Barrier of Communication

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Each communication must be transmitted through an appropriate medium so an unsuitable medium is one of the biggest barriers of communication Eg : A salesman

has to submit a report on the comparitative sales figures of the last five years. If he write a lengthy paragraph incorporating the information , or talk on phone, he will fail to communicate anything

Noise: Noise in a factory, external disturbance in telecom facilities . The word noise is also used to refer to all kinds of physical interference like poor hand writing, bad photo- copies Time and distance : If telecom and network facilities are not available, people working in different shifts, faulty seating arrangements


Interpretation of words: most of the communication is carried on through words, but words are capable of communicating a variety of meanings.It is quite possible that the receiver of a message does not assign the same meaning as the transmitter had intended this may lead to miscommunication.

2.Bypassed instructions:. Bypassing is said to be occurred sender, and receiver of the message attribute different meanings to the same word or use different words for the same meaning
Eg: An office manager handed to a new assistant one letter with the instruction ,Take it to our stock room and burn it. In the office managers mind(and in the firms jargon) the word burn meant to make a copy on a company machine which operated by a heat process . As the letter was extremely important , she wanted an extra copy .however, the puzzled new employee , to ask questions , burned the letter with a lighted match and thus destroyed the existing copy.


and opinions: If an information agrees with our opinions and attitudes, we tend to receive it favourably but the information disagrees with out views we do not react favorably Eg: If a change in the policy of an organization proves advantages to an employee , he welcome it as good .if it affects him adversely he will reject it


If the sender is worried , exited or afraid or nervous, he will not organize his message properly. Closed mind: a person with closed mind is very difficult to communicate with..he is a man with deeply ingrained prejudices and he is not prepared to reconsider his opinions. Status consciousness: some cases persons are over conscious of our lower or higher rank and do not express our self candidly.

Eg: some times superiors will think that consulting their juniors would be compromising their dignity. In attentivenesss Faulty transmission. Poor retention. Unsolicited communication


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