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AGGOR, Francis Yao ASARE, Eileen Stephanie

DjAnGmAh, Emmanuel

OKEREKE, Nkechinyere
TApSOBA, Haruna KWANING, Farouk Anane

Construction management
Construction management is the efficient and economic application of the required resources, to realize a quality constructed facility within a particular time frame and budget.

Construction management
The aim of a construction manager is to produce a quality facility on time and within budget to meet a clients requirements. (halpin & senior, 2011).

Construction management originated in the 1950s, but was generally acknowledged as a professional service during the 1960s.

The need for a new service was the Owners need for accurate and knowledgeable guidance throughout the entire life cycle of a project due to the increased size complexity of projects.

Construction hierarchy

Construction manager


Mechanical engineer


Structural engineer
Landscape architect

Electrical engineer

functions of a construction manager

Project management planning. Cost management. Time management.

functions of a construction manager

Quality management. Contract administration. Safety management

project management planning

This involves scheduling and co-ordination of construction activities in order to meet deadlines.

project management planning

These work plans ensures the smooth and coordinated day to day running of the project.

cost management q
This entails managing financial aspects of the project, including trade contract valuations, claims and administration of contract charges.

cost management
The CM initiates action by the client and project team to mitigate delays or cost overrun.

time management
Time frames are assigned to the various phases of the construction process to ensure the effective and efficient use of time.

time management
An advantage of phasing the project eliminates any additional cost that the client may incur due to inflation.

Quality control
Here the CM asses the buildability and construction methodologies that are employed in construction.

Quality control
Here the CM asses the buildability and construction methodologies that are employed in construction.

Quality control
Monitoring and reporting on overall progress, advising on issues related to trade contractor performance and forecasting the impact of design changes

Contract administration
Preparing and collating pre-qualification and tender documentation together with the administration and negotiation of the tender process.



Interpret and explain plans and contract terms to administrative staff, workers, and clients, representing the owner or developer.

Safety management
The CM ensures safety on the site by enforcing safety measures such as using the right implements for designated work, provision of safety nets and fire alarm systems.

Owners are protected from unnecessary liability. Design and construction schedule is optimized and accelerated.

Reduction in overall project cost, working within budget and a time frame.

Co-ordination risk and increased likelihood of design change. Reliance on management capability of construction manager.

Construction manager and professional team owe duty of care and liability only.

notable cm projects.
Atlanta and Futton county Stadium. Heery and heery architects.

broklyn bridge. roebling family.

Berman, G.S., 2002. The Morphing Of The Architects Role And How It Is Impacting The Construction Manager. Bolivar, S.A. & Halpin, D.W., 2011. Construction Management. 4th ed. Hamilton Press. Graham, H.A. et al., 2012. Construction Management. Heery, G.T., 2011. A History of Construction Management, Program Management And Development Management. Langdon D. & Rawlinson, S., 2006. Procurement: Construction Management. Building Magazine. 35(6), pp. 10-12.

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