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Role of HR Manager

Sunandha Parnabi Nayana Archit Anant Ravi

HR department deals with

management of people within the organization. Responsibilities include hiring members of staff. Keeping them in their positions Ensure they perform to expectation.

What is the fundamental role of the HR department

The company notifies the public about

vacancies. Selects applicants who fall within their minimum requirements and are invited for interview. Those who do extremely well are further interviewed or retained and the others are eliminated. Evaluation of ability and competency of employees is done to meet company needs.

What does the HR department do to motivate its employees?

Evaluate performance and reward

those who have done well. Compensation packages are provided:

Holiday offers Bonuses Awards Salary increments

Training and Development

Determine the current skills of the individual employees by

analyzing the reports and requirements. The employees are sent for appropriate trainings so that the technical and other skills match the job requirements.

Provide good working conditions

The HR manager addresses the needs of the employees regarding

the working conditions. These include drinking water facilities, bath-room facilities, hygienic environment, good lighting, safety of employees. etc

Performance appraisal
The HR communicate the criteria for the appraisal clear to the

employees. Take care of the initiation of the appraisal process for the employees. Involves assessment of the actual performance of an employee against what is expected of him/her. Acts as a basis for awarding promotions, pay hikes and evaluating the current skills of the employee for training and other purposes.

Welfare Activities
Activities relating to the physical and social well-being of the

employees and their families. Include facilities like Crche, Medical facilities, employee counseling, medical insurance, education of children,etc.

Employee Engagement
Involves activities for employees and team engagement. The weekly games organized in offices, birthday parties

organized, family day, ethnic day celebrations, cultural day and celebration of festivals in the offices etc,

HR Delivery Agenda

In case of a widespread organisation, HR visit calendar to all locations is made and followed Executing Employee Engagement initiatives to keep people together and make the workplace exciting, rewarding and engaging Drive an effective Learning and development agenda that impacts the employees and the businesses Evaluate and Improvise the current HR Practices to keep with time and external benchmarks


Keeping and updated Employee Handbook with all relevant details and information Design, update and share SOPs of all HR processes Update HR policies in line with the business and organisation requirement Conduct periodical employee surveys to collate insights @ workplace and in turn design employee interventions accordingly to address concern areas Support and counsel business managers to effectively manage teams to ensure higher employee productivity

Industrial relations
Negotiating with unions

Dispute resolution industrial action collective

action the management of these events with the least damage to the business Dispute resolution individuals' issues and problems can involve EEO and other legally sensitive matters Answering industrial relations queries from management and employees.

Strategic role in the business

Strategic role advising top level management a broad

brief variable depending on how the business perceives the role of HR Management development , succession planning, leadership development, organizational design Organizational development and redesign Planning on various levels workforce, departmental, unit, individual a variable often determined by how the individual professional approaches the HR role Strategic planning a general call integrating HR role into the company's business

Termination of employment
Managing termination of employment at all stages from

the commencement of employment to its end Retrenchments both the collective issues and individuals' issues Post-employment responsibilities re employees issues such as references must be managed properly

Rules and culture

Policies and procedures cut across all areas of employee

involvement they should be consistently reviewed Creating a culture of EEO(Equal Employment Opportunity) Creating a culture of OHS(occupational health and safety) Occupational Health and Safety and EEO policies and procedures both a legal and good governance imperative OHS and EEO reporting and training necessary elements of the total picture

Analysis and reporting

Records and statistics relevant information on the

provision of labor and the many aspects of that good information is important in making good decisions Benchmarking re employee performance business needs to know what are the goals Benchmarking business re employee management HR should test its own performance Forecasting and predicting re staff and business issues being ahead of competitors leads to success

Talent Management
Innovation and productivity depends on talent of

employees of a company. Identify the critical roles and workforces for the company.
Individual talent recognition. New recruiting sources in each country. Reallocate budget to critical workforces.

Innovation as a process which is based on people.

Hire the talent who can produce new

products,services,clients,proactive etc.
Culture and leaders should promote the innovation. Incentives to make an extra effort to innovate.

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