.

illah nourbakhsh | CMU Robotics Institute | SysEng

Motivation: The Problem

I dont understand why it doesnt work. This is the first time Im trying it all.

illah nourbakhsh | CMU Robotics Institute | SysEng

Motivation: The Problem

I dont understand why it doesnt work. It worked fine last night.

illah nourbakhsh | CMU Robotics Institute | SysEng

Motivation: The Problem

I dont understand why it doesnt work. My part is fine. Its a problem with another part of the system.

illah nourbakhsh | CMU Robotics Institute | SysEng

Our Goal
1 Examine systems from many perspectives 2 Attain system engineering skills
plan, management, analysis, design, implementation, evaluation, validation

illah nourbakhsh | CMU Robotics Institute | SysEng

Defining System
Systems can contain subsystems, components, subcomponents, and parts, each engineered and complex

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Terms for hierarchy

[Supersystem] Systems
Subcomponents Parts

Wettergreen & Nourbakhsh | CMU Robotics Institute | SysEng

Terms for hierarchy

[Supersystem] Systems: perform a service with the aid of human operators
and standard infrastructures

Subcomponents Parts

Wettergreen & Nourbakhsh | CMU Robotics Institute | SysEng

Terms for hierarchy

[Supersystem] Systems
Subsystems: major portion of system that is a closely related subset
of overall system function

Subcomponents Parts

Wettergreen & Nourbakhsh | CMU Robotics Institute | SysEng

Terms for hierarchy

[Supersystem] Systems
Components: a middle level of system elements
often used in multiples hah. What does that mean?? Subcomponents Parts

Wettergreen & Nourbakhsh | CMU Robotics Institute | SysEng

Terms for hierarchy

[Supersystem] Systems
Subcomponents: perform elementary functions and are composed of
several parts


Wettergreen & Nourbakhsh | CMU Robotics Institute | SysEng

Terms for hierarchy

[Supersystem] Systems
Subcomponents Parts: no significant function except in combination with other
parts; usually off-the-shelf.

Wettergreen & Nourbakhsh | CMU Robotics Institute | SysEng

Actors in hierarchy
[Supersystem] Systems
Components top of industrial design specialist; floor of systems
engineers knowledge Subcomponents Parts

Wettergreen & Nourbakhsh | CMU Robotics Institute | SysEng

Actors in hierarchy
[Supersystem] Systems
Components top of industrial design specialist; floor of systems
engineers knowledge Subcomponents Parts

Caveat: systems engineer drills deep for critical issues (e.g. Challenger failure)

Wettergreen & Nourbakhsh | CMU Robotics Institute | SysEng

Defining Systems Engineering

The function of systems engineering is to guide the engineering of complex systems
Guide = to lead based on experience Engineering = application of scientific principles to practical ends

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Unique Perspective
Focused on the system as a whole Concerned with stakeholder needs and operational environment Grounded in system conceptual design Bridges traditional engineering disciplines Requires qualitative judgments

David Wettergreen | Systems Engineering 17

Complex systems configured of components
Each must be specified, developed, tested Each must interface to the system Each has unique properties Engineering specialties emerge

Making it fit
Standards develop to abstract specialization Modularity and interchangeable parts, everything must fit Somebody needs to make it all fit
David Wettergreen | Systems Engineering 18

Complex Systems
Automobiles Aircraft Spacecraft Robots Navigation Equipment Appliances Cameras Industrial Processes Air Traffic Control Power Plants Railroads Telephone Switching Network Communication Stock Exchange

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Embedded Systems
When the computational element exists within a system to achieve desired functionality it is said to be embedded Many systems have computing components embedded within them (even toasters)

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Complex Real-Time Systems

Timeliness = meets timing requirements (performance) Responsiveness = reacts to events Concurrency = can synchronize multiple activities Predictability = can accurately model performance Reliability = responds as required in all known conditions Robustness = responds safely in unknown conditions

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The system has the ability to respond to some event, often, but not limited to events that are external to the system When the response is timely the system is said to be reacting in real time Failure to be timely will result in failure of the system

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A system in which the components for processing information (data, signals) arriving are permanently ready so that results will be available within predetermined periods of time

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Real events of the world proceed in parallel. A concurrent system is one that simultaneously responses to multiple events (and thus has multiple chains of action) Concurrency issues:
Scheduling Arrival patterns Rendezvous patterns Shared resources

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The extent to which system response characteristics can be known in advance Affected by: Physical environment System behavior

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In real-time systems the correctness of the system depends not only on the logical result of the computation but also on the time at which the results are produced.

A system is correct when it does the right thing all the time.

David Wettergreen | Systems Engineering 26

A system is reliable when it does the right thing when predictable events or faults occur
Events - environmental conditions Faults - anomalous components behavior

David Wettergreen | Systems Engineering 27

A system is robust when it does the right thing when faults and errors occur (and novel circumstances are encountered).
Faults - system components fail Error - design flaws

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Best System
100 80 Performance 60 Desired Acceptable

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Balanced System

Acceptable Performance


Desired Performance

David Wettergreen | Systems Engineering 30

Balanced Judgment
Multidisciplinary knowledge allows balance
Qualitative judgment comes from experience Quantitative decisions enabled by approximate calculations (back of the envelope)

Systems engineers need to be inquisitive

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Systems Engineering Phases

Concept Development
Needs Analysis Concept Exploration Concept Definition

Engineering Development
Advanced Development Engineering Design Integration and Evaluation

Production Operation and Maintenance
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Use Cases
A use case diagram shows the general cases of interaction between the system and external objects Use case diagrams capture a broad view of the primary functionality of a system in a manner that is easily understood by a non-technical audience
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Use Cases
Actors are things that exist outside of the system but influence system behavior Use Case is what is performed by the system

System Actor Boundary

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Use Case


Developing Use Cases

Typical approach to developing Use Cases is iterative and interactive
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Identify system behaviors Identify the actors Generalize the common behaviors into use cases Identify relationships between actors and use cases Start running through actors and system behaviors and capture what things the system should do when they interact 6. Add new use cases and relationships as needed
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Developing Use Case

For each Use case identify:
Role of actors and system in each scenario Interactions necessary for the scenario Sequence of events and data Possible variations

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Documenting Use Cases

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Name - Name for each case Summary - Brief description Dependency - Includes/extends other use case Actors - Name the actors Preconditions - True at start of use case Description - Prose narrative of use case sequence of interactions Alternatives - Narrative of alternative branches Postcondition - True at end of use case

Use Case - Elevator

Passenger Ride

Select Floor

Hold Door Service Personnel Alarm Potential Passenger Request Service [Douglass98]

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Identifying Scenarios
Scenarios: Specific instances of use cases Model order-dependent behavior of objects Scenarios indicate differing system behaviors
If the behavior in various scenarios the same, generalize to one scenario

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Functional Analysis
What function? and What design? are closely coupled

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Functional Analysis: a recipe

1 Media (signals, data, material, energy) 2 Elements (electronic, electro-optical, electromechanical, mechanical, thermomechanical, software)

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Functional Analysis: a recipe

1 Media (signals, data, material, energy) 2 Elements (software, networking, firmware, embedded h/w, computers, sensors, actuators, other) 3 Performance requirements to elements 4 Configuration 5 Analysis & integration with outside world

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Hardware / Software allocation

A lesson on an important tradeoff Build a balancing robot that has a human aspect ratio or narrower

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Hardware / Software allocation

Credit TRI: Ben Brown, Illah Nourbakhsh

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Hardware / Software allocation

Credit TRI: Garth Zeglin, Ben Brown

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Concept Selection Strategy

1 Start w/ predecessor system, if it exists 2 Consider enough alternatives early 3 Winnow out outliers 4 Play a pro/con game with lots of numbers

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Concept Validation Strategy

1 Design the right critical experiments 2 Run the experiments! 3 Iterate on as much as needed

Whole System Integration & Evaluation

Where dreams and reality diverge

Wettergreen & Nourbakhsh | Systems Engineering


Activities & Roles

System Engineering What do we need to test?
How do we evaluate test results?

Design Engineering What test equipment do we need to buy/build? Test Engineering Lets conduct the test
Lets analyze the resulting data

Wettergreen & Nourbakhsh | Systems Engineering


Scope of testing
System Real operational environment demonstration
Simulated environment compliance Integration facility first whole-system check

Subsystem Component
Test and integrate pieces in small groups

Wettergreen & Nourbakhsh | Systems Engineering


1. 2. 3. 4.

Test Planning & Preparation System Integration Developmental System Testing Operational Test and Evaluation

Wettergreen & Nourbakhsh | Systems Engineering


1. Test Planning & Preparation
First review unforeseen changes: requirements, technologies Test and Evaluation Master Plan (TEMP) DoD programs This step mirrors System Development:
System Concept <-> Test Concept Functional Design <-> Test Plan Detailed Design <-> Test Procedures

2. System Integration 3. Developmental System Testing 4. Operational Test and Evaluation

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1. Test Planning & Preparation Operational Environment Demo considerations
no bias early phases: developer tests system late phases: customer or test agent does testing,

1. System Integration 2. Developmental System Testing 3. Operational Test and Evaluation

Wettergreen & Nourbakhsh | Systems Engineering


1. Test Planning & Preparation 2. System Integration

Proceeds linearly, adding a couple of components at a time Add subsystems intelligently to avoid complex input generators Therefore, start with components that have external inputs Hard part: matching subsystem outputs to expected values how do we determine realistic expectations?

3. Developmental System Testing 4. Operational Test and Evaluation

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1. Test Planning & Preparation 2. System Integration
Common Problem: the error is in error!

3. Developmental System Testing 4. Operational Test and Evaluation

Wettergreen & Nourbakhsh | Systems Engineering


Student Exercise 1
System Integration: for your project, list the order in which you ought to test and add components or subsystems to the system, two or so at a time. Explain where the inputs will come from during testing of each added pair or so of components.

Wettergreen & Nourbakhsh | Systems Engineering


1. Test Planning & Preparation 2. System Integration 3. Developmental System Testing: the First Time
Entire-system testing for performance vis a vis specifications Also use this as a last-ditch chance to check against user needs The customer often doesnt know what they need Specify test conditions as completely as possible Generate and use many test scenarios

4. Operational Test and Evaluation

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1. Test Planning & Preparation 2. System Integration 3. Developmental System Testing
Dealing with Discrepancies 1: Is it really broken consistently? Try again. 2: Is it really a problem? Think. 3: How do we fix it. 4: How comprehensively must we test the fix? The law of unintended consequences can bite!

4. Operational Test and Evaluation

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Student Exercise 2
Development System Testing: for your project, imagine the first whole-system prototype. Just how will you test it what *suite* of test scenarios will you try? How will you measure its performance?

Wettergreen & Nourbakhsh | Systems Engineering


1. 2. 3. 4. Test Planning & Preparation System Integration Developmental System Testing Operational Test and Evaluation
Validation of system design to operational requirements NOT verification of system performance wrt specifications (huh?)

Wettergreen & Nourbakhsh | Systems Engineering


1. 2. 3. 4. Test Planning & Preparation System Integration Developmental System Testing Operational Test and Evaluation
Validation of system design to operational requirements NOT verification of system performance wrt specifications (huh?) Translation: the customer takes the system for a test drive and makes sure that, operationally, the system does what he/she needs. (the specs could be wrong, and now it doesnt matter any longer)

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1. 2. 3. 4. Test Planning & Preparation System Integration Developmental System Testing Operational Test and Evaluation
Key areas of testing: User interface (interface usability) Environmental testing

Wettergreen & Nourbakhsh | Systems Engineering


1. 2. 3. 4. Test Planning & Preparation System Integration Developmental System Testing Operational Test and Evaluation
Test Plan (part of TEMP) - directions for conducting the operational test - critical operation issues to be examined; metrics - how much testing is enough? answer this question

Wettergreen & Nourbakhsh | Systems Engineering


Design to Minimize Failure

1. Minimalist Design: KISS Toys: Furby

Wettergreen & Nourbakhsh | Systems Engineering


Design to Minimize Failure

1. Minimalist Design: KISS Toys: Furby

2. Minimize weight Space Shuttle

Wettergreen & Nourbakhsh | Systems Engineering


Design to Minimize Failure

1. Minimalist Design: KISS Toys: Furby

2. Minimize weight Space Shuttle 3. Maximize ease of replacement / repair

The mighty razor PER servoes

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Design to Minimize Failure

Chassis / Housing
4. Minimize body stress

5. Minimize fatigue
DLP Projectors

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Design to Minimize Failure

Mechanical / Kinematic
6. Capture every nut/bolt/screw (Loctite, wire, etc.)
Robinson R-22 helicopter

7. Joints:

minimize number, service maximize strength, expected life

Wettergreen & Nourbakhsh | Systems Engineering


Design to Minimize Failure

Electrical 8. Minimize connectors
Nomad Scout ground short

9. Minimize wires
Fatigue results on PER IR wires

10. RF and Magnetics

Aviary Raven story

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Design to Minimize Failure

11. Minimize number of processors
USAR robot

12. Avoid operating systems

The Trikebot II story

13. Write damn good code & characterize it - Memory and time profiling - Memory leak duty testing

Wettergreen & Nourbakhsh | Systems Engineering


What Not to Do
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Never fix the same thing twice. Dont assume single point of failure. Never use a connector / crimp design without extensive testing. Do not trust theoretical dynamics calculations. Never leave out a diagnostic port. Never check in code without cleanly recompiling. Never malloc unnecessarily. Never fork unnecessarily. Never assume the world is kind (your robot will get kicked). Never live with feature creep.

Wettergreen & Nourbakhsh | Systems Engineering


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