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Transaction & Security

Chuyn Lp trnh Java & J2EE Chng 16

Bin son: Th.S Nguyn vn Lnh

Motivation for Transactions

Atomic Operations Recovery after Network or Machine Failure

Multiple Users Sharing Data

avoid those problems by properly using


The ACID Properties

Atomicity guarantees that many operations are bundled together and appear as one contiguous unit of work. Consistency guarantees that a transaction leaves the systems state to be consistent after a transaction completes. Isolation protects concurrently executing transactions from seeing each others incomplete results. Durability guarantees that updates to managed resources, such as database records, survive failures.

Transactional Models

Flat transaction is a series of operations that are performed atomically as a single unit of work. Nested transaction allows to embed atomic units of work within other units of work.

Transsaction demarcation

Programmatic Transactions

you are responsible for issuing a begin statement and either a commit or an rollback statement
BMT: do not alow for Entity bean

Declarative Transactions

Client-Initiated Transactions

Specify transaction attributes in deployment descriptor Container automatically handle transactional issues CMT

Transaction attribute

Required RequiresNew Supports Mandatory Never NotSupported


Requires New



Bean Managed Transaction

Java Transaction API (JTA)

JTA can be used in client & bean code to programmatically control transactional boundaries. The interface you use to programmatically control transactions is javax.transaction.UserTransaction.

UserTransaction interface

Code sample

Transactional Isolation

Concurrency Control

locking on the database to prevent the two components

from reading data

Four transaction isolation levels:



does not offer any isolation guarantees (dirty read) but offers the highest performance.

Pessimistic and Optimistic Concurrency Control

Use SERIALIZABLE for mission-critical systems that absolutely must have perfect transactional isolation.

Distributed Transactions

Distributed flat transactions allow multiple transaction participants, written by different vendors, to collaborate under one transactional context. Two-Phase Commit Protocol

Phase One begins by sending a before commit message to all resources involved in the transaction. Phase Two occurs only if Phase One completed without an abort. At this time, all of the resource managers, which can all be located and controlled separately, perform the actual data updates

2PC protocol

EJB Security

Authentication verifies that the client is who he claims to be. Authorization checks to see if an already authenticated client is allowed to perform a task.


Basic authentication.

Form-based authentication.

The Web client supplies a username and password to the Web server.
uses a customizable form, login screen. Web client supplies a special message digest to the Web server. The client can establish an identity with X.509 certificates.

Digest authentication.

Certificate authentication.


Programmatic authorization

you hard-code security checks into your bean code.

Declarative authorization

the container performs all authorization checks

Security Roles

a collection of client identities

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