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* Management of Classroom Assessment - test and examination administration * Managing Students Information resource
- Record keeping of students personal information

1) Management of Classroom Assessment - test and examination administration

What is assessment
Gronlund (2003) defines assessment as the various methods used to determine the extent to which students are achieving the intended learning outcomes of instruction. The current education system, however, assess[es] student learning much as we did in 1986, 1966, or 1946, without meaningful reference to what students should demonstrably know and be able to do. (Angelo 1996, 3). The effect of poor assessment practices can be devastating to students and can lead to classroom management issues, such as low motivation levels, behavioural problems and frustration.

What is classroom assessment?

Classroom assessment is both a teaching approach and a set of techniques. The approach is that the more you know about what and how students are learning, the better you can plan learning activities to structure your teaching.

How is classroom assessment different?

Classroom assessment differs from tests
and other forms of student assessment in

that it is aimed at course improvement,

rather than at assigning grades.

The primary goal is to better understand

your students' learning and so to improve your teaching.

What is test & examination

A test or examination is an assessment intended to measure a testtaker's knowledge, skill, aptitude, physical fitness, or classification in many other topics (e.g., beliefs). A test may be administered orally, on paper, on a computer, or in a confined area that requires a test taker to physically perform a set of skills. A test may be administered formally or informally. An example of an informal test would be a reading test administered by a parent to a child. An example of a formal test would be a final examination administered by a teacher in a classroom , results in a grade or a test

Test & examination

Basic Paper-Pencil Testing Concepts:
a) General test development rules:
Your goal is not to trick students. Format all of your tests in the same manner. Give a minimum of five questions in a set.
Excluding essay.

Each question set should be clearly labeled. Each question set should have clear directions.

b) Objective Test Items: True / False:

Avoid being tricky or ambiguous. Dont allow students to use T or F. Provide blanks for responses. Double-space questions.

Multiple Choice:
Write good questions, which test the students knowledge. Dont make answers obvious! Write believable distracters. Alphabetize answer selections. (Table Sort) Keep answer selections of the same length. Avoid using All of the Above or Both A and C questions. Provide blanks. Use the Numbering Tool in Microsoft

Keep matching question sets in the same theme. Label your question column and answer column with a label, which will make sense to students. Alphabetize your questions and answers. Provide one or two more answer selections than questions. Utilize the Table Tool in Microsoft Word to help create matching sets. Never wrap a matching set over two

c) Subjective Testing Items:

Fill-In A Blank:
One of the poorest ways to evaluate students. Tricky! If it is truly subjective, you must allow for numerous answers to work in a single blank. The items must be written in a manner, which will allow blanks to accept multiple answers. Fill-In A Blank can be made an objective test item if there is only one word that will work in a blank. If this is the case, utilize a word bank. Do not wrap over this type of question set to another page if a word bank is used.

Short Answer: Allows a student to include multiple concepts to answer a question. Allows you as the teacher to grade handwriting and spelling. Students should be allowed to answer in short phrases, single words, lists etc. Complete sentences should not be required. Short answer questions do not ask about global concepts. They are specific and to the point. Be careful not to ask students to write a short answer to an essay question.

Essay Questions:
Investigate students knowledge of global concepts, the big picture. Questions should be written to encompass the big picture. Essay questions have the capability of encompassing multiple short answer concepts. Allows you as the teacher to grade grammar, spelling, handwriting, etc. Try to write essay questions that will allow students to include their ideas/opinions coupled with facts.

Advantages & Disadvantages of Subjective and Objective Testing

Easy to grade. Can be graded mechanically. Can be administered and graded by someone other than the teacher.

Hard to write good objective questions. Time consuming to write. Objective questions do not measure the dept of a students knowledge. Typically low-level recall only. Do not always provide validity or reliability.

Good for high-level cognition measurement. Simple to construct this type of question. Allows for student creativity and thought.

Time consuming to grade. Typically must be graded by the teacher. Excessive use can frustrate students.

2.3 Managing Students Information resource

- Record keeping of students personal information

When a student going into a government schools or governmentaided schools, the parents or guardians will fill out the Students Personal Information Form (Borang Maklumat Murid). This information will help the school related to the student affairs management.

Example of Borang Maklumat Murid

Student Personal Information (Borang Maklumat Murid)

Parents / guardian information- includes nationality, address and phone numbers, occupation, monthly income and etc. Liability of parents/ guardian- childrens names, ages, school

Students personal information- name, date of birth, birth certification no, identity card no, gender, race, religion, nationality etc. Information of students ministratione.g: Rancangan Makanan Tambahan (RMT), Skim Baucer Tuisyen (SBT), Biasiswa Kecil Persekutuan (BKP)

Manage students information resource

Data on student :
information about pupils (background) Examination result Homework or task that they have done Their behavior in classroom Co-curriculum activity they involved in Physical health


All records are kept while students still in the school

Record year 6 pupils will be transferred directly to the secondary school and not being their personal right

Records that are confidential, can not be reviewed without permission

Kept in a special place during the learning in that school ,at least 3 years as a reference for scholarships or etc.

Improve the quality of their teaching References for follow-up action

Evidence for their achievement


As source of information to the police, welfare, medical etc.



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