Weak and Strong

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Group 1

Andes Ferdinanto Debora Ayu Iis Sumarni Kartika Amalia Narsika Singgih

Strong and weak forms are words which are pronounced whether in a stressed or an unstressed manner. The strong forms are those words that are pronounced in a stressed manner. And the weak forms are those words that are pronounced in an unstressed manner. Almost all the words which have both strong and weak form belong to a category that be called function words. Function words are words such as articles, auxilary verbs, prepositions, conjunctions, pronouns.

Those function words are more frequently

pronounced in their weak forms. But in certain circumstances, they are pronounced in their strong forms. The most common weak form examples are introduced as follows:


Strong form : /i:/ Weak forms : - // (before consonants) / mn dId It/ - /i/ (before vowels) /i rInd/

A,an :

strong form: -/eI/ / is Iz eI pen/ - / n/

weak form

:- // (before consonants) /ri:d bk/ - /n/ (before vowels) /n apple/



Strong form: /i:/ Weak form: /I/ A: She doesnt smoke or drink! (she is strong) B: Ah, thats what she told you! (she is weak)

strong form: / m/ weak form: /em/

when I said, Give them a drink I didnt mean them, I meant the people. (first them: weak, second them: strong)


Strong form: /wi:/ weak form: /wI/ A: Im afraid we cant stay any longer (we is weak) B: What do you mean, we? Ive got plenty of time. (we is strong)

strong form: /ju:/ weak form: /j/ A: Will you be at the meeting on Friday? (you is weak) B: Yes. Will you be there? (you is strong)


Strong form: /h:/ weak form: // or /h/ A: Do you know that woman? B: Her? No, I dont recognise her. (rst her is strong, second her is weak)

strong form: /hi:/ weak form: /I/ A: Is he there? (he is weak) B: Who? A: The boss. B: No. Everybody else is working, but hes gone home! (he is strong)


Strong form: t In final position: Weak form: t

whats he shooting at? wts i u:t t? Ill see you at lunch al si: ju t ln


Strong form: in final position:

whats that for? wts t f :? Weak form: f (before consonants) tea for two /ti: f tu:/ fr (before vowels) thanks for asking /ks fr :sk/


strong form: it occurs before countable noun, meaning an unknown individual I think some animal broke it a k sm nml br k t in final position : Ive got some av gt sm weak form: its used before uncountable noun, meaning an unspecified amount of and before other nouns in the plural, meaning an unspecified number of have some more tea hv sm m : ti:


strong form: demonstrative function: e (er before vowels) put it there /pt e/ t in final position: e or e there isnt any, is there? znt eni z e Weak form: (before consonants), r (before vowels) there should be a rule / d bi ru:l/ there is /r z/

strong form: v in final position:

weak form: v most of all /mst v :l/

someone Ive heard of smwn av h:d v

Auxiliary Verbs
Can , could

strong form: kn , kd I think we can /a k wi kn/ most of them could / mst v m kd/ weak form: kn, kd they can wait /e kn wet/ he could do it /hi: kd du: t/


strong form: in final position: m st she certainly must / I s:tnli m st/ weak form: conclusion or deduction (she left at 8 oclock, so she must arrived by now) ms (before consonants) you must try harder /ju ms tra h :d/ mst (before vowels) he must eat more /hi mst i:t m :/


strong form (in final position): m shes not as old as I am / Iz nt z ld z a m/ weak form: m why am I here? /wa m a ?/

strong form: : I know the Smiths are /a n sms :/ weak form: (before consonants), here are the plates / plets/ r (before vowels) , the coats are in there

strong form: wz the last record was weak form: wz he was here a minute ago

The rules of strong forms: 1. When they occur at the end of a sentence Ex : the word of has the weak form v - Im fond of chips /aIm f v tIps/ nd
however, it has strong form v

- Chips are what Im fond of /tIps

2. When a weak-form word is being contrasted with another word

Example : The letters from him, not to him / let z fr m Im, /n t tu:

In weak form, from is transcribed into /frm/ and to is /tu/

3. When a weak-form word is given stress for the purpose of emphasis Example :

You must give me more money /ju mst gIv mi m : mnI/ In weak form, must is described into /mst/.

3. When a weak-form word is given stress for the purpose of emphasis Example :

You must give me more money /ju mst gIv mi m : mnI/ In weak form, must is described into /mst/.

3. When a weak-form word is given stress for the purpose of emphasis Example :

You must give me more money /ju mst gIv mi m : mnI/ In weak form, must is described into /mst/.

3. When a weak-form word is given stress for the purpose of emphasis Example :

You must give me more money /ju mst gIv mi m : mnI/ In weak form, must is described into /mst/.

3. When a weak-form word is given stress for the purpose of emphasis Example :

You must give me more money /ju mst gIv mi m : mnI/ In weak form, must is described into /mst/.

What will be, will be. So dont be worried. I am not. But what am I supposed to do.

Weak form: wt wl bi: wl bi: | s dnt bi wrId aI m nt | bt wt m aI spzd t du Strong form: wt wIl bi: wIl bi: | s dnt bi wrId aI m nt | bt wt m aI spzd tu:du:

I have to have a drink. What of you got? Weve got coffee and tea. Weak forms: aI hv t hv drIk | wt hv ju gt Wi v gt kfi | n ti: Strong forms: aI hv tu: hv eI drIk | wt v ju: gt Wi v gt kfi | nd ti:

The use of strong and weak forms: - The strong form is usually being used by some foreigners. - Most of British English native speakers use the weak forms.

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