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Beer, Yoghurt and How to Write Exams

Lecture 12

Feb 4, 2005

How to make your own yoghurt

Bring about 1-1.5 L of milk (more fat will make a richer end
product) almost to a boil on the stove Let cool to room temperature Stir in 2 tablespoons of starter culture. Mix well with a whisk. You can use plain yoghurt from the supermarket for the first batch. Make sure it has Acidophilus and Bifidum Put in oven at F for 3 hours Transfer to refrigerator overnight. Yoghurt should be done in the morning This yoghurt has no preservatives or sugar therefore keep it in the fridge, eat quickly with jam, syrup, fresh fruit, berries etc. Tastes amazing with Indian food or make tsaziki sauce. Save a few tablespoons to use as starter culture for the next batch. Dont eat it if its pink, green or smells funny!

How to make your own beer!

Purchase a kit from a make your own place
Procure yourself a fermentor big plastic bucket (around 25L is ideal) Sterilize your fermentor and stirrer with a weak bleach solution, then rinse out well with hot water Pour 3.5L of boiling water + can contents into fermentor. Add 1kg of sugar source (sucrose, corn sugar, honey, mixture) Fully dissolve sugar and malt extract Add cold water to a total of 23L Stir in yeast packet Cover the fermentor, incubate at 18-21C for about 6 days. Keep away from light. Fermentation is complete when bubbles no longer rise

Sterilize bottles with mild bleach, rinse with boiling water.

Plastic soft-drink bottles are ideal. Siphon off fermented liquid into a new sterilized large container. Yeast residue is left behind. Mix 33 teaspoons of sugar source into the fermented liquid Siphon beer into bottles leaving at least 1 inch of space at the top Cap tightly and continue to ferment at 18-21C for 5 days. Keep away from light Transfer to fridge and enjoy! Beer will improve with time.

Sterility is extremely important. Sterilize your equipment carefully and keep your grubby hands out of it until its done!

Study skills
Dont save all of your studying for the last minute!
Cramming is the worst way to remember material Review your lecture notes as soon as possible after the lecture the longer you wait the less you will understand Repetition, repetition, repetition Better to review your material daily than to study really hard for 8 hours straight Try to get the same material from different contexts lecture notes, textbook, Internet resources, friends notes etc. The best way to learn material is to teach it explain things aloud to a study partner Theres a difference between understanding and knowing Get a good nights sleep before your exam

Exam tips
Wear something comfortable but nice to your exam look smart, think smart, be smart If youre allowed, bring a bottle of water and a snack

Bring lots of pens and pencils, erasers etc. NO CALCULATOR The only thing you should look at the morning of your exam is the material you absolutely must memorize

When you get your exam paper:

1) Do not start writing answers immediately 2) Briefly look through the exam what types of questions? What is the exam about? How long? Etc. 3) Scribble down any required pathways, equations, structures ASAP you might not remember them in 30 min 4) Decide on the order you will answer the questions: First questions you guarantee you know the answer to (fast) Second- questions worth lots of points Third questions you arent entirely sure about Last questions you dont know the answer to

Read the questions carefully make sure you know what it is asking of you (what might an answer look like?) Never leave a question blank! In the last 2-5 minutes, write your best guesses for questions you cant answer. Multiple choice If the choice makes the sentence grammatically incorrect, it probably is not the right answer Unless randomized by computer, B+C > A+D All of the above None of the above is correct more often than by probability Multiple choice tests recognition if youve never heard of it, its probably not correct

Short answer, mini-essay Extra-important to understand what the question is asking writing things down that are TRUE doesnt mean it constitutes an appropriate answer Make yourself a short schematic before you write down the final answer Ensure your answer has a logical progression, not just an assembly of sentences Answer every part of the question but try to avoid extraneous information detracts from your answer Your instructor can tell when you dont know the correct answer your job is to convince me you DO. If you dont know all of the answer admit that you know part, but that you dont know part: Youll get partial points

If you have no idea write down everything related to the question and hope you hit on something. Be aware that the correct answer embedded in rubbish does not look good

Experimental design questions

Point form, flowcharts are great Logic is extremely important why does this work? Diagrams, figures are often very helpful

Drawing questions
Artistic ability is not required. Instructor is looking for particular elements: 1) Graphs have titles, properly labelled axes and units 2) Trendlines etc. go in the proper direction and are correctly identified 3) Actual drawings have labels identifying components

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