Teaching Methods

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Priyanka C. Bhatt M.Phil I

An Overview
Focusing on the goal of learning, various teaching methods can be adopted.
Effective teaching is that which produces beneficial and purposeful student learning through the use of appropriate procedures.

An Overview
Effective teaching Effective Learning

Teaching method : a particular way of organizing pedagogical activities knowingly implemented according to certain rules in order to make learner reach specific objectives.

Characteristics of a good method

Accurate and sincere Must rest upon a surplus regard for scientific accuracy

Good method must be artistic

Teacher should have a sure sense of the relevant and the irrelevant Good method must also relate itself to the experience of the students Successful method is not apparent; it is not easily described; it envelops teacher and students

Significance in Library and Information Science Education

Librarianship is a practice oriented discipline. It aims at bringing the information and the reader together. Attempts should be made to expose student to the practical work. There has been tremendous change in curriculum of LIS education due to various socio-economic and cultural development. This change has demanded a new knowledge and skills in the persons who are entering the profession and who are already in this profession.

Knowledge and skills required

Depth knowledge of library and information science subject. Knowledge of computer technology Ability to continuously acquire new information, different insights and perspectives and skills. Ability to capture data from multiple sources and presenting it into usable format (for the ease of user)

Knowledge and skills required

Knowledge of distributing recorded information in open format that can be retrieved and played from any desktop without any special applications. Ability to understand target user needs and expectations. Knowledge of new systems and procedures that are necessary in fulfilling the customer needs. Knowledge of new information and communication technology Communication skills for establishing effective relations with customers.

Need of the hour!

Increasing impact of information technology on libraries and information centers, needs adoption of right methods of teaching. For the achievement of comprehensive objective of teaching library and information science, methods are needed which could expose the students to knowledge and experiences helpful in the development of understanding, critical thinking, practical skills and interests. The library and information science teacher must be conversant with the theory and practices of different



Method Lecture cum discussion method Tutorial Method Seminar Method Project Method Brainstorming Method Case-study method

An Overview

When objective is to communicate some basic facts, terminology, or some initial understanding about the field of study, the lecture can be very useful teaching method.

Various definitions of Lecture Method

A Lecture is a talk or verbal presentation given by a lecturer, trainer or speaker to an audience. With the advancement of training systems and ICT, lecture method is still a backbone widely used in teaching and training. This

method is economical, can be used for a large number of audience, material

can be covered in a structured manner and the teacher has a great control of time and material.

Classroom lecture is a special form of communication in which voice, gesture,

movement, facial expression, and eye contact compliment the content

Various definitions of Lecture Method

Lectures are effective because they exploit the spontaneous human aptitude for spoken (rather than written) communication and because they are real-time, human presence social events (rather than electronic media).


It is one of the oldest method of teaching An effective lecture will create good ideas in students mind Lecture method is ideal for large class Learn through listening Teacher provides all knowledge related to topic Teacher is experienced and has mastery on subject, explain all points Basic concepts could be understood It is a formal discourse intended for discussion

Limitations of Traditional Lecture Method

Traditional lecture is a one way communication. Time limit for a student to grasp all the content delivered by a teacher is less. Teacher may not get feedback from all the students about the lecture Difficult to maintain student interest and attention Encourages students dependence on teacher


Formal Lectures (traditional method) Informal Lectures (classroom interaction) Coordinate Lectures (participation from both teacher and student)


An Overview

When traditional lecture method includes interaction from students, it becomes Lecture cum Discussion method It is a two way communication process Disseminate information and attain educational objective by promoting student learning Helps students to apply abstract ideas and think critically about what they are learning



The learner should meaningfully and willingly react to the stimuli of the teacher so that learning can take place. Teacher should be aware of the need of the learner. It is necessary for the teacher to arouse interest in the subject. This will ensure good discussion after the lecture. The teacher should have a realistic idea of his/her own teaching ability and the learning capability of the students. Teacher should be able to connect the new concepts with the previous knowledge, moving from simple to different ideas. (thus stimulating the student interest slowly and gradually) Effectiveness of this method can be improved by use of visual aids and ICT usage.


Main Features Encourages democratic environment in the class as it involves participation of both teachers and students Chance to share ideas It is a useful strategy in building an active verbal interaction between teacher & student Students can express their experiences, comments, views and difficulties in understanding any point or portion of the lecture Stimulates students interest and assessing their



Most useful for mature students All students may not get a chance to take part in discussion. If the teacher does not handle class situation effectively students can become in disciplined rather than participative. Interaction may take place only between a few of bright students of the class.

An Overview

Tutorials provide an opportunity for discussion and interaction between students and teachers Tutorials are the mainstay of the academic system Tutors model the thinking


Develop students ability to test ideas and evidence Students are able to link together what they have heard in lectures and what students have read in textbooks, and to give them an opportunity to discuss these ideas Highly interactive, promotes opportunity for discussion, debate and critical reflection, and engages students in the subject content by way of analysis of the material being studied Provide the opportunity for contact between students,


Help students to review the material they have learned in lectures, develop their ideas and implement their learning though questions and problem-solving Give students a chance to ask questions, develop and voice opinions, argue and clarify their understanding


Problem Based : focused on a problem that requires an answer, i.e. there are set questions to answer each week and the tutorial is based around these Issue Based : topics for general discussion Activity Based : involves presentations, role plays, games, formal debates or other activities Mixed : combination of all the above types

Main Features

Interest and explanation Concern and respect for students and their learning Appropriate assessment and feedback Clear goals and intellectual challenge Independence, control and active engagement

An Overview

The aim of the seminar is an in-depth exploration of a specialized topic.

An orderly discussion of important issues by a group of peers trying to figure out the meaning of what they read. They develop in the learner, abilities for synthesis, critical analysis and communication skills. The article and its concepts submitted in the seminar are analyzed and discussed through


To develop higher cognitive abilities. To develop the ability to seek clarification and defend the ideas of others effectively. To acquire the good manners of putting questions and answering the questions of others effectively.


25 minutes 4-6 people Specific amount of material A plan for the discussion Remainder are observers Teacher takes notes



Mini Seminar

Major Seminar

National Seminar

International Seminar


Gives good motivation and learning experience Help to evaluate the learn-ability of learners. Regulate the creating and organizing of facts and information Dissemination and retrieval of information is scientifically managed. Develop the self reliance and self confidence. Develop the questioning skills A seminar does not end in the premises after the completion of discussion, the group in smaller groups carries on the discussion


Setting up of a seminar for every topic in the text is not feasible. The seminar themes must conform the learning experiences to be inculcated to the students This method found fit for higher learning only Implementation of this method for lower classes is cumbersome. The teacher must be resourceful (both in academic and administrative) in nature. Time management is some what difficult. Passive observation without interaction also make seminar dull and worthless.

An Overview

Good means of achieving the educational objectives Helps develop intellectual ability of the student. Sound and scientific method of educating the student.


Apply in one project the different techniques which student may learn individually in separate subjects of the courses and perhaps dealt with by different teachers Realize that the various subjects student studies individually are together essential to achieve professional competence. Learn some research methodology


It encourages independent study and brings about new discoveries. Students acquire skills of investigation. It keeps students busy. The teacher has more time for other class routines. Makes learning to be meaningful and encourages better understanding.


It may be difficult in the absence of research materials e.g. books and other resources. Time consuming. A student can copy somebody's work or hire someone to do the project for him or her. It does not take care of individual differences. Students may veer off the topic. Students may not be able to gather enough information if they are not guided.

An Overview

Websters dictionary defines it as To practice a conference technique by which a group attempts to find a solution for specific problem by amassing all the ideas spontaneously contributed by its members. It is a free-wheeling of ideas to


Free encouragement to contribute ones ideas. No need for selfevaluation or judgment. The size of group may be between 5 and 10 members. Duration should be within an hour Atmosphere is to be strictly informal and no editing or organized methods to be followed for presentation of ideas Participants should be of equal rank and status and the composition of the group should change frequently All ideas that emanate from a brainstorming should be recorded faithfully, without in any way editing them.


Classification and indexing Design of an information retrieval thesaurus Design of an information system Formulation of a library policy Structuring of budget Library users problem analysis

An Overview

In triggering innovative method Case studies cannot reflect all the complexities of real life situation. However, they can closely reflect the problem solving situations in each case. Activates creative faculties and formulate an action plan. Helps to analyze issues and improves perception and interpretations

Universe of Knowledge
Seminar Lecture cum discussio n Tutorial Group Discussio n Practical Field Work

Library Manageme nt Case Study Role Playing Simulatio n Manage mentgame method

Classificati on & Cataloguin g

Theory & Practice Study of subjects Learning rules by doing Analysis Discussion Activity (actual handing)

Information Storage & Retrieval Coordinat e lectures Seminars Laborator y approach Project work Case studies

Reference services
Clinical method Prepararto ry work with reference tools Find-out method Discussion Case study

ICT in Library & Information Centres Computer Laborator y Ict Based teaching methods

Teaching Individual papers through different methods

Teaching and learning methods for different learning aims

Disseminate up-todate knowledge Lectures Up-to-date textbooks Reading lists Hand-outs Guest lectures Use of exercises that require students find upto-date knowledge Develop skills in using library and other learning resources Directed private study Open learning materials Use of internet Develop capability to use ideas and information Case studies Practical Work experience Projects Demonstrations Group working Simulations Problem solving Discussion and debates Essay writing Develop students abitily to test ideas and evidence Seminar and tutorials Supervision Presentation Essays Feedback on written work Literature reviewing Exam papers Critical assessment Peer assessment Self-assessment Develop student;s abitlity to generate ideas and evidences Research projects Workshops on techniques of creative problem solving Group work Action learning Lateral thinking Brainstorming Creative visualization Problem solving Facilitate the personal development of students Feedback Action learning Learning contracts Role play Experimental learning Learning logs structured experiences in groups Reflective documents Self assessment Develop the capacity of students to plan and manage own learning Learning contracts Projects Action learning Workshops Reflective logs and diaries Independent study Dissertations Work placement Portfolio development

Information Technology on Teaching and Learning

Process in Library and Information Science

Impact of ICT on Education

ICT can be utilized as enricher for individual learners as well as mass education media. Differentiation of education and training with education being done by people and training by machines. Decentralization and informalization of the educational experience Privatization of educational enterprise New administrative networks New machine-coupled teaching strategies.

ICT Based Teaching Methods

Classroom Teaching Distance Teaching Online Teaching

PowerPoint Presentations Audio-Visual Aids Computer Simulations (Instructional Programs)

VideoTex Teleconferencing Computer Based Learning System

Use of Internet Forum Discussions Blogs

ICT based Teaching Methods

Classroom Teaching Powerpoint Presentations Powerpoint presentations act as an addon to the understanding of the concept and presentation of the study. A Teacher can elaborate a topic more interestingly with the help of Powerpoint slides A Student can prepare presentation of the topic s/he studied, thus increasing their presentational capabilities

ICT based Teaching Methods

Classroom Teaching Audio-Visual Aids Audio-visual aids help understand the concept of a topic with a practical approach and with better examples Few aids used in classroom teaching are : Filmstrips, audio tapes, videos, or display graphics of the relevant topic These can help student grasp the

ICT based Teaching Methods

Classroom Teaching Computer Simulations

systems of interest on a computer controlled laboratory type experiments could be run more economically and conveniently than setting up line runs. Can be used to project operational system development particularly at the experimental stages.

ICT based Teaching Methods

Distance Teaching - VideoTex Transmit general or specific information about courses, events and the best institution itself; Deliver course materials Provide two-way interaction between students and teachers Enable learners to access remote databases through gateways Not time-dependent can learn at any time of his choice

ICT based Teaching Methods

Distance Teaching - Teleconferencing

personal contact mediated by telecommunication system.


Computer Conferencing

Audio Conferencing



ICT based Teaching Methods

Distance Teaching Computer Based Learning System

Learning (CAL) provide student with greater control over the learning process. Increase educational flexibility, eliminate duplication of effort, cut down on overheads, and increase learner motivation. Enable teachers to write the content of their programs and to define in advance the interaction to take place.

ICT based Teaching Methods

Distance Teaching Interactive Video

Video disc systems + microcomputers Dynamic can cope with continual change. Consists of tailor-made program, which gives flexibility to link various component ideas. The essence of interactive video is that it is a simple system and one need not have the problem or learning about the computer techniques.

ICT based Teaching Methods

Online Teaching Use of Internet

is being widely used as information gathering

source Tremendous amount of latest information can be found using internet Internet serves as a tool for updating information regarding a particular subject or topic to be taught

ICT based Teaching Methods

Online Teaching Blogs

are a form of website where we find information related to the similar topics Today, one can find a blog of every subject field in variety of interesting presentations Blog is an interesting piece of updated knowledge where a student can find relevant information.

ICT based Teaching Methods

Online Teaching Forum Discussions

discussions can be thought of as a virtual discussions with subject experts or same ranking students on a particular topic on the web Student can also maintain his/her anonymity in the discussion thus sharing ideas without any fear of evaluation Forum discussions can also act as a tool for social


Walia, P. K. Lecture notes.

Wesley, Edgar B. and Wronski, Stanley P. Teaching Social Studies in High Schools. Boston : D C Heath & Company, 1958. PRINT
Tejomurty, A. (ed). Library and Information Science : Education and Teaching Methods. Jaipur : R B S A Publishers, 1991. PRINT

Mangla, P. B. (ed). Library and Information Science Education in India. Delhi : Macmillan India Limited, 1981. PRINT
Bourner, Tom and Flowers, Steve : Teaching and Learning Methods in Higher Education : A Glimpse of Future in Reflections on Higher Education. Vol 9. 1997, p. 77-102. ONLINE Sajjad, Shahida. Effective Teaching Methods at Higher Education Level. http://www.wfate.org/papers/Research_paper_Teaching_methods.pdf ONLINE UNESCO. Teaching & Learning Methods in Higher Education in Guide to Teaching and Learning in Higher Education. Module 4. ONLINE Jaiswal, Babita. Methods of Teaching Library & Information Science : An Empirical Approach in Annals of Library and Information Science. Vol. 49 (4) ; 2002. p 135-139. ONLINE

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