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Culture Folktale Fairy tales Legend fable


Jaka Tarub was one of the ordinary people who got married with beautiful goddess, dewi nawangwulan. It was told in the story that young Jaka Tarub was a villager who liked to study reading Al Quran. He also liked you help his parents cultivating their rice fields.

When he grew up, he was very handsome. Everybody admired him. One day he got very serious ill. All of the villagers were very sorry about it especially Jaka Tarubs mother who was very anxious with his illness. Only is a few days Jaka Tarubs whole skin itched and got abscess and this made his face ugly.

All of the efforts had been done to cure him from his illness but they couldnt help him until there was a priest who told him to bath in the lake during the full moon for several times. Jaka tarub did what the priest ordered, and finally he recovered from his illness.

One day, when he was still in the lake, he met a beautiful Goddess, Dewi Nawangwulan, they fell in love each other. Finally they got married

1. What was Jaka tarubs occupation? a. Fisherman b.Farmer c. Priest d. Medicine man

2. The last paragraph talks about how Jaka tarub a. Found a wife b. Got sick c. Worked in the field d. Met the priest

3. Jaka Tarub became ugly because of a. The Goddess b. His adolescence c. His carelessness d. His illness

4. and finally he recovered from his illness The underlined word means got a. worse b. angry c. upset d. well

Question tag

Pengertian : Pernyataan penegasan untuk meminta penegasan atas pernyataan yang diberikan


Pola kalimat :
Statement Kal positif Statement Kal neg tag answer Negative positif tag positif answer negative


To Be : Is, am, Are, Was, Were

Modal : Can May Must Shall,

Will, Should, Would, Might, Could Kata Bantu : Do/does, Did Have/has

Contoh kalimat
You are a student, arent you? She cleans her room, doesnt she? We can go now, cant we? Mother will go soon, wont she? They didnt do it, did they?


1 Rio

: I think you know the man over there You have met him before , ? Mona : May be I forget. a. Dont you b. Didnt you c. Havent you d. Wont you


2. Dika : It is not fair, ? I didnt cheat in the test it was my friend. The teacher thought it was me and my friend just kept silent. Riri : oh thats too bad. a. is it b. isnt it c. was it d. wasnt it


3. Diaz : You didnt need a new pencil, ? Why do you buy it? Anya : No, I didnt I want to give it to my friend. a. Did you b. Didnt you c. Do you d. Dont you


4.Ridho : Look ! A kitten is falling in the river This little creature can swim, ? Meli : I am not sure, but we have to take it out from the water. It is too weak. a. Will it b. Wont it c. Can it d. Cant it


5. Ria : Finish the job in 5 minutes, ? Lili : Right.

a. Do you

b. Will you c. Wont you d. Must you


Ungkapan pujian
What a Thats very nice You look nice in that new dress What a super! It suits with your hairstyle You are looking good with your new hairstyle

Pola kalimat menggunakan what

What + Adjective + noun What a big animal it is What lovely jewelries they are What a beautiful girl they are What handsome boys they are


1. Nina : It is really beautiful dress. . Vina : Oh yeah. Thank you. a. Is it expensive? b. You look awful c. It doesnt suit with you d. You look great in it.


2. Vita : Look at this dress! I bought it in Singapore last holiday. Lina : Wow It must be expensive. a. How come b. Why do you buy it? c. What a super d. Thats terrible

3. Intan : What do you think of this new earrings. Susy : Wow I like the style. They are unique. a. What beautiful are they b. What are the earrings they are c. What beautiful earrings they are d. What are they beautiful.


4. Guide : this is the highest and the biggest building in this city. Tourist : This is the most remarkable building Ive ever seen a. what huge the building is b. what a huge building it is c. what it is s huge building d. What is it huge building


5. Fitri : Hey. This is for you a necklace. I bought it last weekend when I went to Pangandaran beach. Tria : You remember me. Thanks a lot a. What are you doing then? b. How beautiful she is? c. What a lovely necklace it is d. How are you doing?


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