Lesson 7 - Lesson/Session Planning

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PS / HRC Teaching Diploma

Lesson 7 Session / Lesson Planning

In todays session
We will Recap you understanding of Assessment methods and types. We will also start to look at DIFFERENTIATED session / lesson plans for your lessons, starting at your first beginner lesson. Putting the Emphasis on .

What is LEARNT rather than what is TAUGHT

Session / Lesson Plans

Are working documents that demonstrate careful planning of a learning session

Sessions should be well paced, varied, active, interesting, challenging and logically structured

Session / Lesson Plans

Provide information about:
Learning aims/objectives

Topics and timings

Teaching and learning methods, activities and resources Assessment methods Embedding functional skills, E & D, H & S

Activity 1
Start to prepare for your first beginner's lesson by jotting down the topic/subject for your session on the planning template

Aims and Objectives

Learning aims
Broad ranging, general statement of teachers intent
To become familiar with the layout of the instrument

Learning outcomes/objectives
Expressed in terms of the learners performance Specific, measurable, clear and precise
To hold the drums sticks correctly and perform a warm up exercise using all of the drum kit.

Designing learning outcomes

Work out exactly what you want the learners to be able to do by the end of each session Use plain English. The language in the specifications may be offputting and jargonistic. Use a language to match the language skills of your learners and keep the sentences short. Only write learning objectives that can be assessed it must be possible to check whether a learning objective has been achieved

Do not confuse learning outcomes with learning activities or tasks

Avoid know and understand
Adapted from The Lecturers Toolkit 2nd edition, Ed Phil Race, Kagan Page, London 2001

S.M.A.R.T Targets





Blooms Taxonomy
Classification of Learning Objectives

3 Domains
Cognitive (Head) Affective (Heart) Psychomotor (Hands)

Our role as teachers is move our learners along this classification from Knowledge to Application.

Cognitive Demand
Knowledge Comprehension Application Analysis Synthesis Evaluation

Cognitive Demand
Knowledge Comprehension Application Analysis Synthesis Evaluation List, Recognise, Select, Reproduce, Draw Explain, Describe, Give reasons for, Identify Use, Apply, Construct, Solve, Select Break Down, List component parts, compare Summarise, Generalise, Argue, Create, Design Judge, Evaluate, Give Arguments, Criticise

Activity 2 Jack and Jill


Analysis Application

Knowledge Who went up the hill?

Activity 2 Jack and Jill


Analysis Application


Explain which part of Jacks body was injured.

Activity 2 Jack and Jill


Analysis Application Why did Jack fall down instead of up?


Activity 2 Jack and Jill


Analysis Application Explain the series of events that might have led to Jacks fall.


Activity 2 Jack and Jill


Analysis Application

What might have happened if Jack and Jill made it down safely with the water?


Activity 2 Jack and Jill


Analysis Application

Should Jack and Jill be allowed a second chance to fetch a pail of water?


20 Mins

Tell them what youre going to tell them, tell them, then tell them what youve told them!

Possible Lesson Structure

1. 2. 3. Starter activity Review of previous learning Objectives

5. 6.

Apply Review and reflect

8. 9.

Repeat 4 7
Plenary Looking forward

Formative and Summative Assessments for Instrumental lessons

Break down a graded exam into bite-sized chunks

Get learners used to performing in front of others.

Make exams a game and teach them how to play the game

Graded exams
Some questions
Why do them? Do we need them?

When to do them? Who do we REALLY do them for?

Round-up, Re-cap and Check of learning.

In the Arts (Instrumental teaching) this is a larger part of the lesson than other subjects what to practice!!

This could be your exit strategy!!!!

Our Plenary for today

Session / Lesson Plans should include : Lesson Aims

Objectives and Outcomes

Details of you activity during the learning Details of the learners activities A List of the resources that you will need. And information on the assessments (types and methods) you intend to use.

Next week
Follow on lesson plans Schemes of Work (SoW)

Summative Assessment (Graded Exams)

Introduction on Small Business Practice.

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