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Before and After the Industrial Revolution

By: Sandra Moua

Transportation Before
The 19th Century: In the first half of the century most inventors thought of new ways to make transportation both new and old. They built many different kinds of transportations: Electric motors and internal combustion engines powered boats, trolleys, trains, automobiles and airplanes. Transportation then used coal, oil, steam engine, and electric motors to run. People traveled by canal or train back then. The early 20th Century: It was computers that transformed transportation in the late 20th century. In cars, they controlled the transmission, temperature and even helped drivers apply the brakes. They helped control trains and urban mass transit systems. Radar and new navigational technologies made ship travel safer. Dispatchers managed more trucks with increased efficiency. Computers hooked into satellite systems kept track of every barge, every train, every truck-and even every package in the system.

Transportation Now
Transportation in America now is the same as the 19th and 20th centuries because we still have planes, cars, and trains to go places. But we have advanced on transportation. Newer cars, trains, and planes. Cars- these days cars have air conditioning, heat adjustments, comfortable seats, moving seats, bigger, TV screen, turn controls, etc. all different kinds of cars. Planes- these days planes have changed. Before in the 19th and 20th century planes were only for one seat flyers. Now theyre used for many people going places. They have TVs, food, air bags, etc. all different kinds of planes. Trains- trains in America have not really changed beside they can take people around and deliver items. But trains now have comfortable seats and food diners. All different kinds of trains.

Sanitation Before
The 19th Century: The sewer system in the 19th century was really bad because of the incoming immigration people. Many people would live in houses with many other people and the sewer system would clog up with human waste which caused diseases. The early 20th Century: The sewer system in the early 20th century went better because America built more houses and they had people to take care of the sewer system. Not that many diseases and not that many sicknesses from human waste.

Sanitation Now
The sewer system now is the same in the 20th century. More people made more housings and now we have an advance in our sewer systems because we now have people to take care of the system and we have filters to keep our waters clean and we have toilet, sinks, and showers to keep us clean. We have to clean every now and then but we dont have that many diseases now.

Communication Before
The 19th Century: Before the invention of electromagnetic telephones, there were mechanical devices for transmitting spoken words over a greater distance that normal speech. Many people used different ways to talk to each other like: the telephone, codes, cans, etc. The early 20th Century: The greatest invention in the 20th century was the telephone. The inventors improved on the telephone since the 19th century and now the telephone in a cell phone and a home phone.

Communication Now
The communication now in America is more advance then the 19th and 20th centuries because many people do not use the home phone. They now have more advance cell phones (hand phones) to talk to people. The cell phone has advance far more then ever because of the many things it has like: it can text other, call others, take pictures, edit pictures, blog others, pay for things online, find items online, they have touch screen, speaker phone, save phone numbers, play and download games, ring tones, shows time, plays music, etc. they are still making advances further in the cell phone and home phone. And now America is making new technology for the future.

Food Before
The 19th Century: back then ice harvesting was a big deal in keeping food cold. The ice kept the food cold and saved them until they needed to be eaten. Ice was used to keep fish cold. They used dug outs, straw, and icehouses to keep food cold as well. The early 20th Century: Preserving food has not always been easy. Centuries ago, people gathered ice from streams and ponds and did their best to store it year-round in icehouses and cellars, so they had a ready supply to keep their food cold. The first electric refrigerator was design to keep food cold indoors.

Food Now
Food today is stored in refrigerators and freezes. Refrigerators and freezes keep foods cold and today we have also made microwaves to heat our food up, stoves to boil and cook food together. When we want our foods to be stored instead of throwing them away we keep them in the refrigerator, when we want our food cooked we use the oven or stove, and when we want our food to be heated we use the microwave. We also came up with different ways to create different kinds of food as well.

Housing Before
The 19th Century: before housing in America was difficult because of the incoming immigrates. Everyone had to live in houses and so many families fit into one house it caused sickness because of the human waste in the sewer system. The early 20th Century: the 20th century housing was different then the 19th century homes. The people built more homes for others to live in and the sewer system was more cleaner. The houses could fit more people and also keep them clean from their human waste.

Housing Now
The housing now in the present of America is different. Now we have more room for families to live in. We have comfortable beds to sleep in, sinks to wash our hands, bathrooms, showers, electricity for electronics, and now we can cook food in any way. Housing for multiple people has changed as well, instead of 50 families crammed into one room we have now built separate small rooms on different floors to house small families; they are called apartments.

Medicine Before
The 19th Century: In the 19th Century medicine was hardly a subject to study about. Even through many people were sick with diseases not many doctors could find a cure for them. The early 20th Century: In the 20th Century because of the technology developed the people made antibiotics to counter the incoming diseases. Many people got better but more diseases developed and people started to develop more cures.

Medicine Now
Medicine in America has changed drastically. Many people are now doctors that help remove the disease or cure it. We now have hospitals to care for the sick and nurses to help doctors out with the patient. We also have pills for different kinds of sickness like: headaches, cuts/scabs/wounds, a cold, cough, aches, stomach aches, and more. The anti-biotics developed now are more helpful in many ways now then in the 19 th or 20th century. But we also have more diseases developing like different kinds of cancer, whooping cough, etc. But because we have doctors and scientists we are coming up with more cures.

Jobs Before (For Women)

The 19th Century: Women in the 19th century did nothing but take orders from men. Girls received less education then boys. Back then a womens job was to marry and reproduce. All they did was stay at home and do chores or watch their children. Women were very unhappy and started a womens right group. The early 20th Century: The rights and status of women greatly improved in the 20th century. More occupations were open to women: policewomen, lawyers, vets and civil servants as well. In the late 20th century the number of women in managerial and other highly paid jobs greatly increased.

Jobs Now (For Women)

Throughout most of history women generally have had fewer legal rights and career opportunities than men. Wifehood and motherhood were regarded as women's most significant professions. In the 20th century, however, women in most nations won the right to vote and increased their educational and job opportunities. Perhaps most important, they fought for and to a large degree accomplished a reevaluation of traditional views of their role in society. Today women have more rights equal to men and are paid the same amount at any kind of work. Women now have jobs all over: vet, doctor, policewomen, writer, business worker, they can own a company, teacher, etc. Women now are given the same education as men as well and are hard workers everyday.


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