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Recreational SCUBA Diving

Presented by Fatima Daniels



Topics of Discussion
SCUBA Its meaning and history Equipment How to dive/types of dives After you learn, what then? Health and safety Dive sites and statistics Summary

What Does it Mean? History?

SCUBA Self Contained Underwater Breathing Aparatus Long history dating back from 332 BC Modern fins, mask and snorkel tubes were developed by fishermen from America, Russia, France and England in the 1920s and 1930s

History continued
Recreational SCUBA Diving began between 1942 - 1943, after Emile Gagnan and Captain Hacques Yves Cousteau developed the self-contained Aqua-Lung and new regulator that was automatic. Cousteau took many successful, experimental dives with his friends, wife and two sons, making this an experimental family trip and experience.


Mask- Device covering eyes and nose, allowing you to see underwater

Fins Device put on the feet to extend the kicking motion underwater.

Equipment continued

BCD or BC (Buoyancy compensator device) Device/jacket that controls buoyancy up or down

Regulator Device that delivers air to you on demand at reduced pressure

Equipment continued

Pressure gauge (SPGSubmersible Pressure Gauge) Device that tells diver how much air they have left

Weights Lead weights used to weigh down divers for depth decent

Equipment continued

Body suit Warm Snorkel Device used temperature suit that to breath air close to protects the body or on the surface of the against abrasions and water stings

Equipment continued

Wet suit Insulated suit used to keep the body temperature in

Dry suit Used to keep the diver dry and warm in colder temperatures

Equipment continued





Air cylinder Light Or tank



Recommended diving apparel

Temperature High 80s What to wear - A Lycra body suit, a shorty, or a dive jacket (the top of a twopiece suit) - A shorty, a dive jacket, or a fulllength, one-piece, 3mm wet suit - A 3mm one-piece jumpsuit, or a two-piece wet suit - A 5mm full-length wetsuit, a twopiece wetsuit, or a dry suit with light weight insulating garments - A 7mm full-length two-piece wetsuit with gloves and hood, or a dry suit with insulating garments - A dry suit with insulating garments, hood, gloves or mitts, and possibly face mask

80 - 90 F 75 - 80F 70 - 80F

50 - 70F

Below 50F

How to dive/types of dives

Types of dives Boat, shore, pier How to enter the water if on shore, walk into the water without fins, then put them on in the water - If entering rough water, put fins on and walk in backwards 1. 2. 3. 4. If on a boat or pier Giant Stride Backward roll Controlled Seated entry Group entry

How to dive/types of dives continued

Decent Travel under water Hand signals Ascent

Other types of dives Seawater, Freshwater, Wreck, Cave, Night, Drift and Ice

Health and Safety the hazards of diving

How soon to fly after diving old vs. new philisophy DCS Epidermal or cutaneous, muscular, joint and limb pain and neuroligical Hypothermia Hyperthermia Cramps Overexertion Nitrogen Narcosis Overexertion Nitrogen Narcosis Carbon monoxide poisoning Gastrointestinal barotrauma Heart problems Ear infections Nosebleeds Breathing problems Dehydration Diving while pregnant

Dive sites
Worldwide: Papua, New Guines, Egyption Red Sea, Galapagos Islands, Equador, Great Barrier Reef, Australia, The Maldives, India, Great White Wall, Fiji, Bunhaken Island, Indonesia, Blue Corner, Palau and the Caribbean United States: The Hawaiian Islands, Florida Keys, Catalina Island, California and many oceans, rivers, lakes and quarrys

8.5 million certified SCUBA divers in the U.S., and 14.5 to 15.5 million divers worldwide Top 6 states for SCUBA certification: Florida, California, Hawaii, Texas, Illinois and New York

SCUBA Its meaning and history Equipment How to dive/types of dives After you learn, what then? Dive sites and statistics Health and safety

Web sites for SCUBA access, research and resources

PADI (Professional Association of Diving Instructors) DAN (Divers Alert Network) NAUI (National Association of Underwater Instructors) The Ultimate SCUBA source About SCUBA diving - Joe Diver America -

Sogo forth and explore where very few have gone before!!

Who What Equipment Where Location! Location! Location! How Round up the followers! When The time is nigh! Why -

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