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Raise your hands!

Who among you attends book fairs?

Who among you creates video presentations?

Who among you compiles brochures and posters?

To share the experience of establishing a digital IEC project; To share the triumphs and shortcomings of the project.

The National Center for Health Promotion (NCHP) was created under Executive Order (EO) 102. It develops plans, policies, programs, projects and strategies on health promotion, education, communication and social mobilization. Provides coordination, technical assistance, capacity building, consulting and advisory services related to health promotion, education, communication and social mobilization. Advices the Secretary of Health and the Undersecretary of Health on matters pertaining to health promotion, education, communication and social mobilization.

Vision Filipinos Practicing Healthy Behaviors

Mission A Center for Excellence in Health Promotion ensuring accurate, comprehensive evidence-based program development for health promotion policies, standards, facilities and packages to effect positive behavioral change.

Health Program Promotion Division

Health Communication Division

Develop directions, policies, standards, and guidelines pertaining to health promotion

Provide policy advice to partner agencies related to the health determinants
Provide technical assistance to Central Office cluster/bureau, CHDs and retained hospitals on health promotion Take the leadership in the implementation of national campaigns as determined by DOH management

Provide health promotion data to CO, CHDs, retained hospitals and other partners Develop, produce and provide IEC materials to CO, CHDs, retained hospitals and other partners Establish networks with partners especially those involved in peace, shelter, livelihood, education, food, income, eco-system, social relations, equity, poverty, social justice, empowerment of women and human rights.

Serves as a clearing house for all IEC materials on health. as per A.O. 58 s. 2001 dated November 8, 2001

INFORMATION: One-way delivery of messages, facts, statements without the verification of reception, comprehension, and acceptance.
EDUCATION: Instructive delivery of messages, facts, statements, generally including practical application through training/role-modelling, etc. with the verification of reception, comprehension, and acceptance. COMMUNICATION: Two-way exchange of opinions, attitudes, beliefs about messages, facts, statements with the verification of reception, comprehension, and acceptance.

IEC: Materials that increase public awareness; cognizant that different target audiences require different approaches, channels and tools in disseminating information (SNV, 2012).

IEC materials were formulated to send relevant messages to be disseminated in the community (Gupta, 2010).
IEC activities provide people the information they need to make informed choices about adopting and continuing healthy lifestyles.

IEC as defined by NCHP: tools used to transfer the knowledge to the target audience to assist promoting positive behaviors.

Collateral material: Ancillary material used to support and reinforce a media advertising campaign such as sales kits, technical specification sheets, presentation charts, news releases, letters, films, catalogs, booklets, trade show exhibits, point-of-purchase displays (see point-of-purchase advertising), and annual reports (Answers, 2012).

Giving accurate, clear, simple information. Delivering information through training, role modelling, etc. with the verification of reception, comprehension and acceptance. Listening and learning from clients as it imparts information to understand their values, attitudes, personal/family as well as community situations. Motivating people to take appropriate actions within the context of their personal life

NCHP Users Statistics - 2012

2001 users 228 days Average: 8 users / day Most users are nursing students followed by media practitioners.

Centers for health development (17) Attached agencies, partner agencies, GOs and NGOs (42) eg. National Nutrition Council, Bureau of Jail Management and Penology, etc. Total: 5, 975 copies distributed Health beat magazine Total: 10, 000 copies

People have a very high interest in health information (Kickbusch, 2008).

Information overload is often most prevalent in some of the simplest areas of our health.

Around 960 million people across the world are unable to read and write (Committee on Employment and Social Affairs, 2002). The National Statistics Office (NSO, 2012) revealed that 58 million out of the estimated 67 million Filipinos aged 10 to 64 years old are functionally literate, meaning they can read, write, compute, and comprehend.

Health literacy is a concept rooted in the field of general literacy. It refers to the capacity to make sound health decisions in the context of everyday life. For the average citizen, it is an essential life skill that provides a building block for health. A higher level of health literacy would impact on healthy life expectancy, improve disease management, and be a strong factor in the efficient and safe delivery of health care.

poorer overall health less informed about ways in which they can improve their health and less likely to make use of life-saving facilities such as screening programmes.

culture and society health system education system

Provide examples of the different kinds of IEC materials.

Enhancing of the NCHP Resource Center Including Training of Staff and Organization of the NCHP Collection (October 2008) General Objective: To design a system in the organization and management of NCHP Resource Center collections

provide a knowledge base for acquiring, defining and disseminating information/guidance on IEC materials, b) profile and train NCHP Resource Center personnel in the systematic resource management process, and c) facilitate the development and maintenance of all existing IEC collection of NCHP

The NCHP should first establish the following: a. creation of NCHP RC Vision, Mission and Objectives; b. identify its core collection by having a developed collection development policy; c. adapt resource center policies and procedures in terms of acquisition, processing, classification, indexing, lending, burning and distribution of NCHP collection.

3-year timeline January 2010 December 2012 Initial (Preparation) Digitization AV Room OPAC Station Implementation of GSDL Pre-testing Maintenance Archiving

Phase 1: Initial inventory of NCHP collection with priority given to IEC collection Phase 2: Organizing and storing the collection Phase 3: Assessment of Technical Competency of NCHP RC staff

IEC type Audio Bags Ballpen Bookmark Books Brochure Buttons Calendar Caps Comics CD Fans Flipchart Handbook


Info sheet
Leaflet Manual Mouse Pad Mug Pencil Pins Plaque/Trophies Postcard Poster


Souvenirs* Tarpaulin Tshirt (can be vest/ sando) Umbrella Video


Developed by Waikatu university (NewZealand) and supported by UNESCO and the Human Info NGO (Antwerp!) Adopted by UNESCO in 2005 for distribution Free and Open Source software (GNU GPL), running under both UNIX/Linux and Windows

Aims to empower users, particularly in universities, libraries, and other public service institutions to build their own digital libraries (to avoid being read-only societies) It is not a digital library but a tool for building digital libraries. software for building and distributing digital library collections.

Latest Distribution (v 2.85) Greenstone runs on all versions of Windows, and Unix/Linux, and Mac OS-X.

Reader interface and the Librarian interface End users access the digital library through the Reader interface, which operates within a web browser. The Librarian interface is a Java-based graphical user that makes it easy to gather material for a collection, enrich it by adding metadata, design the searching and browsing facilities that the collection will offer the user, and build and serve the collection.

No trained librarian to manage the resource center [before]. IEC physical material: No copyright dates No creators Lost accompanying materials --Important in indexing / supplying metadata

Stable internet connection Dedicated Server Local area connection Computers for searching NCHP Website / OPAC Storage facilities / museum for IEC and collaterals Preservation of physical and electronic materials.

The use of a [digital] library system will help promote the collection [born-digital / digitized] of a library. Making it publicly available through a website / OPAC will efficiently reach its target of providing all health information to all those who are in need without going to the RC.

Conference Theme "Special Libraries towards Achieving Dynamic, Strategic, and Responsible Working Environment " April 10-12, 2013 Philippine International Convention Center

Birhanu, Z. et. al. (2011). Assesment of production and distribution of printed Information Education Communication (IEC) materials in Ethiopia and utilization in the case of Jimma zone, Oromiya National Regional State: a cross sectional study. Ethiopia Journal of Health Science. Vol 21. Special Issue. DE SMET, E. (2009). The greenstone digital library software : an introduction. Kickbusch, I. (2008),"Health literacy: an essential skill for the twenty-first century", Health Education, Vol. 108 Iss: 2 pp. 101 104 Vacha Resource Center for Women and Girls. (2011). Review of IEC Material for General and Reproductive Health of Adolescent Girls A Report Yap, J. (2008). Enhancing of the NCHP Resource Center including training of staff and organization of the NCHP collection: Project Proposal

Thank you for listening!

Joseph Yap

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