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War on Terror

Problem 15 War & Terrorism

Wan Ting | Pei Qi | Caleb | Mariah

Problem Analysis
Explain war and terrorism using the three sociological theories
Causes of war and terrorism Pursuing peace

Definition of War & Terrorism

War - A state of armed conflict between different nations or states or
different groups within a nation or state

Terrorism - The use of violence and intimidation in the pursuit of

political aims.

Types of Terrorism
Revolutionary Terrorism
Repressive Terrorism State-sponsored Terrorism

Criminal terrorism
Weapons of mass destruction (WMDS)

Causes of Terrorism
Rapid modernization.
Large-scale racial or ethnic discrimination. The presence of a charismatic leader.

Causes of War
Conflict over Land and Other Natural Resources
Conflict over Values and Ideologies Racial and Ethnic Hostilities


Sociological Theories

Increases employment
Activation of soldiers to go on war

Some countries go on war because they require materials that they

lack in their own country.
E.g. US invasion in Afghanistan discovery of $1 trillion wealth of untapped
minerals (essential to modern industries)

If a country were to lose a war, it will also affect the number of manpower and
resources lost as well. It will take years to rebuild a war-torn country. (damages suffered)

Dominance over natural resources
E.g. Water Conflict Columbia vs Nicaragua
Dispute between these two countries due to the unfair rights of their maritime
borders by a revolution.

Dominance of a military machine

It happens when a country wants to acquire the greatest power in the world by
owning powerful weapons. E.g. Nuclear Arms Race one of the causes of the Cold War in 1945

Symbolic Interactionism
The perceptions and experiences of people involved in war: soldiers,
civilians, and others.

The use of symbols to marshal support for war or protest against war. How concepts related to war and terrorism come to be defined in
ways that advance the goals of various parties.

Proposed Solutions (Terrorism)

Education!!! Understand the differences in cultures, religions, beliefs and
human behaviors Think of the peace, freedom and equality of all human beings, not just my group of people Eliminate the root of terrorism

Proposed Solutions (Terrorism)

Establish surveillance and monitoring system on terrorism attack Improve protective system for citizens

Proposed Solutions (War)

Pursuing Peace

Deterrence High-technology defense

Diplomacy & Disarmament

Negotiation Growing interlocking interests among the nations

Disarmament is the act of reducing, limiting, or abolishing weapons.

In the end, pursuing peace means ending poverty, hunger, war, and
illiteracy and promoting social justice for all people.

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