Teaching Literature in The 21st Century: A Unit Plan On Suzanne Collins' The Hunger

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Teaching literature in the 21st century

A unit plan on Suzanne Collins' The Hunger Games to engage the "Avatar"

What will high schools look like?

Research based predictions

The average student will attend "Hybrid High School" Students with disciplinary issues will have online courses and be equipped with a personal "success coach." Alternative options include: in-person, private, all online, etc.


Electracy and Pedagogy

"In addition to generating new pedagogies by contrast with extant literate ones, electracy makes possible some new learning behaviors that do not have exact equivalents within literacy." http://www.clas.ufl.edu/users/glue/longman/ped agogy/electracy.html

My class
English I (9th grade) Will meet in person Tuesday and Thursday. Monday, Wednesday, and Friday will be online days where attendance/participation is required to receive credit Laptops/iPads will be given to each student. Student choice is #1 in classes, if they don't want to take English 1, there will be a different class to fulfill the requirement.

The Hunger Games: Why Teach it?

Engages students in discussing government Strong female character Dystopian society Connects well with an online community. Encourages outside reading (trilogy) Incorporates geography, math, literature, vocabulary, science, survival skills, etc. The movie is a wonderful adaptation It's a great book!


Archery Survival skills Probability Mapping out "Panem" Assignments o Quick writes o Analyzing Transitivity o Tracking character development through "fakebook" pages o Creating Spotify playlists

What would a Quick Write look like?

"The Reaping"
Imagine you are a child in District 12 during the reaping. What would you feel as you woke up that day? How would you feel waiting for a name to be called? When you realize you are not chosen, what do you feel? What do you feel for the citizens who ARE chosen? Utilizes TIPS (Think, Ink, Pair, Share) and becomes a great formative assessment.

Minecraft: Final Exam

How does Minecraft work for students?

Classroom created world Each student creates an avatar They will "act out" The Hunger Games Gameplay is what you make it minecraftedu.com

Introduce text and preassessment

QW/TIPS Probability, student selection

Entrance: Thoughts on FB profiles, discussion and QW/TIPS Share Biome reports in class. QW/TIPS

Facebook Accounts(in groups) Work on maps of Panem and writing to go with it In partners, combine Minecraft levels to create a new one.

QW/TIPS Archery survival skills

Finish Facebook accounts Begin constructing individual Minecraft levels Finish Partner Minecraft levels and share with teacher. Play Minecraft

Reading Peruse and comment on facebook accounts Biome Studies, influencing Minecraft level

Share maps and collaborate as a class, Transitivity Cooking with the elements QW/TIPS

Review classmates' Minecraft creations

Pick one level to play as a class, Create playlist on

Play Minecraft Entrance ticket: Discussion of playing

Why is this probable and important?

We won't always live in a "high-stakes testing" world. Ways of thought are changing at a rapid pace Schools and education need to keep up An online world will not replace personal interactions, but rather enhance the world we experience, particularly for students.

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