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Creating Rapport

By Rishabh Malhotra Btech civil 4th Sem.

Rapport is a term used to describe a relationship between people, such as friends, colleagues, or a therapist and client. Rapport is based on mutual like, trust, and respect. A rapport often develops naturally between people who have similar backgrounds, likes, and dislikes. Having a rapport may also be the goal of some relationships, such as between a salesperson and customer.

Whether in writing or in a speech, we must try to get the audience on our side if we want to persuade them of something. This can be done by:
appealing to the audience's reason appealing to audience's experiences appealing to the audience's emotions.

Appealing to the audience's reason

What is it about the language used by the Foundation for Biomedical Research that makes them seem reasonable? How does the image make the organisation's opponents seem?

Them and us
An effective means of building rapport with an audience is to suggest that only you and they have a reasonable argument, and/or others are unreasonable.

Your writing
Using a 'them and us' tone, try one of the following brief exercises:
Persuade an audience that smoking should be banned. Persuade an audience that corporal punishment should be brought back to schools. Persuade an audience that people should have to buy licences to keep a dog.

Use anecdotes
We can create rapport through the use of anecdotes that the reader or listener can relate to: we may describe an experience they have had or express a fear they share. In doing this, we can often employ the creative techniques found in personal writing, such as the use of imagery. How does this advert from PETA use anecdote to create a bond with the reader?

Your writing
Think about an anecdote from your experience and use it to:
persuade an audience that young people should be respected more in society persuade an audience that the quality of fast food should be improved persuade an audience that every child should have access to school trips.

Your writing
Think about what feelings you might wish to evoke in a reader about one of the following, and try a short piece of writing in which you attempt to:
persuade an audience that Scotland should be an independent country persuade an audience that murderers should be executed persuade an audience that violent video games should be banned.

Peer / self evaluation

Identify up to three ways in which the activities you have done in this lesson might improve your own writing.
Discuss these with a partner, and amend them if you wish.

Thank you .

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