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Patterns of nursing education

Presented by

Kevin B Judith B

Development of nursing education

Types of basic nursing education programs

New directions in nursing education

Development of nursing education

It has undergone significant developments since its inception more than 2 centuries ago. This is due to factors like; 1. Key persons 2. Societal needs 3. And civil wars

Early traditions in preparation of nurses

People have assumed the care giving role of nurse for thousand of years For many it was women or associated with religious command to serve and ease suffering Preparation of nurses followed an apprenticeship model Selfless dedication to others traced from religious underpinning religious orders

Florence Nightingales and the education of nurses

She came on scene in mid 19th century, Nsg had fallen, hospitals wretched, Nsg was an undesirable course occupation- for criminals and women with no other employment Nightingales then committed herself and established St Thomas school. -she was opposed by London's physicians as nurses were considered in the same place as house maids. She insisted, made 6 guiding principles for nurse preparation.

1. Nurses should be trained in educational institute supported by public funds and associated with a medical school 2. Schools for nurses should be affiliated with a hospital but not a part of it 3. Both theory and practice should be included in the curriculum. 4. Administration and instruction should be done by paid professional nurses 5. Students should be selected carefully &live in supervised areas that promote discipline and character 6. Students should be required to attend lectures, take exams, write papers, diaries and written student records should be maintained

Dr. Marie Zakrzewska opened an American school for scientific training of nurses in 1872, later 3 more schools closely after Nightingales by 1900 432 schools During this time, the military &religious heritage of nursing emerged fully as illustrated in the practice of wearing uniform, cap, badges and sleeve stripes, all of which were symbols of honor and status in military and religious orders. This transformed Nsg to an honourable, respected occupation

Types of basic nursing education

Baccalaureate degree Associate degree education All lead to RN licence

Diploma education
3 years duration, 1st diploma was in 1872. It was not costly and near homes. They were highly praised for expertise in direct care and thorough knowledge of hospital systems. However there was difficulty if required a baccalaureate or graduate degree was not recognised.

Baccalaureate degree
4 year duration in university or college Includes professional education and clinical training for nsg practice Primarily designed for students with no prior nsg experience. Provides re-entry for RNs that obtained basic education at diploma or associate degree Students may be admitted either as freshmen or after successful completion of 1 or 2 years of pre nursing e.g. chem., nutrition, math, history, communications etc

Associate degree education

Founded by Mildred Montag in 1951 and she described nursing technician who would be able to perform nsg function that were much more prescribed and narrower in scope. The need for this type of nurse on the nsg care team was seen important at that time due to 3 primary factors;

1. After WW II, there was a tremendous expansion in the hospital industry including private & public hospitals and the veterans administrative system 2. The number of diploma programs & graduates had levelled off 3. The number of baccalaureate nsg programs had not yet begun substantially. This created need for nurses and experiment started,after 2 years it was successful,91.7% passed SBE.

New directions of nursing education

Three of these new directions in nursing include: Critical thinking skills Leadership and management skills Use of nursing informatics.

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