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Networking Standards and the OSI Model

Free Notes For All Students By: ABURAFEY

Network Communication
Recognize data s Divide data into manageable chunks s Add information to each chunk to:

where the data is coming from Identify where the data is going to

Add timing and error checking information s Put the data on the network and send it on its way

Standard Protocols Needed

Network operating systems follow strict rules (protocols) to control how each of the previous tasks are accomplished. s Need for standard protocols so that software/hardware from different vendors could communicate

Standards Organizations

ANSIAmerican National Standards Institute


standards for electronics industry Represent US in setting international standards


EIAElectronics Industry Alliance



organization representing electronic firms across

IEEEInstitute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers


society of engineering professionals Promote development and education in engineering and computer science fields

Standards Organizations

ISOInternational Organization for Standardization


of organizations from 130 countries Establish international technological standards to facilitate global exchange of data

ITUInternational Telecommunication Union


Nations agency that regulates international telecommunications including radio and TV frequencies, satellite and telephone specifications, and networking infrastructure

OSI and 802 Models

s s

Two primary sets of standards Define rules for:


network devices communicate Methods used to determine when to send data Methods to ensure that data is received correctly How the network is cabled How the network maintains the flow of data How bits of data are represented

Open System Interconnection (OSI)

1977-78 International Organization for Standardization (ISO) began developing specifications for network communications s 1984 OSI model was released s International standard s Best known and most widely used guide to understanding network communications

802 Model

s s

Model published by the Institute for Electrical and Electronic Engineers, Inc. (IEEE) Project began in February 1980 (802) Predates OSI standard but developed in cooperation with OSI Defines aspects of networking related to physical cabling, connectivity, error checking, data transmission, encryption, and emerging technologies

The seven-layer OSI model


To help you remember the order of the layers


people seem to need data processing Please do not throw sausage pizza away

Relationship of OSI Layers


Each layer of the OSI model must communicate with the layer above and below it

example, the Presentation layer must communicate with the Application layer (one above) and the Session layer (one below)

As data passes down through the OSI layers, each layer (except Physical) adds some information to the

Relationship of OSI Layers

When data reaches the receiving computer, the information added by each layer of the OSI model is read and processed by the corresponding layer on the receiving computer s This is referred to as peer-layer communications

Relationships among OSI layers

Computer A Application Presentation Session Transport Network Data Link Physical
Virtual Communication

Computer B Application Presentation Session Transport Network Data Link Physical

Packet Creation Process

Data Data

Physical Layer
s s s

Responsible for transmitting bits from one computer to another Physical topology Network connection types

of pins on the network connector Passive and active hubs, terminators, cables, repeaters, transceivers, etc.

Defines the electrical details


encodingwhat represents 0 and 1 How data will be synchronized Baseband/broadband transmission

Data Link Layer

s s s

Accepts packets of data from Network layer and packages the data into data units called frames Adds information such as frame type and physical address Responsible for providing error-free transfer of data frames

Check Sequenceerror checking algorithm is added at the end of each frame so that receiving computer can detect damaged frames and request that frames be resent

Cyclic Redundancy Check (CRC)most commonly used algorithm

Data Link Layer


Intelligent hubs, bridges, and switches are addressed by the Data Link Layer Defines how media will be accessed Divided by 802 model into two sub-layers:

s s

Link Control (LLC) Media Access Control (MAC)

Project 802 Logical Link Control and Media Access Control sub-layers

Data Link Layer


Logical Link Control


error check algorithm (FCS) to verify that data is received correctly Ensures that the rate of transmission is appropriate for the receiving computer Provides the link between the Data Link layer and the Network layer

Data Link Layer


Media Access Control


the way multiple devices share the same media channel

s Defines

the method the NAC will use to determine when to send data


adapter card MAC (physical) address for network adapter cards provide unique identifier for each NAC

directly with the network

Network Layer
s s s s s

Responsible for addressing messages across networks Translates network logical addresses into physical machine addresses Breaks large segments into smaller packets Determines routing across networks Supports communications between logically separate networks

and gateways (devices that pass data from one network to another) operate in the Network layer

Transport Layer

s s s

Ensures data is delivered error-free in sequence and without duplication or loss Breaks large packets from the Session layer into segments to be sent to the receiving computer Adds sequencing information to segments Reassembles the segments into messages Sends acknowledgement to sending computer

Session Layer

Responsible for establishing and maintaining communications between two nodes on the network Allows applications on separate computers to share a connection (called a session) Provides data synchronization and checkpointing so that if there is a network failure only the data sent after the checkpoint must be resent Provides name recognition and security needed to allow two applications to communicate

Presentation Layer
s Translates

data between the format the network requires and the format the application expects s Responsible for encrypting data, changing or converting the character set and interpreting graphic commands s Manages data compression to reduce number of bits to be transmitted

Application Layer

Provides services to support user applications, such as file transfer, database access, and e-mail

a particular applicationbut services that are provided to applications

OSI Process
A p p f o r m f o r d r e q u e l i c a t i o n le v e l u l a t e s r e q u e s t a t a a n d s e n d s s t t o P r e s e n t a t i o n n P r e s e n t a t i o e n c y r p t s r e q u e a d d s a n y c o d e s r e p a s s e s r e q u e s

s e r

e q u

e s t s

a i l

l a y e

l a y e r s t ( i f n e c e s s a r y ) q u i r e d t o i m p l e m e t t o S e s s io n l a y e r r

n t

f o

r m

t t i n

S e s s i o n l a y e A d d s a c o n t r o l f r a i n d i c a t e s t h a t y o u h a p a s s e s d a t a t o T T r a n s p S u b d i v a d d s s e p a s s e s d a

m e t o d a t a t h a t v e t h e r i g h t t o t r a r a n s p o r t l a y e r

s m

i t

d a t a

o r t l a y e r i d e s d a t a q u e n c in g i n f o t a t o N e t w o r k


y e

N e t w o r k l a y e r d d n e t w o r k a d d r e s s e s a s s e s d a t a t o D a t a L i n k A D a c d d s p a s P a k F s t a L i n a g e s C S ; a e s t o

L a y e

k L a y e r d a t a i n t o f r a m e s d d s p h y s i c a l a d d r e s s e P h y s i c a l l a y e r

P h y s i c a l L a y e r l a c e s b it s o n t o t h e R

n e t w

o r k

e d i a e d b y o f o

a c h

e q u e s t f o r e - m a i l i s r e c e i v o n r e c e iv i n g c o m p u t e R e q u e s t i s p a s s e d u p t h e l a l a y e r r e a d , p r o c e s s e s a n d r e m o v

y e r s e s i n

Network Packets (Frames)

Small chunks of data and other information s Packet Structure
s Source

address s Destination address s Instructions that tell the computer how to pass the data along (routing) s Reassemble information
Data Trailer

containing error-check information

A simple data packet

Destination ID



Sender ID




Two Major Frame Types



technology developed in 1970 Most commonly used today Used in bus and star topologies

Token Ring

by IBM in 1980s Used in ring topology


MAC Addressphysical address burned onto NIC card


address for each NIC card produced in the world Consists of a Block ID and a Device ID
s Each

manufacturer has one or more Block IDs


to frame by Data Link LayerMAC sublayer


Network addresslogical address assigned to a network device that identifies the network that a device belongs

be assigned automatically when a computer is turned on

DHCP server provides IP (network) addresses to computers


be assigned manually so that address remains the same each time computer is turned on
Addresses for servers and printers are assigned manually so that other devices can always locate them

By: Deepak Kumar

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