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Supervision: Then, Now, and the Future

Electronic Presentation through the Kolb Learning Cycle

Supervision: Then, Now and The Future

Beth Jones Instructor Dr. Denise Low-Weso BBA 310 10 March 2013


Introduction Concrete Experience Reflective Observation Abstract Conceptualization Active Experimentation Summary Works Cited


Share supervision experience College credit for class

Kolb Learning Cycle

Model used for paper Assimilating learning style

The Course Information

Course: Principles of Supervision (BSAD 109) Basic supervisory responsibilities as applied to hiring, training and directing a work force. Human relations, performance evaluation, grievance handling, and dealing with employee problems.

Kolb Learning Cycle

Active Experimentation Doing something different

Concrete Experience What has been done

Abstract Conceptualization Experience supported by research

Reflective Observation Thoughts and feelings

Concrete Experience

United States Air Force

Electronic Maintenance Team Lead Electronics Laboratory Supervisor Plans and Scheduling Supervisor


Supervisor for small workcenter in Electronics Laboratory and Plans & Scheduling Developed a military leadership style Relied heavily on documentation and regulations Average subordinate was respectful and committed

Concrete Experience

Human Resources Assistant Food Services Team Lead

Target Store

Human Resources position dealt with employee benefits, scheduling, interviewing, and hiring Many challenges due to lack of organizational structure Average subordinate was shortterm and preferred individuality

Concrete Experience

Hollywood Casino
Environmental Services Supervisor Environmental Services Manager

Hollywood Casino

Diversity of team members Training and accountability were emphasized while allowing flexibility for compassion Formal feedback was scheduled monthly, and occurred informally on a regular basis Promoted to manager

Thoughts on Air Force Experiences

Military set leadership style Respect came natural Documentation is important

Thoughts on Target Experiences

Mentorship is needed, even for supervisors Without structure and discipline. A team will fall apart Human Resources can offer a lot of beneficial information

Thoughts on Casino Experience

There needs to be a balance between accountability and compassion Quality communication with team members is crucial to an effective organization

Do you listen or talk?

Abstract Conceptualization

Daily Interactions
Verbal and non-verbal communication Listening skills Prosocial behavior

Feedback Time!

Abstract Conceptualization

Timely Positive feedback Future based constructive criticism with goals Assist in coping with negative feedback Quality communication process

Appraisal Fear?

Abstract Conceptualization

Appraisal Process
Benefits the company Does not benefit the team members needs Continual feedback prior to remove any surprises Fairness and consistency structured into process

Communicating Forward.

Active Experimentation

Feedback Example - Timothy

Set stage for supporting the team member Used open ended questions Listened more than spoke Goals were set by employee Plan was made Feedback process was setup

Active Experimentation

Manager Feedback to Supervisor - Mahlet

Shared information and let her make plan Observed feedback session with hourly team member Gave feedback

Needed to truly listen to the question Great opening questions Good followup


Supervision has many tasks Leadership style comes through experience Communication is involved in each process Quality communication is key Practice new skills


Contact Beth Jones (816) 500-9393

Works Cited

Kolb, David. Kolb Learning Style Inventory. Version 3.1. Hay Group, 2007. 5-10. Print.

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