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ECE Research and Presentation

Nico Botones EMCA2

Brief description:

are many subcategories to VPDs, along with their difficulties:

Visual discrimination:

Seeing the difference between two similar letters, shapes or objects


figured-ground discrimination:

Seeing an image within a competing background

Visual sequencing:

Reversing or misreading letters, numbers and words

Visual motor process:

Writing within lines or margins of a piece of paper Moving around w/o bumping into things

Visual memory:

Remembering the spelling of familiar words with irregular spelling

Visual closure:

Identifying a word with a letter missing

Spatial relationship:

Getting from one place to another


to visually recognize things that are familiar to them, but they are able to recognize things with their other senses.
A student would be

unable to recognize letters and numbers in the means of learning. Which will sometimes frustrate the students learning process.


may have difficulty performing minor motor skills.

People can come across as clumsy and may look like theyre bumping onto and missing aim towards objects


thought will hinder the students ability to perform learning tasks such as working on computers or simply working on penmanship skills

Teaching strategies:

reading, one might need to create texts with larger and readable fonts with words having to be spaced out.
With the persons other

senses still working properly, one could use a tape recorder or an audio book to help the reader or the instructed to know what to work on. Oral teaching is the best way to help the students.
For the younger students,

color coded instructions would be a great alternative.

"Visual Processing Disorders: In Detail | LD Topics | LD OnLine." LD OnLine: The World's Leading Website on Learning Disabilities and ADHD. Ed. National Center for Learning Disabilities. LD Online, 2003. Web. 14 Oct. 2011. <>.

"Visual and Auditory Processing Disorders | LD Topics | LD OnLine." LD OnLine: The World's Leading Website on Learning Disabilities and ADHD. Ed. National Center for Learning Disabilities. LD Online, 2003. Web. 14 Oct. 2011. <>.

Staff, NCLD-Editorial. "Visual Processing Disorders." Home. 6 Mar. 2009. Web. 14 Oct. 2011. <>.

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