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-the last homecoming of Rizal and the saddest return to his beloved native land.


knew that he will be facing the supreme test, the sacrifice of his life but hes unafraid.
welcome it gladly, that he is sure that his blood will water the seeds of Filipino freedom


A Martyrs Last Homecoming


Rizal conscientiously recorded the events in his diary. learned that the Madrid papers were full of stories regarding the revolutions in the Philippines and he

6, 1896


8, 1896- Rizal

October 8, 1896
I believe that what God is doing to me is a blessing
allowing me to go back to the Philippines in order to be able to destroy such accusations. Because ,either they dome justice and recognize my innocence and when I be rehabilitated or they sentence me to death and there by, before the eye so of society will forgive me and later ,without any doubt, justice will be done me and I will be one more martyr. At any rate, instead of dying abroad or in Manigua (jungle in Cuba), Ill die in my own country. I believe that what is happening is the best that can happen to me .Always let Gods will be done! I feel more calm with regard to my futureI feel that the peace has descended upon me, thank God! Thou art my hope and my consolation! Let your will be condemned or absolved. I'm happy and

Confiscation of Rizals Diary




Rizals diary was confiscated during his way to Port Said, his cabin was searched nothing significant was found. November 2, 1896 - his diary was returned.

Monday, 2 November
Today, they returned to me this notebook which they took away on the 11th of the last month before reaching Port Said. For the reason my diary was interrupted. They searched me and inspected throughly my luggage. They took away all my papers and afterward they put me behind bars and they did not take me out until we reached the Red Sea. That was that they did to me in 16 hours before our arrival. Also twice they put me in 4 or 6 hours before they take me out when we are already in the high seas. However, at Singapore they put me in 16 hours before our arrival. Also twice they put handcuffs on me.

Unsuccessful Rescue in Singapore


Antonio Ma. Regidor and Sixto Lopez dispatch telegrams to an

English lawyer in Singapore named Hugh Fort to rescue Rizal when his arrive, by means of writ of habeas corpus. When the Spanish steamer arrived Atty. Fort instituted proceedings at the Singapore Court for the immediate removal of Rizal from the said steamer.


Cox denied the writ of



habeas corpus on the ground because the steamer carry Spanish troops hence it is a warship of foreign power which under the international law was beyond the jurisdiction of Singapore Authorities.

Rizal Choose his Defender


chooses a defense council which is the only right given to him by the Spanish authorities


8, 1896 100 first and second lieutenants in the Spanish Army was presented to Rizal


Taviel de Andrade chosen by

Rizal to be his defense, he was the brother of Jose Taviel de Andrade his previous bodyguard.

Reading of Information of Charges to the Accused


was accused of being the principal organizer and the living soul of the Filipino insurrection, the founder of societies, periodicals and books dedicated to fomenting and propagating ideas of rebellion He pleaded not guilty to the crime of rebellion

Rizal Manifesto to his People


his people appealing to them to stop the unnecessary shedding of blood and to achieve their liberties by means of education and industry. It was written in his prison cell at Fort Santiago

15 - he wrote a manifesto to

Advocate Nicolas de la Pea recommended to Governor Polavieja that the manifesto be surpressed. Accordingly its publication was prohibited.

Rizals Saddest Christmas


26, 1896- he

who was accustomed to spend this merry season in the company of his beloved family of dear friends, found himself alone and depressed in a dreary cell.

The Trial of Rizal


trial was an eloquent proof of Spanish injustice and misrule


martial of Rizal started in the military building called Cuartel de Espaa.

26, 1896 (8:00 am) - the court

members of military court:

Lt. Col. Jose Togores Arjona (pres) Capt. Ricardo Muos Arias Capt. Manuel Reguera Capt. Santiago Izquierdo Capt. Braulio Rodriguez Nuez Capt. Manuel Diaz Escribano Capt. Fernando Perez Rodriguez


present at the courtroom were Dr. Rizal, Lt. Taviel de Andrade, Capt. Rafael Dominguez (Judge Advocate), Lt. Enrique de Alcocer (Prosecuting Attorney) and the spectator. the expectator were Josephine Bracken, a sister of Rizal, some newspapermen, and many Spaniards



was accused of 3 crimes: 1. rebellion 2. sedition 3. illegal association In his preliminary defense, he further proved his innocence by twelve points On the same day, the court decision was submitted to Gov. Polavieja then sought the opinion of Judge advocate Gen. Nicolas de la Pea. The latter affirm the death verdict.

Polavieja Signs Rizals Execution


28 - Gov. Polavieja approved

the decision of the court martial and ordered the execution of Rizal on December 30th at Bagumbayan Field (Luneta).


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