Search Engine Optimization

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SEMINAR ON Search Engine Optimization

Presented By Ritiz Pandey B.Tech 3rd Year (Group:B) Roll No:1002810066

(Approved by AICTE and affiliated to Mahamaya Technical University, Noida U.P.)

Search Engine Optimization

13 March 2013

What is Search engine? Example of Popular search engines. How Search engines work? Web Crawling Building the index Building a search Search engine statistics Introduction to Search Engine Optimization(SEO) Why search engine optimization important? White Hat Search Engine Optimization techniques Black Hat Search Engine Optimization techniques Search Engine Optimization obstacles
Search Engine Optimization

13 March 2013

What is Search Engine?

An internet-based tool that searches an index of documents for a particular term, phrase or text specified by the user. Commonly used to refer to large web-based search engines that search through billions of pages on the internet.

Common Characteristics: Spider, Indexer, Database, Algorithm. Find matching documents and display them according to relevance. Frequent updates to documents searched and ranking algorithm. Strive to produce better, more relevant results than competitors.

Search Engine Optimization

13 March 2013

Example of Popular Search Engines

Fig 1:Search Engines

Search Engine Optimization

13 March 2013

How Search Engines Work?

Spider crawls the web to find new documents (web pages, other documents)
typically by following hyperlinks from websites already in their database.

Search engines indexes the content (text, code) in these documents by adding
it to their databases and then periodically updates this content.

Search engines search their own databases when a user enters in a search to
find related documents (not searching web pages in real-time).


engines rank the resulting documents using an algorithm (mathematical formula) by assigning various weights and ranking factors.

Search Engine Optimization

13 March 2013

Fig 2:Working of Search Engine

Search Engine Optimization

13 March 2013

Web Crawling
To find information on the hundreds of millions of Web pages that exist, a
search engine employs special software robots, called spiders, to build lists of the words found on Web sites. When a spider is building its lists, the process is called Web crawling. Spiders usual starting points are lists of heavily used servers and very popular pages. The spider will begin with a popular site, indexing the words on its pages and following every link found within the site. When the Google spider looked at an HTML page, it took note of two things: The words within the page Where the words were found Words occurring in the title, subtitles, meta tags and other positions of relative importance were noted for special consideration during a subsequent user search.
Search Engine Optimization

13 March 2013

Fig 3:Web Crawler

Search Engine Optimization

13 March 2013

Building The Index

are two key components involved in making the gathered data accessible to users:

The information stored with the data The method by which the information is indexed Most search engines store word and URL along with
that the word appears on a page.

the number of times


engine might assign a weight to each entry, with increasing values assigned to words as they appear near the top of the document, in subheadings, in links, in the meta tags or in the title of the page. as possible. There are quite a few ways for an index to be built, but one of the most effective ways is to build a hash table.

An index has a single purpose: It allows information to be found as quickly Regardless

of the precise combination of additional pieces of information stored by a search engine, the data will be encoded to save storage space.
13 March 2013

Search Engine Optimization

Building A Search
Searching through an index involves a user building a query and submitting it
through the search engine. The query can be quite simple, a single word at minimum.


a more complex query requires the use of Boolean operators that allow you to refine and extend the terms of the search.

The Boolean operators most often seen are:

AND - All the terms joined by "AND" must appear in the pages or documents. Some search engines substitute the operator "+" for the word AND.
OR - At least one of the terms joined by "OR" must appear in the pages or documents. NOT - The term or terms following "NOT" must not appear in the pages or documents. Some search engines substitute the operator "-" for the word NOT.

Search Engine Optimization


13 March 2013

FOLLOWED BY - One of the terms must be directly followed by the other. NEAR - One of the terms must be within a specified number of words of the other.

Quotation Marks - The words between the quotation marks are treated as a phrase, and that phrase must be found within the document or file.

Search Engine Optimization


13 March 2013

Search Engine Statistics





Google Bing Yahoo Ask Network AOL

Fig 4:Statistics of various Search Engines usage

Search Engine Optimization


13 March 2013

Introduction To Search Engine Optimization

SEO = Search Engine Optimization Refers to the process of optimizing
both the on-page and off-page ranking factors in order to achieve high search engine rankings for targeted search terms. searching as means of increasing relevant traffic to a website.

Refers to the industry that has been created regarding using keyword
There are two types of Search engine optimization techniques: White Hat Search engine optimization Black Hat Search engine optimization

Search Engine Optimization


13 March 2013

Why Search Engine Optimization Important?

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is the key tool for the website owners to
get more traffic to the website.


plays a crucial role in online business websites as well as other interactive sites.


on the specific keywords SEO can generate good traffic and ultimately affect the revenue for e-commerce site.

90% of all users dont look past the first 30 results (most only view top 10). Cost-effective advertising.

Search Engine Optimization


13 March 2013

White Hat Search Engine Optimization Techniques

Search engines categorize Web pages based on keywords -- important terms
that are relevant to the content of the page. Here are some general tips about keyword placement: One place you should definitely include keywords is in the title of your Web page. Another good place to use keywords is in headers. If your page has several sections, consider using header tags and include important keywords in them. Use important keywords throughout the Web page, particularly at the top, but it's possible to overuse keywords. Most automated search engines use link analysis o determine the quality of a Web page. Link analysis means the search engine looks to see how many other Web pages link to the page in question.
Search Engine Optimization


13 March 2013

Black Hat Search Engine Optimization Techniques

stuffing, which skews search engine results by overusing keywords on the page. webmasters will put repeated keywords toward the bottom of the page where most visitors won't see them. They can also use invisible text, text with a color matching the page's background.


stuffing also cheats people out of a fair search engine experience. Webmasters first create a Web page that appears high up on a SERP. Then, the webmaster duplicates the page in the hopes that both pages will make the top results.
many search engines look at links to determine a Web page's relevancy, some webmasters buy links from other sites to boost a page's rank.

Selling and farming links are popular black hat SEO techniques. Because

Search Engine Optimization


13 March 2013

Search Engine Optimization Obstacles

The biggest challenge in SEO approaches is finding a content balance that
satisfies both the visitors to the Web page and search engine spiders.

site that's entertaining to users might not merit a blip on a search engine's radar. A site that's optimized for search engines may come across as dry and uninteresting to users. and video content when indexing a site. For sites that use a lot of media files to convey information, this is a big problem. webmasters use an SEO consultant.

Most search engines skip over image

Optimizing a site isn't always straightforward or easy, which is why some

Search Engine Optimization


13 March 2013

With the development of internet and the enrichment of network resources, the role of search engine will also be increasing . Search engine optimization , as a kind of website optimization technique which can promote web sites ranking in the search engine , also will get more attention . Moreover , from the perspective of the development of search engine optimization , though there ate SEO cheatings , but the initiative of industry words basically master in the hands of SEO. There are still some drawbacks in current search engine optimization techniques which should be removed , so as to make search engine work more efficiently and correctly.

Search Engine Optimization


13 March 2013

[1] [2] [3] [4].Search Engine Optimization For DUMMIES (2nd.Edition)

Search Engine Optimization


13 March 2013


Search Engine Optimization


13 March 2013

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