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Intro Q $100 Q $200 Q $300 Q $400 Q $500 Personality Q $100 Goals Q $100 Learning Q $100 Mixed Q $100

Q $200
Q $300

Q $200
Q $300

Q $200
Q $300

Q $200
Q $300

Q $400
Q $500

Q $400
Q $500

Q $400
Q $500

Q $400
Q $500

Final Jeopardy

$100 Question from Introduction to Sport Psychology

What is one of the two sport psychology career specialties?

$100 Answer from Introduction to Sport Psychology

Clinical Sport Psychologists Educational Sport Psychologists

$200 Question from Introduction to Sport Psychology

Knowledge gained through experience working in exercise and sport science field situations is called?

$200 Answer from Introduction to Sport Psychology

Professional practice knowledge

$300 Question from Introduction to Sport Psychology

What is one of the four guidelines to test for scientific research?

$300 Answer from Introduction to Sport Psychology

Controlled Systematic Empirical Critical

$400 Question from Introduction to Sport Psychology DOUBLE JEOPARDY

When behavior is determined by the interaction of the environment and personal makeup of the performer it is an example of a what kind of orientation to the field of sport psychology?

$400 Answer from Introduction to Sport Psychology

Social-psychological orientation

$500 Question from Introduction to Sport Psychology

Research by Weinberg and Gould investigating sources of stress among successful and unsuccessful elite wrestlers is a good example of what type of orientation to sport psychology?

$500 Answer from Introduction to Sport Psychology

Cognitive-behavioral orientation

$100 Question from Personality and Sport

Situational effects on behavior are called?

$100 Answer from Personality and Sport


$200 Question from Personality and Sport

The trait approach to personality assumes that people?

$200 Answer from Personality and Sport

People behave similarly in different situations. Personality does not change much over time.

$300 Question from Personality and Sport

Trait anxiety refers to ________ anxiety, whereas state anxiety refers to ________ anxiety.

$300 Answer from Personality and Sport

General, momentary

$400 Question from Personality and Sport

Which approach to the study of personality considers the situation and person as co-determinants of behavior?

$400 Answer from Personality and Sport

Interactional Approach

$500 Question from Personality and Sport

What is one variable measured on the Profile of Mood States?

$500 Answer from Personality and Sport

Tension Anger Depression Vigor Fatigue Confusion

$100 Question from Goal Setting DOUBLE JEOPARDY

Which type of goal typically focuses on a competitive result of an event?

$100 Answer from Goal Setting

Outcome Goals

$200 Question from Goal Setting

Give one reason why goal setting works?

$200 Answer from Goal Setting

1. 2. 3. 4. Goals direct attention to important elements. Goals mobilize athlete efforts. Goals prolong athlete persistence. Goals foster the development of new learning strategies.

$300 Question from Goal Setting

What strategy must accompany the setting of goals?

$300 Answer from Goal Setting

Goal-achievement strategies

$400 Question from Goal Setting

The most frequent problem people in sport have when setting goals is?

$400 Answer from Goal Setting

Failing to set specific goals.

$500 Question from Goal Setting

Name one of the three basic stages of designing a goal setting system.

$500 Answer from Goal Setting

1. 2. 3. Preparation and planning Education and acquisition Implementation and follow-through

$100 Question from Learning

The use of rewards and punishment that increase or decrease the likelihood of a similar response occurring in the future.

$100 Answer from Learning


$200 Question from Learning DOUBLE JEOPARDY

During the initial stages of learning what type of reinforcement schedule should be used?

$200 Answer from Learning

Continuous reinforcement schedule

$300 Question from Learning

The attempt to structure the environment through the systematic use of reinforcement is called?

$300 Answer from Learning

Behavioral Coaching Behavioral Modification

$400 Question from Learning

Researchers suggest that ____% of the reinforcement should be positive?

$400 Answer from Learning

80% to 90%

$500 Question from Learning

Which theory states that any events that affect individuals perceptions of competence and feelings of self-determination will also affect their levels of intrinsic motivation?

$500 Answer from Learning

Cognitive Evaluation Theory

$100 Question from Mixed

Introduction, Personality, Goal Setting and Learning

A _____ involves an investigator observing or assessing factors without changing the environment in any way.

$100 Answer from Mixed

Introduction, Personality, Goal Setting and Learning


$200 Question from Mixed

Introduction, Personality, Goal Setting and Learning

Rewards that come from outside the athlete, such as the coach, are called?

$200 Answer from Mixed

Introduction, Personality, Goal Setting and Learning

Extrinsic Rewards

$300 Question from Mixed

Introduction, Personality, Goal Setting and Learning

Name one of the two kinds of feedback?

$300 Answer from Mixed

Introduction, Personality, Goal Setting and Learning

Motivational Feedback Instructional Feedback

$400 Question from Mixed

Introduction, Personality, Goal Setting and Learning

When an athlete is totally involved in an activity and on automatic pilot they are said to be experiencing _______?

$400 Answer from Mixed

Introduction, Personality, Goal Setting and Learning

Flow Optimal Energy Zone

$500 Question from Mixed

Introduction, Personality, Goal Setting and Learning

When goals influence performance indirectly by affecting an athletes psychological state, including such factors as confidence level, anxiety and satisfaction the concept or view is called?

$500 Answer from Mixed

Introduction, Personality, Goal Setting and Learning

Indirect Thought-Process View

Final Jeopardy
Your instructor listed her web page on the syllabus and she posted her resume in Blackboard. The publication page of her resume listed 24 different publications. Give two topics that she has published an article on?

Final Jeopardy Answer

Basketball Title IX Gender Equity Financial Issues in Athletics Performance Reward Alcohol Education in Athletics Stereotyping and Female Athletes Age and Sex Role Expectations in Sport Academics and Athletics

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